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5–6 CLIL teacher’s notes

Design technology WARMER

VOCABULARY FOCUS Ask students to look around the classroom
and count up how many different types of
cool [v]: to become colder furniture they can see. Write them on the
data [n]: information for making calculations board, and then brainstorm as a class a list
of all the different types of furniture they
designer [n]: someone whose job is to know, at school and at home.
decide how to make things

ergonomics [n]: the way that furniture is Students quickly read the text and answer
designed so that it is comfortable and easy the question.
to use Answer
factory [n]: a building where machines The text is about the plastic chair.
make things Before reading the text again, write the
granule [n]: a small hard piece of something words in the Vocabulary focus box on
the board and ask students to find them
life-size [adj]: something that is the same in the text. Pre-teach some of the more
size as the real thing complex words if necessary.

mass-produced [adj]: made in large 2 S

 tudents read the text again in detail and
quantities by machines circle the correct alternative. When students
have finished, elicit the answers as a class.
measurement [n]: the exact size of
something in numbers Answers
1 the same 2 comfortable 3 can 4 metal 5 hot
melt [v]: to become liquid
3 F ocus the students’ attention on the
metal [n]: a hard material that exists
sentences and ask them to scan the text to
naturally in the ground
find which stage in the process of making
model [n]: a copy of something the chair each sentence refers to. They
then write the stage. With less confident
mould [n]: a shaped container into which students, ask them to work in pairs to
you pour a liquid that becomes solid in the choose the answers. With stronger or more
shape of the container confident students, ask them to work in
pairs and do the activity without looking
plastic [n/adj]: a common light and strong
back at the text, trying to remember each
material that is made from chemicals
stage. They can then check their answers in
shape [n]: the outer form of something the text before checking as a class.

sketch [n]: a drawing Answers

1 mould 2 testing 3 computer modelling
structure [n]: the way in which something
4 design 5 manufacture
is arranged
4 In pairs, students discuss the questions. With
a less confident class, you could brainstorm
ideas together first and write them on the
board. Elicit answers from the class. For
question 2, you can do a class survey to find
out which factors are most important and
write the results on the board.

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