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1. Why do some people like to keep old things, while others don’t have any
interest in doing this?
I think many people like to keep their old stuff because they remember the
memories, the moments when they learned to use that old thing, or they simply
don't want to throw it away because they regret and it is also still usable. Others
are not interested in this because they do not want to keep too many things to
waste their living space and moreover they always have the thought that throw
it away to buy something else, keep it means use it forever.

2. Should people be discouraged from keeping old things? Why?

As someone who loves to keep antiques, I think one should not be discouraged
from keeping old things. Because, old things remind us of many beautiful
memories, when we choose to buy something, we often look at it and then
decide to buy it, then spend some time using it, we have ourself unforgettable
memories with this lovely item. In addition, sometimes old things have very
good uses that cannot be replaced, so they are very useful for us whenever we
have the occasion need to use them. Old things can also be used as a very
interesting and expensive collection, if you have enough passion, you can
generate money by collecting antiques.

3. How important is it for human beings to maintain their links with the
Like in Vietnam, we have a proverb "When drinking water, remember the
source". The importance for us to maintain a connection with the past is very
huge, we must always remember what we go through in life to take it as a
lesson and experience to make ourselves better. In addition, we must also
remember our relatives and ancestors, who have helped us a lot in family life.
Remembering the past to realize what you have been through, know the good to
do and the bad to avoid. Remembering the past to know the source and
ourselves, to lose the past is to lose a third of our life, so each of us should
appreciate our past. Because the past is the unforgettable memories that help us
to be who we are today.

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