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Volume 2020, Article ID 4563859, 8 pages

Research Article
The Electric Field Calculation for Mobile Communication
Coverage in Buildings and Indoor Areas by Using the Method of
Auxiliary Sources

Vasil Tabatadze ,1,2 Kamil Karaçuha,1 Eldar Veliyev,1,3 Ertuğrul Karaçuha,1

and Revaz Zaridze2
Informatics Institute of Istanbul Technical University, Maslak-34469, Istanbul, Turkey
Tbilisi State University, 1 Chavchavadze Avenue, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia
NTU Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Kharkiv 61000, Ukraine

Correspondence should be addressed to Vasil Tabatadze;

Received 3 October 2019; Accepted 10 March 2020; Published 8 April 2020

Academic Editor: Qingling Wang

Copyright © 2020 Vasil Tabatadze et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In this article, the diffraction of the electromagnetic wave by the building with two rooms is considered. The rooms have doors and
windows with lossy dielectric walls. The electromagnetic properties of the building as an opened coupled resonator system are
investigated at different source locations and several frequencies including 5G band. The problem is solved by using the Method of
Auxiliary Sources. The near electric field distributions are calculated and analyzed.

1. Introduction the band at 3.6 GHz is intended to be introduced in Europe

[2]. This band will increase the use of more base stations both
Nowadays, one of the forecasts in the studies carried out on in open and closed areas (motorways, shopping centers,
the predictions for the future is that the connectivity will workplaces, hospitals, etc.). Therefore, this will significantly
increase [1]. This has been already seen in our daily lives. increase operator costs. In this study, we aim to investigate
Access to the information and demand to disseminate in- the electromagnetic wave propagation at 300, 450, 900, 1800,
formation is increasing rapidly. The development of a new and 3600 MHz in a closed area and try to find the field at any
generation electronic communication systems to meet this point. This will contribute to the establishment of a cost-
demand continues rapidly. In this context, especially mobile effective system for the installation location of the base
communication systems come to the agenda with a new stations that will provide the appropriate coverage.
generation every 10 years. For example, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. The coverage problem of the mobile phone or base
These developments lead to the frequency band demand station radiation is important and an open question not only
which can be thought of as a scarce and limited resource in for companies but also for researchers because the com-
the telecommunication sector. For 5G, the installed systems plicated geometry of the building (two rooms) and the
require the use of higher frequency bands. As it is known, the presence of windows and doors do not give strong and
attenuation of electromagnetic waves at higher frequencies is persuasive intuition to predict the field distribution.
greater than the lower frequencies in free space. For ex- Therefore, it is not an easy task, initially, to determine where
ample, take an example of 900 MHz and 1800 MHz fre- the radiation source should be put to have better coverage in
quencies, it is necessary to install more base stations in the both rooms. In other words, the signal strength should not
1800 MHz band to cover the same geographical area. be very different. Several works are carried out in this di-
Very soon, 5G mobile communications systems will be rection. Some works use the ray tracing to evaluate reflected
commercially available. It is commonly known herein that rays [3–7].
2 Complexity

Our work has a novel approach based on the Method of the construction of two couples of closed auxiliary surfaces
Auxiliary Sources (MAS) which gives the ability to realize outside and inside of the dielectric walls corresponding to
full-wave simulation. Full-wave simulation is a better ap- the scattered field inside and outside of the walls,
proximation to the real scenario. In previous works [8, 9], respectively.
the case of the human body located in the metallic room with The investigation of the distribution of the electric field
transparency was investigated. On the contrary, the study in the building with two rooms is carried out by using the
carried out in this paper takes into account the wall as the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS). In Figure 1, the 3-
lossy dielectric medium. dimensional geometry is given. Also, in Figure 2, the
First, theoretical part based on solving the diffraction section of the top view where the auxiliary sources are
problem of the electromagnetic waves by the building with added can be seen. Note that, in the geometry of the rooms,
two rooms is given; then, based on this mathematical the corners are replaced by smooth surfaces because MAS
algorithm, the program package is created which gives the requires smooth surfaces [10, 11]. Note that the walls are
ability to change the following parameters such as the assumed to be lossy dielectric. The program package is
building geometry, in particular, the wall thickness, di- created so that the dimension of rooms and the location of
mensions of the rooms, the location and dimensions of the the windows and doors can be changed easily. Two aux-
doors and windows, and the electrical parameters of the iliary surfaces that are inside and outside of the main
walls such as permittivity and conductivity. Furthermore, surface are constructed. The inner surface describes the
the source of the radiation can be inside or outside the field outside the walls, whereas the outer one describes the
building. Both cases for mobile phone radiation and the field inside the wall. The field outside the wall means both
base station radiation can be considered. Our goal here is inside the room and outside the room. Each room has one
to show that our approach visualizes the field distribution window and one door. The dimensions of the rooms are
inside the building and the program package can be used given in Table 1.
by the people who decide where to put the radiation source The corner curvature radius of outer and inner surfaces
in the building to have acceptable and satisfactory cov- of the room is 0.1 meters, and windows and doors corner
erage. We conducted several numerical experiments and curvature is 0.0625 meters. The number of collocation points
the obtained results are presented in this paper with the depends on the frequency. The investigation shows that, in
corresponding analysis. order to get the correct solution, for each λ2 , there should be
In our problem, there can be asymmetric room con- at least 9 points, where λ is the wavelength in the dielectric
figurations. For ray tracing, the solution would be much [8–10]. Dielectric permittivity and conductivity are ε � 4,
complicated. However, in the proposed method, there is not σ � 0.05 S/m [12].
much difference between asymmetry and symmetry in the The dimensions of the building are a bit smaller com-
sense of complexity for the solution of the problem. pared to real-world cases in order to decrease the required
computational resources, but the main results and field
2. Formulation of the Problem behavior obtained below will be valid.
On the auxiliary surface, it is distributed as two
In this study, the electric field distribution for a building with mutual perpendicular Hertz dipoles. The electric field and
double rooms is investigated. In order to find the field the magnetic field are given in (1) and (2), respectively
distribution in the rooms, a very efficient method called [13]:
Method of Auxiliary Source is preferred. Approximately for
50 years, MAS is used in the diffraction problems by different → → 1 ikr 1 → → → →
G E (k r ) � e 􏼚 3 􏼔3 r u 􏼒 ru . P 􏼓 − P 􏼕
researchers including 2- and 3-dimensional problems 4πε R
[8–11]. The method also gives the ability to find the near field
ik → → → → k2 → → →
distributions. In MAS, the unknown scattered field due to ·− 􏼔3 r u 􏼒 ru . P 􏼓 − P 􏼕 − 􏼔 ru x􏼒 ru x P 􏼓􏼕􏼩,
r2 R
the obstacles in the space can be represented as the su-
perposition of the fields created by auxiliary sources with (1)
unknown amplitudes for each physical region. The unknown
coefficient can be found by applying the boundary condition → → iω 1 ik → →
on the surface of the obstacles or objects. The main ad- G H (k r ) � − eikr 􏼠 2 − 􏼡 P x ru . (2)
4π r r
vantage of MAS is to locate the specifically arranged aux-

iliary sources on two imaginary surfaces which are above and Here, ru is a unit vector directed from the dipole towards
below the real surface of the object. In this way, the sin- the observer, and r is the distance between the source point
gularity problem while applying boundary conditions is and observation point. The time dependency is the time-
− iωt
avoided [8–11]. The imaginary surface locating interior of harmonic
→ and e , k is the wavenumber in the medium,
the obstacle stands for the scattered field outside the obstacle and→P is the polarization
→ vector.
→ →
by applying the boundary condition on the real surface, G E (k r ) and G H (k r ) are the electric and magnetic
whereas the imaginary surface locating exterior of the ob- fields of a Hertz dipole, respectively. Both serve as the Green
stacle stands for the scattered field inside the obstacle by function. The electric and magnetic fields inside and outside
applying the boundary condition on the real surface. As a of the wall can be calculated by (3) and (4), respectively
summary, the function of the MAS in this problem would be [10, 11]:
Complexity 3

Figure 1: The geometry of the building.

Outer auxiliary surface

Main surface Inner auxiliary surface

Room I Room II

Figure 2: The cross-section (x-z plane) of the building geometry with inner and outer auxiliary surfaces.

Table 1: The dimensions of the rooms.

Building Height (m) Width (m) Length (m) Thickness of the wall (m)
Total 2.00 2.00 2.80 0.25
Room I 1.75 1.75 1.25 0.30 (between the rooms)
Room II 1.75 1.75 1.25 0.30 (between the rooms)
Door 1.50 1.25 0.60 —
Window 0.80 1.25 0.80 —

N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌 N 􏼌
→ → 􏼌􏼌 r − rout 􏼌􏼌􏼑 + 􏽘 Xout GE 􏼐kin 􏼌􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌
E in ( r ) � 􏽘 Xout
1i G E 􏼐 k in 2i r − rout 􏼌􏼌􏼑,
i�1 i�1
N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌 N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌 → →
→ →
E out ( r ) � 􏽘 Xin 􏼌 􏼌 in 􏼌 􏼌
1i GE 􏼐kout 􏼌 r − rin 􏼌􏼑 + 􏽘 X2i GE 􏼐kout 􏼌 r − rin 􏼌􏼑 + E inc ( r ),
i�1 i�1

N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌 N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌
→ →
H in ( r ) � 􏽘 Xout 􏼌 􏼌 out 􏼌 􏼌
1i GH 􏼐kin 􏼌 r − rout 􏼌􏼑 + 􏽘 X2i GH 􏼐kin 􏼌 r − rout 􏼌􏼑,
i�1 i�1
N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌 N 􏼌􏼌→ → 􏼌􏼌 → →
→ →
H out ( r ) � 􏽘 Xin 􏼌 􏼌 in 􏼌 􏼌
1i GH 􏼐kout 􏼌 r − rin 􏼌􏼑 + 􏽘 X2i GH 􏼐kout 􏼌 r − rin 􏼌􏼑 + H inc ( r ).
i�1 i�1
4 Complexity

Here, kin is the wavenumber inside the wall and kout is field is given and the unit is Volt/meter and the source is
the wavenumber outside the wall. The locations of the transmitting electromagnetic wave having 1 watt power for
auxiliary sources inside and→ outside of the→wall are given as each case. In particular, the field distribution in both rooms
→ → → → for different frequencies and the source locations are in-
rin and rout , respectively. E inc ( r ) and H inc ( r→) are→the
→ electric
→ and magnetic fields, respectively. E in , E out , vestigated. First, the source is located on the x-axis, 100 m
H in , and H out are the electric and magnetic fields inside and away from the origin and traveling through the opposite
outside of the wall, respectively. In our case, the excitation is direction of the x-axis (−x direction). In Figures 3–7, the z
conducted by Hertz dipole with z-polarization. The coeffi- components of the electric field distribution are given for
cients Xout out
1i and X2i are the unknowns of the auxiliary different frequencies. As a general comment, for each fre-
source’s amplitude. They should be defined by the boundary quency, the field on the x-y plane is highly symmetric but the
conditions: field on the x-z plane is asymmetric due to having doors and
windows. Second, the investigation is carried out on the
→in → →out → →inc →
E τ1 r 0 􏼁 � E τ1 r0 􏼁 + E τ1 r0 􏼁, source location for 3600 MHz frequency given in
→in → →out → →inc → Figures 8–12.
E τ2 r 0 􏼁 � E τ2 r0 􏼁 + E τ2 r0 􏼁, In the study, the main investigation is to answer how the
(5) field is distributed inside and outside the room. In order to
→in → →out → →inc →
H τ1 r 0 􏼁 � H τ1 r0 􏼁 + H τ1 r0 􏼁, understand the coverage of the field, it is assumed that the
→in → →out → →inc → coverage is good and has an acceptable level when the
H τ2 r 0 􏼁 � H τ2 r0 􏼁 + H τ2 r0 􏼁. observation is obtained for the far-zone (30λ away from the
→ center of the room). Then, the comparison is carried out
Here, r 0 is the point on the wall that the boundary between the far-field value of the electric field and the av-
conditions need to be satisfied. The points are called as the erage value inside each room. The reason why such an
collocation points. τ 1 − is the first tangential vector to the approach is chosen is that the source location can be
building surface and τ 2 − is the second tangential vector to changed. Therefore, the main goal is to find the effect of the
the building surface. If the number of collection points is N, rooms on the distribution of the electric field.
then, the number of unknowns become 4N. In order to find In Figure 3, the field distributions are given for 300 MHz.
all of them, 4N equations are needed. For each point, 4 The field in Room II is higher and the field penetrates Room
boundary conditions are required 2 for electric and 2 for I, barely. For that frequency, openings such as doors and
magnetic fields, which in total give 4N equations. By solving windows do not affect the distribution of the field due to
the system of linear algebraic equations having dimensions having a large wavelength compared to the dimensions of
of 4N by 4N, all unknown coefficients can be found and this the doors and windows. In the figure, the amplitudes of the
gives the ability to find the field values inside or outside of electric field distribution in Room I and Room II, ap-
the room and inside the walls. proximately 25% and 50% of the amplitude of electric field
obtained for the far-zone, respectively.
3. Numerical Results In Figure 4, the field distributions are given for 450 MHz.
The field distribution in Room II is higher but also in Room I
Based on the formulation of the problem section, the pro- the field penetrates. In the figure, the amplitudes of the
gram package is created which gives the ability to change the electric field distribution in Room I and Room II, ap-
parameters such as the location of the doors and windows, proximately 60% and 80% of the amplitude of electric field,
dimension of the room, medium parameters, frequency, are obtained for the far-zone, respectively.
source location, and polarization. Before directly presenting In Figure 5, the field distributions are given for 900 MHz.
the results, the physical properties of the room would be Here, again, the field distribution in Room II is higher. Note
presented. Rooms are partly open dielectric mediums; that, windows and doors affect the distribution, noticeably.
therefore, for certain frequencies, they act as 3-dimensional In the figure, the amplitudes of the electric field distribution
open resonators. Because the number of rooms is two, in this in Room I and Room II, approximately 70% and 90% of the
study, we deal with two resonators which are coupled, amplitude of electric field, are obtained for the far-zone,
electromagnetically. Usually, the behavior of coupled res- respectively.
onators is much more complicated than separated resona- In Figure 6, the field distributions are given for
tors. The goal of the study is to investigate the coverage of the 1800 MHz. The field has a higher value in Room I. This result
field inside the room. However, intuitively it is not an easy is very important because it is the reason why the geometry
task to predict the behavior of the field distributions because can be assumed to be an open and coupled resonator. The
few changes in the frequency and the source position can energy is captured by Room I as an open coupled resonator.
redistribute the energy between these rooms. The advantage That is the reason why the amplitude of the electric field
of the method is to investigate these phenomena in detail. inside Room I has higher values compared to far-zone and
On the contrary, the other methods such as ray tracing also Room II. The maximum amplitude of the total electric
method cannot give such a prediction because the resonance field in the rooms is approximately 0.3 [V/m].
is purely a wave phenomenon. In Figure 7, the field distributions are given for
In the following figures, we will take into account dif- 3600 MHz which is proposed 5G frequency for European
ferent radiation scenarios. For all figures, the total electric Zone [2]. The field has a higher value in Room I. In order to
Complexity 5

y 3.47e – 002 3.47e – 002

Room II
3.47e – 002 1.73e – 002 1.73e – 002

1.73e – 002 0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000


0.00e + 000 –1.73e – 002 –1.73e – 002

–1.73e – 002 –3.47e – 002 –3.47e – 002

Room I –3.47e – 002

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z (c) plane view of the rooms for 300 MHz.

3.37e – 002 3.37e – 002


1.68e – 002 1.68e – 002

3.37e – 002 0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

x 1.68e – 002 –1.68e – 002 –1.68e – 002

0.00e + 000 –3.37e – 002 –3.37e – 002

–1.68e – 002

z –3.37e – 002

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for 450 MHz.

y 7.05e – 003 7.05e – 003

3.53e – 003 3.53e – 003

7.05e – 003

0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

3.53e – 003

–3.53e – 003 –3.53e – 003
0.00e + 000

–7.05e – 003 –7.05e – 003

–3.53e – 003

–7.05e – 003

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for 900 MHz.

obtain Figure 7, a supercomputer is used. The field distri- studied. As expected, when the source is located inside the
bution is quite uniform on the x-z plane, whereas Room II room, the amplitude of the electric field increases.
has higher field amplitude values on the x-z plane. The In Figure 8, the source is located at (1.2 m, 0, 0) which is
maximum amplitude of the total electric field in the rooms is in Room II and shown as a red circle. In other words, the
approximately 4 [V/m]. source is located near the wall of Room II and at the middle
In Figures 8–12, the change of electric field distribution in the sense of height and width (y � 0 and z � 0 are the
depending on the source location for 3600 MHz is inves- planes cutting the rooms equally for the height and the
tigated. By this research, the coverage of the 5G for indoor width, respectively). For the figure, the electric field distri-
applications and the optimum location for the source can be bution is not uniform in both rooms for x-y plane. Note that
6 Complexity

y 3.29e – 001 3.29e – 001

1.64e – 001 1.64e – 001

3.29e – 001
0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

x 1.64e – 001
–1.64e – 001 –1.64e – 001

0.00e + 000
–3.29e – 001 –3.29e – 001

–1.64e – 001

–3.29e – 001

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for 1800 MHz.

y 4.01e + 000 4.01e + 000

2.00e + 000 2.00e + 000

4.01e + 000
0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

2.00e + 000
x –2.00e + 000 –2.00e + 000

0.00e + 000
–4.01e + 000 –4.01e + 000

–2.00e + 000
–4.01e + 000

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for 3600 MHz.

y 2.34e + 002 2.34e + 002

Room II 1.17e + 002 1.17e + 002

2.34e + 002

0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

1.17e + 002

x –1.17e + 002 –1.17e + 002

0.00e + 000

–2.34e + 002 –2.34e + 002

–1.17e + 002

–2.34e + 002
Room I

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for the source location (1.2 m, 0, 0).

the first room at which the source is not located has higher Figure 8. The source location is given as a red circle on the
field values. The maximum amplitude of the total electric figure. The maximum amplitude of the total electric field in
field in the rooms is approximately 2.3 × 102 [V/m]. the rooms is approximately 1.2 × 103 [V/m].
In Figure 9, the source location is (1.2 m, 0.6 m, 0.7 m) In Figure 10, the source is located at (0.3 m, 0, 0), which
which is in the corner of Room II. The electric field dis- is in Room II and shown as a red circle. The location is
tribution is much more uniform for both rooms on the x-y approximately in the middle of the geometry. The result is
and x-z planes compared to the previous case given in very common for the coupled-resonator systems. Even
Complexity 7

y 1.16e + 003 1.16e + 003

1.16e + 003 5.81e + 002 5.81e + 002

5.81e + 002 0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000


0.00e + 000 –5.81e + 002 –5.81e + 002

–5.81e + 002 –1.16e + 003 –1.16e + 003

z –1.16e + 003

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for the source location (1.2 m, 0.6 m, 0.7 m).

y 1.01e + 003 1.01e + 003

1.01e + 003 5.06e + 002 5.06e + 002

5.06e + 002 0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

0.00e + 000 –5.06e + 002 –5.06e + 002

–5.06e + 002 –1.01e + 003 –1.01e + 003

–1.01e + 003

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for the source location (0.3 m, 0, 0).

y 1.01e + 003 1.01e + 003

1.01e + 003
5.06e + 002 5.06e + 002

5.06e + 002
0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

0.00e + 000
–5.06e + 002 –5.06e + 002

–5.06e + 002
–1.01e + 003 –1.01e + 003

–1.01e + 003

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 11: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for the source location (−0.6 m, 0 m, −0.8 m).

y 8.10e + 002 8.10e + 002

8.10e + 002
4.05e + 002 4.05e + 002

4.05e + 002
x 0.00e + 000 0.00e + 000

0.00e + 000
–4.05e + 002 –4.05e + 002

–4.05e + 002
–8.10e + 002 –8.10e + 002
–8.10e + 002

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 12: The isometric (a), x-y plane (b), and x-z plane (c) view of the rooms for the source location (−0.4 m, 0, 0.8 m).
8 Complexity

though the field distribution is quite uniform in the x-z Acknowledgments

plane, the distribution on the other plane is not uniform and
has higher values in Room I where the source is not located. The authors would like to thank the National Center for
The maximum amplitude of the total electric field in the High-Performance Computing (UHEM) located at Istanbul
rooms is approximately 1 × 103 [V/m]. Technical University for access. This work is partly sup-
In Figure 11, the source is located at (−0.6 m, 0, ported by the Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Vodafone
−0.8 m) which is near the window in Room I and shown as Future Lab under Project ITUVF20180901P10.
a red circle. In this case, the field has higher values in
Room I also and is uniform on the x-z plane. On the References
contrary, for the x-y plane, the field is not uniform and its
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