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What is Love?

What is love? Love is defined in many ways; others may say it as this “love can
be felt and see through our actions and words”, upon searching in the internet, love is
defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. But today we are going to do an in
depth understanding and study of love. Love is one of the greatest virtue or gifts that
God given to us, in the sense we all have it, and no man in this world is exempted to
love and be love.
In the in depth attention to love, it has many forms, that is intertwined with
other virtues and values, I called this forms as “Hidden Love”, hidden because it is
unconsciously and unintentional, we act upon it with out knowing it, and this are the
forms; Love is selfless, being selfless is due to the love you have, this love is the top of
the forms, because it is develop secretly to a person, it is out of the blue, grow to us
unknowingly and it will consume the person life to until to his/hers death, it changes
the person to the extent of giving his/hers life. the Love is life, our love of life is the act
we do every day, we love life because we treasure it, we treasure it of the people who
love us, loving life is treasuring ourself and the people around us, that’s why love is
life. Love is patience, patience is the enduring and understanding, patience become
love due to the selflessness of the act, some of its good examples are, waiting for the
yes of the girl you like and praying. Love is poor, not in the sense of its quality but in
the sense, it is simple and with humility, simple to its wants and acts, it does not want
to be in the spotlight or to be extravagant, rather it is in the corner happily savoring
the things he/she have, it lowers itself because it is selfless. Love is enduring, love is
enduring because it accompanies you in joys and sadness, it endures with you in
rough trials and glorious joys in life, its willing to go in anything motives you, the
example of this is husband and wife, and not only accompanies you it something you
can bare in the name of peace and love, to bare is to endure, you can hold your anger
and frustration, for the sake of love, for example the love for your enemy. Love is
obedient, it follows or do even it treated harshly, it gives his/her self selflessly to you, it
does to makes you happy or to fulfil its duty, this makes him/her as a servant of your
will, it gives or serve to the full extent of its power, it leaves no room for his/her self.
To sum it up and to answer the question “What is love?”, love is the thing we
offer or restrain to give joy and fulfilment to a person, it is driven unconsciously by the
person, it’s becomes a part of the character of the person, it will becomes a part of his
legacy to the world, love is the nature of human, it is God’s given gift to us, this means
very one is important because of love, very one is a loved one, love is not only can be
seen or felt, sometimes it is HIDDEN in us, far from our intention.

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