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The Beginning
You have probably gone through my Faceless Marketing Starter Guide
already. You have now decided that you want to embarque on this
journey and have created an instagram account.
The first step is to make sure this account is optimised and have a clear
description of what you do and how you can help your audience. In order
to do this you can browse other accounts you consider successful and
alight with you, see what they are doing and implement the strategy, or
you can take a shorcut and grab my Instagram Set Up Guide

The Framework - Option 1

If you have vast experience in Digital Marketing and perhaps are only
testing the waters with a faceless approach, you might have most of l
the necessary skills mastered but if you are starting from the very
beginning or with little experience, my personal opinion is that you can
beneficiate from a framework to guide you through this new found
venture. In October 2023 I purchased the Roadmap 2.0 which was the
course that set me up to pursue this. It is a very in-depth course and for
me even having done a BA in Marketing, I learned a lot. It has Master
Resell Rights which means you can resell it and keep 100% of the

The Framework - Option 2

After starting my business and growing it to a certain point, I included
another Digital Marketing Course for absolute beginners called
Simply Passive. Like you barely use Instagram to only post photos of
your dog kind of beginner . This one has a faceless module and Canva
education which has made it super popular but I want to be super clear
that is not as in dept as the previously mentioned one. It is however
super easy to set up and it’s a fantastic product to have in your offers
as it also comes with Master Resell Rights.

What Products To Sell

Now let’s dive into how you can actually start making money . 💰
I am going to be very candid here and yes, if you decide to buy one of the
above MRR you can totally set up shop and offer it straight away.
However I do recommend going through the contents first as this will
allow you to fully support those who buy it from you. Here are the two
other options you have:
1. Create your own products
2. Purchase quality PRL (Private Label Rights) products that you can
rebrand, modify and sell them as your own.

Your Store & PLR Products

It’s a good practice to have a different range of products that can serve
diverse budgets and the different stages of your audience’s journey.
When considering what PLR products to sell I advise you to look into
quality resources. There is a plethora of AI generated content out there
that sounds like if a robot would have written it so be really careful
My entry level products are:
3 months of social media content
My lead magnet template
A digital product starter guide

How To Sell
This is probably the number one question I get aside the “how did you
grow your account so fast”. And from the heart I believe the answer to
both is by sharing your story HONESTLY and serving your audience as
much as you can. Everything you learn is something that someone else
is lacking and can benefit from. Do research other accounts but take
that merely as inspiration. You need to be able to maintain consistency
in your message. A great way of selling I can tell you is sharing your
results. In posts and stories. No matter how little you think they are,
they can inspire someone else.

Would This Be Successful?

I started this journey asking myself the same question. And even when I
decided to create my account I had so much self doubt on wether what I

was doing was working or not. And I am going to tell you this. You are
going to be successful if you don’t stop until you reach your version of
success. It might take time, you might need to adjust or change
strategies if something is not working BUT if your tank is full there is no
stopping you darling. Have a super clear WHY in mind. Have it as a
desktok background, print is somewhere you can see it daily or send
yourself automated emails about it. Because that why is what is going
to keep you going when things feel hard.

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