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Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Week 2: Lesson 1 - The Meaning of Politics

Notion about Politics

Topic Outline:
● Defining Politics
● Notions about Politics AND STATE
● Philippine Politics ● In this notion, politics is about the art
● Importance of Studying Politics of government. In this sense, politics
● Politics in Everyday LIfe refers to matters revolving around the
polis as a political community ('what
concerns the polis') and the
Defining Politics
government as its tool to impose its
ARISTOTLE - Father of politics will.
● It claims that politics is concerned
POLITICS about governmental structure,
● Came from the Greek word POLIS, institutions and processes
which literally means “city state” ● However, this notion is said to be
● The way in which we understand and highly restrictive. It boxes politics to
order our social affairs, and acquire be only about governmental
greater control over the situation. (B. structures and institutions and leaves
Pomton and P. Gill, Politics, other institutions and aspects of the
Introduction. (New York: Basil state not related to the government,
Blackwell, 1982, p.6.) "outside" of politics (Heywood, 2004
● The strategy for maintaining & Heywood, 2015).
cooperation among people with
different needs and ideals in life, or for POLITICS AS PUBLIC AFFAIRS
resolving the conflict within the group, ● This notion of politics separates
whether this is a family, a tribe, a village matters of politics to be about public
or a nation-state. (Amable G. Tuibeo, matters. Aristotle, the father of
“Politics and Governance: A Critical Politics, posited that "man by nature
Introduction (Makati: Grandwater is a political animal".
Publication, 1998), p.1. ● Having the faculty of language, man
● "Politics is the way in which social is a distinct being who may interact
affairs are understood and ordered, and with one another and set conventions
by which people acquire greater control in his/her society.
over the situation" (Ponton & Gill). ● It means that by default, man desires
to participate in public affairs - all
ANDREW HEYWOOD matters revolving around the polis
● Political Scientist wherein man lives.
● Politics, in its broadest sense, is the ● This includes matters more than just
activity through which people make, the government and includes matters
preserve and amend the general rules that concern the general public.
under which they live (Heywood, ● In other words, all matters that are
2015). considered private (personal) will not
be under the realm of politics
(Heywood, 2004 & Heywood, 2015).
● •Politics is the way in which we
understand and order our social
affairs, and acquire greater control

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

over the situation (B. Pomton and P. rewards, and advantages

Gill, 1982, p.6.) and how much of them they
● However, it is arguable as to where the receive,
dividing line of public and private affairs ○ When they receive the
is. For at some point, governmental benefits, rewards, and
policies may affect the private sphere of advantages, and
the society. ○ The methods by which they
receive them.
● Instead of focusing on matters of the NATURE OF POLITICS
government or even the public, politics ● Related to distribution of resources,
in this context refers to as a tool to politics as power is the notion to
which society can resolve conflicts which politics is about being able to
through compromise - negotiation, acquire an aspired result, whatever
reconsideration, in order to achieve means necessary (Heywood, 2004).
consensus (Heywood, 2004 & ● According to Richards (1978),
Heywood, 2015). humans have conflicting desires and
● It is also the strategy for maintaining aspirations in life, so as the methods
cooperation among people with in achieving them. He posited that in
different needs and ideals in life, or for order to resolve this conflict, one side
resolving the conflict within the group, should 'obtain power' to prevail over
whether this is a family, a tribe, a village the other. Thus, the nature of Politics.
or a nation-state (Tuibeo, 1998, p.1). ● The political community can be
● It focuses on the process of conciliation divided into different levels, namely:
and deflects the idea of resolving ○ Personal level - ei. Settling
conflict through coercion (Heywood, of conflict between friends
2015). arguing where to eat dinner
○ Community level - ei. City
POLITICS AS DISTRIBUTION OF ordinances passed to
RESOURCES regulate illegal use of
● This notion suggests that politics is vaccination cards
about the determination of the proper ○ National level - ei.
utilization and allocation of scarce Presidential elections that
resources in the society (Heywood, happens every six years
2004 & Heywood, 2015). ○ International level - ei.
● Political Scientist Harold Lasswell Signing the Paris Climate
(1937), in his work, Politics--Who Gets Accord in the United Nations
What, When, and How, defined assembly
"politics" as involving questions as to ● With this, as power exists in all levels
"who gets what, when, and how." of society, so is politics. This widens
● Politics, according to Lasswell, is the realm of politics contrary to the
concerned with determination, by the previous notions mentioned.
government of the following (and vise- ● Thus, politics is everywhere and it
versa): may be argued that politics coincides
○ Who in political society with our "social existence" per se
receives what benefits, (Heywood, 2004).

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

Philippine Politics He doesn't know the cost of life, the price of

the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of
Philippine politics takes place in an organized the shoes and of the medicine, all depending
framework of a presidential, representative, and on political decisions.
democratic republic. It revolves around the three
separate and sovereign yet interdependent The political illiterate is so stupid that he is
branches: proud and swells his chest saying that he
● The Legislative branch (the law-making hates politics.
body, Article VI, 1987 Philippine
Constitution); The imbecile doesn't know that, from his
● The Executive branch (the law- political ignorance is born the prostitute, the
enforcing body, Article VII, 1987 abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all,
Philippine Constitution); and the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the
● The Judicial branch (the law- national and multinational companies.” -
interpreting body, Article VIII, 1987 Bertolt Brecht
Philippine Constitution).
● It is very important to care about
politics because you should know
Branches of Government
what is going on around you.
● You should care about politics
because you should have a say in
● President
what will happen.
● Vice-President
● Cabinet
● You should care about politics
because the decisions people make
● Senate
will affect many lives.
● House of Representatives
JUDICIAL BRANCH Importance of Studying Politics
● Supreme Court
● RTC, MTC a. Politics is all about the way human
● Special Courts beings are governed, which involves
order, power, and justice. It is not just
Philippine politics is often described as corrupt an abstract study.
and is always viewed negatively. Part of this b. It involves the government's day-to-
political culture also includes issues on electoral day performance;
fraud, political dynasties, red-tagging, identity c. It does not affect only one individual,
politics, among others. but is inextricably bound up with the
perpetual quest for what is fair or just
in light of the interest of the entire
d. Issue is more or less political based
on the extent that the use of political
Importance of Studying Politics power affects the lives and well-being
of private citizens; and
“The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he e. An issue becomes political when the
doesn't hear, doesn't speak, nor participates in government must render a decision,
the political events. which must always be for the
common good of the community.
Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

INSTITUTIONAL - This approach is concerned

Topic Outline:
with the study of formal structures and
● Approaches to the Study of Political
Science institutions like legislature, executive, judiciary,
● Meaning of Governance political parties, etc.
● 8 Elements of Good Governance
LEGAL - This approach is concerned with the
legal process, legal bodies or institutions,
Approaches to the Study of Political
justice and independence of the judiciary.
Traditional Approach Behavioral Approach
A combination of views on and orientations to
Mainly emphasizes on scientific, objective and
politics in philosophical, ethical and institutional
value free study of political phenomenon.
This approach stresses upon the use of
Since the time of Plato and Aristotle, the great empirical as well as scientific methods of study
issues of politics have revolved around the political behavior.
organization and functioning of the state - the
This approach shifts its emphasis from the
political institution par excellence. Traditional
study of the state and government to the day-
approaches exhibit certain well defined features.
today problems, activities and behavior of
individuals and groups.
Characteristics of Traditional Approach
Social theories should be constructed only on
1. Traditional approaches are largely the basis of observable behavior, providing
normative and stresses on the values of quantifiable data for research.
Characteristics of Behavioral Approach
2. Emphasis is on the study of different
political structures and institutions.
REGULARITIES - Believes that there are
3. Traditional approaches made very little certain uniformities in political behavior which
attempt to relate theory and research. can be expressed in generalizations or
4. These approaches believe that since
theories in order to explain and predict political
facts and values are closely interlinked,
studies in political Science can never
be scientific.
VERIFICATION - Emphasizes testing and
verifying everything. According to the
Forms of Traditional Approach behaviorists, what cannot be verified is not
PHILOSOPHICAL - This approach firmly
believes that values cannot be separated from TECHNIQUES - Put emphasis on the use of
the study of politics and the political system. those research tools and methods which
Therefore, its main concern is to judge what is generate valid, reliable and comparative data.
good or bad in any political society.
QUANTIFICATION - After collecting data, the
HISTORICAL- As the name of this approach is researcher should measure and quantify those
related to history, it emphasizes on the study of data.
history of every political reality to analyze any

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

VALUES - Believe that to do objective research RULE OF LAW

one has to be value free. ● Demands that the people and the civil
society render habitual obedience to
SYSTEMATIZATION - Research in Political the law.
Science must be systematic. Theory and ● It also demands that the government
research should go together. acts within the limits of the powers
and functions prescribed by the law.
PURE SCIENCE - Believes that the study of The absence of rule of law is anarchy.
Political Science should be verified by evidence. ● No one is above the law


separated from various other social sciences like ● Good governance requires that the
history, sociology and economics, etc. institutions, processes, and actors
could deliver and meet the
Meaning of Governance necessities of the society in a way
that available resources are utilized
The word "governance" came from the Latin well.
verb "gubernare," or more originally from the ● Effectiveness (meeting the needs)
Greek word "kubernaein," which means "to and efficiency (proper utilization of
steer." resources) must necessarily go
together to ensure the best possible
The exercise of power or authority by political results for the community.
leaders for the well-being of their country's
citizens or subjects. TRANSPARENCY
● In legal terms, it means that
It is the complex process whereby some sectors information on matters of public
of the society wield power, and enact and concern is made available to the
promulgate public policies which directly affect citizens or those who will be directly
human and institutional interactions, and affected.
economic and social development. ● It also means that transactions
involving public interests must be fully
8 Elements of Good Governance disclosed and made accessible to the
PARTICIPATION ● It is anchored on the democratic right
● Active involvement of all affected and to information and right to access of
interested parties in the decision- the same.
making process.
● It requires an enabling environment RESPONSIVENESS
wherein pertinent information is ● Institutions and processes serve all
effectively disseminated and people stakeholders in a timely and
could respond in an unconstrained and appropriate manner.
truthful manner. ● It also means that actors and
● It also means gender equality, structures of governance easily give
recognizing the vital roles of both men genuine expression to the will or
and women in decision-making. desire of the people.
● In other words, the interests of all
citizens must be well protected in a

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

prompt and appropriate manner so that agencies and their

each of them can appreciate and take respective officers and
part in the process of governance. personnel in relation to their
program objectives.
EQUITY AND INCLUSIVENESS ○ Managerial accountability
● All the members of the society, refers to employee
especially the most vulnerable ones or accountability based on
the grassroots level, must be taken into organization and individual
consideration and must be given the performance. A system of
opportunity to participate in decision or rewards and punishment
policy making. must be in place to
strengthen the processes
CONSENSUS-ORIENTED and institutions of
● Decisions are made after taking into governance.
consideration the different viewpoints of
the actors of the society.
● Mechanisms for conflict resolution must
be in place because inevitably conflict
will arise from competing interests of
the actors.
● To meet the consensus, a strong,
impartial, and flexible mediation
structure must be established. Without
such, compromises and a broad
consensus cannot be reached that
serves that best interest of the whole

● Answerability or responsibility for one's
● It is based on the principle that every
person or group is responsible for their
actions most especially when their acts
affect public interest.
● The actors have an obligation to explain
and be answerable for the
consequences of decisions and actions
they have made on behalf of the
community it serves.
○ Political accountability refers
to the accountability of public
officials to the people they
○ Hierarchical accountability
refers to the ordered
accountability of the various

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics


Topic Outline:
● Meaning of Ideology • IDEOLOGY is a system of
● What is Political Ideology? presentations that explicitly or
● Different Kinds of Ideology implicitly claim to absolute truth.
● Major Political Ideologies
What is Political Ideology?
Meaning of Ideology A certain set of ethical ideals, principles,
Came from the Greek words “idea” meaning doctrines, myths or symbols of a social
form or patterns, and “logos” meaning movement, institution, class or large group that
compilation. explains how society should work.

It is a comprehensive set of factual and Different Kinds of Ideology

normative beliefs
ETHICAL – right or wrong bejavior
It is less encompassing than ideas expressed in POLITICAL – Communism, Marxism
concepts such as worldview and ontology. EPISTEMOLOGICAL – right or wrong
META-IDEOLOGY LEGAL – concepts of justice/laws
• The study of the structure, form, and ECONOMIC – distribution of wealth
manifestation of ideologies. GENDER & SEXUALITY – roles
• In this analysis, it suggests that RACE – definition and existence of race
ideology is a coherent system of ideas RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY – Old Testament vs.
that may or may not have any factual New Testament
Major Political Ideologies
• A study of ideologies by George
Walford, Harold Walsby, and others • "anarkhos" "without a chief"
that attempts to explore the • "The best government is absolutely
relationships between ideology and no government."
social systems. • The ideology argues that everything
o Social System - A group of about governments is repressive and
individuals or an institution that must be abolished entirely.
combines to create a • NIHILISM believes the same
functioning society with goals. government and society must be
• Many prominent members of both
movements were Russian.
• Ideologies are patterned groups of
• Mikhail Bakunin – father of anarchism
normative ideas and concepts. Known
as various “-isms”, these ideological ABSOLUTISM
maps help people navigate the
complexity of their political universe and "A single ruler should have control over every
carry claims to social truth. aspect of the government and of people's
Example: lives"
Anarchism In some cultures, the absolute ruler was seen
Absolutism as a god in human form. They believe that they
Liberalism have the divine right of kings.

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

Absolute rulers practiced some form of • The free market

CAESAROPAPISM - the belief that the ruler is o Liberalism and capitalism go
head of both governmental and religious hand in hand.
A strong sense of order
The political doctrine emphasizes the value of
A clear-cut law of nature (Law of God) traditional institutions and practices.
A Natural Hierarchy Elitism or Elite Theory A preference for the historically inherited rather
than the abstract and ideal.
In reaction to the upheavals of the French
PLATO - Firmly believes that the best
Revolution (1789), conservatism began to
government would be run by a benevolent
develop as a distinct political attitude and
absolute ruler
THOMAS HOBBES - Was the most persuasive
The term conservative was introduced after
proponent of absolutism
1815 by supporters of the newly restored
LIBERALISM Bourbon monarchy in France, including the
author and diplomat Francois-Auguste-René,
A political and moral philosophy based on liberty Vicomte de Chateaubriand.
and equality.
The British parliamentarian and political writer
Systemized as a distinct ideology by the Edmund Burke, whose Reflections on the
philosopher John Locke. Revolution in France (1790) was a forceful
• Individualism expression of conservatives' rejection of the
o The individual takes priority French Revolution and a major inspiration for
over society. counterrevolutionary theorists in the 19th
• Freedom century.
o The right to make choices for • Stability
themselves. This freedom is o Change must be made
not absolute and some gradually in order to
behaviors, such as murder are preserve it.
prohibited. • Concreteness
• Equality o Liberalism is too abstract. It
o No person is morally or focuses on freedom and
politically superior to others. equality; not on the concrete
• Rationalism way people live every day.
o Humans are capable of • Human fallibility
thinking logically and o Humans are frequently
rationally. ignorant, prejudiced, and
• Progress irrational.
o Traditions should not be kept • Unique circumstances
unless they have values. New o There are no universal
ideas are helpful because they answers to the problem of
can lead to progress. society; the circumstances
are unique in each country.

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

SOCIALISM thought) the struggle for political and

economic power carried on between
Arose as a response to the Industrial Revolution, capitalists and workers.
which was the emergence of technologies such
as the steam engine and mass production. According to socialists, liberalism fails to live
up to its promises of freedom and equality.
A political philosophy and movement Socialists blame the free market for liberalism’s
encompassing a wide range of economic and
failings. Under a capitalist system, money and
social systems that are characterized by means of production are the measures of
SOCIAL OWNERSHIP of the means of power.
production, as opposed to private ownership. • Socialist - A person who advocates
KARL MARX or practices socialism.
• Best known for his theories that led to The haves (the bourgeoisie, in Marx's terms)
the development of Marxism. His ideas and the have-nots (whom Marx calls the
also served as the basis for proletariat) are locked into a fight that Marx
communism. His books, Das Kapital called Class Warfare. Because they control the
and The Communist Manifesto, formed money and means of production. The
the basis of Marxism. bourgeoisie have the power and thus are
• The Communist Manifesto - A brief winning the fight. The use the government to
publication that declares the arguments further their control and to increase their power
and platform of the communist party. It over the lower, poorer, classes, so people are
was written in 1847 and was neither free nor equal.
commissioned by the Communist
League a political party based in The Evolution of Socialism
Socialism is involved in a variety of ways.
• Collectivism Communism and democratic socialism are the
o Human beings are social by two most prominent evolutions of socialism.
nature and society should
respect this; Individualism is
poisonous; • An authoritarian and revolutionary
• Public Ownership approach to achieving socialism. As
o Society, not individualism, an ideology, communism emphasizes
should own the property; classes of society in which all
members jointly share the means and
• Central Economic Planning
o The governments plans the output of production
economy; there is no free COMMUNISM FOR TODAY
market; With the fall of communist regimes in Russia
• Economic Equality and Eastern Europe, communism has been
o All citizens have roughly the retreating to most of the 1990s and 2000s.
same level of prosperity. there are, for example, fewer communist
movements around the world than during the
Class Struggle
Cold War. However, there are still several
• Conflict between different classes in a
major communist regimes, including the
community resulting from different
governments of South Korea and Cuba.
social or economic positions and
• Cold War - the open yet restricted
reflecting opposed interests. Also called
rivalry that developed after World War
class war, class warfare. (in Marxist
Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

II between the United States and the

Soviet Union and their respective allies.

Today, the existing communist states in the

world are China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and
North Korea (DPRK). These communist states
often do not claim to have achieved socialism or
communism in their countries but to be building
and working toward the establishment of
socialism in their countries.
• A peaceful and democratic approach to
achieving socialism. As an ideology,
democratic socialism also emphasizes
a classless society in which all
members jointly share the means and
output of production.
• Democratic Socialist parties exists in
any democrats around the world.
• Has been quite successful in Western
Europe and Scandinavia. Many
governments there have extensive
welfare system that have remained
largely intact even when democratic
socialists are voted out of office.

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics


Topic Outline: WEAKNESS
● Power
● Economic Power AS SUPER POWER
● Psychological Power
● Methods of Exercising National Economic Power
Power It is constituted by the ability of a nation to
satisfy its own needs and to control the
Power behavior of other states by affording or denying
access to economic goods and services.
In political science and sociology, the capacity to
influence, lead, dominate, or otherwise have an Raw materials natural resources, foods stocks,
impact on the life and actions of others in industrial and technological capacity, GNP,
society. trade surplus, means of transport and
communication and GDP.
National Power
Psychological Power
The ability or capability of a nation to secure the
goals and objectives of its national interests in The power of nation and image of the nation.
relation with other nations. Improvements in the means of
Nation, in political science, a union of a society communications, increased influence of mass
of inhabitants of the same country, speaking the media, social media and public opinion on
same language, coming from common racial foreign policy, ideologies, role of NGO's and
ancestry, obeying the same laws and community social movements, role of propaganda and
of interest. publicity of International Relations.

Nature of National Power Methods of Exercising National Power


• A psychological relationship of control • The art of persuasion consists in
which is backed by the use of force or defining and logically explaining a
threat of use of force. particular problem or issue or dispute
• Physical force, violence in the form of to other nations or any other nations.
police action, imprisonment,
punishment or war. REWARDS
• Can be material or economic or
POWER AND INFLUENCE psychological.
• Involves a use of force or threat of use • A nation give a material help to
of force. another nation in times of crisis.
• Involves the attempt to change the
behavior of others through persuasion PUNISHMENTS
and not by threats or force. • Can inflict punishment on an
offending or unhelpful state by
Dimensions of National Power imposing economic sanctions or
norms or policies or placing trade
MILITARY POWER - It is regarded as absolutely restrictions or ensuring a denial of a
essential for achieving the objective of security possible reward.
of the nation. No state can get recognition as a
super power without being military superior.
• Can be used by resorting to war or
SUPER POWER IN MILITARY acts or reprisals by a powerful state.

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

Topic Outline:
● State • It asserts that the state is a product of
● Nation human development.
● State Distinguished from Nation
State Refers to large Group of individuals who
Is a community of persons, more or less believe that they belong together because they
numerous, permanently occupying a definite share common identity.
portion of territory. The nation are born out of confluence of two
Theories on the Origin of the State
• A group of people have cohesion in
DIVINE RIGHT order that a community continue to
• It holds that the origin of the state is of exist as distinct entity.
divine creation and the ruler is ordained • Individual member aspire to belong to
by God to govern the people. a homogenous community to have a
security and meaning.
• It maintains that the state must have Classification of Nation
been created as a product of the
existence of the strong and weak in ETHNIC NATION
society. • An entity that is united on the basis of
ethnicity. Populated by single ethnic
• It attributes the origin of the states to
enlargement of the family which TERRITORIAL NATION
remained under the authority of the • An entity that is populated that is
father or mother. By natural stages the populated by various ethnic groups
family grew into clan, into tribe, that have been assimilated into a
broadened to nation, until it became nation
State Distinguished from Nation
• It asserts that the earthly state must State Nation
have been formed by deliberate and
voluntary agreement among the people It is juridical concept It is a racial and
to form a society and organize a ethical concept
government for their common good.
It is formal It is informal
• It believes that the state must have There can be a state There can be a
been founded to take charge of man's with several nations nation without a state
various needs that must be continously
and consistently satisfied

• It holds that the state is founded out of
man's natural instinct of association.

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

ROYAL AUDENCIA - the Spanish supreme

Topic Outline:
● The Ancient Filipinos: Pre-Colonial
● Spanish Era
● Revolution and the First Republic THE LAWS WERE COMPILED
● American Occupation and World TO BECOME THE COLONIAL
● Japanese Occupation
● Independence and the Third
● Martial Law
● People Power and Aquino Spanish Rules
Administration POLO Y SERVICIO - the forced labor
● Contemporary Period 1986 to
rendered by Filipinos.
FALLA - the exception fee for forced labor.
The Ancient Filipinos: Pre-Colonial
Another paying of tribute or tax called
Social Organization of a Barangay in
Pre-Colonial Era EXECUTIVE - he enforced he Spanish laws
and decrees in the Philippines.
Barangay system where central government is
headed by "datu", raha or sultan. LEGISLATIVE - he enacted and issues law.
Regulation and decrees.
The social order in a barangay was divided into
three classes: JUDICIAL - he was the president or presiding
DATU - is chieftain holds the 3 powers or 3 officer of the royal audencia.
branches of government.
ACCELESIASTIC - power to recommend
TIMAWA OR FREE MAN - refers to an priest for appointment and intervene in
intermediate social class. These groups of controversies within the church.
people do or make things according to their will.
They were not paid they work for themselves. Governor Generals
They cannot be sold. From 1565-1898 total of 122 governor
ALIPIN has two categories: generals served in the Philippines
Aliping Namamahay - it is the slave with a MIGUEL LOPEZ DE LEGASPI
higher status. They were slaves but then they • The first governor general from 1565-
were to live on the house. They can't be sold. 1572.
Aliping Saguiguilid -it is a slaves with a lower • Worked on for the Spaniards and
status. They were paid and they can be sold. native Filipinos to live together as one
Spanish Era
The KING is the head of all the colonies. • Outstanding governor for his
The GOVERNOR-GENERAL serves as the agricultural contribution and economic
"governor of the provinces or what is called progams.
"colonies". He also a commander in chief. • He established the tabacco

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics

Revolution and the First Republic The 1935 constitution introduced the basic
The PROPAGANDA MOVEMENT was principles of the state such as separation of
established from 1889-1895 through founding of church and state and the powers of the main
LA SOLIDARIDAD NEWSPAPER which branches of the government.
became the medium of the PROPAGANDISTS.
Propagandists: Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. Del Pilar • He is the second president of the
and Graciano Lopez-Jaena. philippines and the first president of
the commonwealth of the philippines
EL FILI and NOLI ME TANGERE - the best
novels written a Filipino. SERGIO OSMENA (SEPTEMBER 9, 1878)
• He is the vice president of Manuel L.
The first editor of LA SOLIDARIDAD was
• After the death of pres. Manuel L.
Quezon he became the president
Rizal got arrested and have to stay in prison for
4 years. In Rizal’s absence Katipunan founded Japanese Occupation
and advocated complete independence under The 1935 constitution was set aside when the
the command of Andres Bonifacio (KKK) Japanese occupied the Philippines from 1941-

The Japanese implemented the "Greater East

Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” where the
Japanese imposed laws and customs on the

Independence and the Third Republic

Andres Bonifacio Emilio Aguinaldo
When the Philippines gained independence
Bonifacio was hunted down, arrested, tried for from the United States on July 4, 1946, Roxas
treason control and executed after the death of
became the first president of the New
Bonifacio and his brother. Republic.
Aguinaldo proclaim the independence of the ELPIDIO QUIRINO, PRESIDENT (1948-1953)
Philippines on June 12, 1898 in Cavite. • Quirino assumed the presidency on
American Occupation and World War II April 17, 1948, taking his oath of
office two days after the death of
The American Period was lasted from 1899 to Manuel Roxas.
1946 where the Americans introduced the
presidential system under 1935 constitution. RAMON MAGSAYSAY, PRESIDENT (1953-
The president is the head of the government • "Man of the Masses"
while the vice president is the head of the state.
The military government suppressed the 1961)
rebellions in the whole archipelago under military • He was well known when he
governor- general. exercised the Filipino first policy
Civil government managed the peace and order during his term in office.
of the whole archipelago.
Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics


• Macapagal ran against Garcia and
defeated the incumbent president by a
55% to 45% margin in the 1961
presidential election.

Martial Law
• The nineth president of the Philippines.
• He is the first president implement the
martial law.

People Power and Aquino

• Feb 7, 1986
• Marcos Parin vs. Tama Na, Sobra Na,
Palitan Na!
• Most historic:
o First women candidate
o Most expensive and dirtiest
o Most Filipino were honest and
could not be bribed
o Most confusing election in our


• February 22 to 25, 1986

Contemporary Period 1986 to Present

Corazon C. Aquino (1986-1992)


Ramos (1992-1998), Joseph Estrada
(1998-2001) and Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo (2001-2010).
Benigno C. Aquino (2010-2016) and
Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte (2016-2022)

Mrs. Romilyn M. Pelagio | Lesson 7 – The Evolution of the Philippine Democratic Politics



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