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Initial Evaluation – 8th Grade

I. Look at the meanings. Complete the words.

1. A small bus with seats for 10-12 people. m______
2. A person who is visiting somewhere on holiday. t______
3. An electric train that carries people around the city streets. t___
4. A small motorbike. s______
5. A train network below the ground. u___________

II. Complete the story with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
It was a very cold day in winter. It 1 ________________________ (snow) and Greg and
Martha 2 ____________________(watch) a tennis match on TV when they 3 __________(hear) a
noise upstairs. They 4 ____________________(go) to investigate.
While they 5 ______________________(go) upstairs to see what happened, their younger brother
came out of his room.
He said, ‘The cat 6 _______________(jump) on my desk! It hit the computer and now ... it’s on
the floor!’

III. Read the article and match the missing sentences (1–7) with the spaces A–G. There is
one sentence that you don’t need.
1. they watched the night before B
2. in the house
3. apart from things like live football matches,
4. like they did when my parents were children
5. whenever and wherever they like
6. better sound and
7. you didn’t have a chance of seeing it again

The end of television?

Does anybody sit down and watch TV these days? When my parents were growing up,
they only had a few channels to choose from. If you missed your favourite programme, it was
just bad luck – [A] (unless you had a video recorder and remembered to programme it). The TV
was the centre point of the house. Families planned what show they wanted to see and cooked
their dinners so that they could finish eating in time to watch it. At school, children talked about
the shows [B] and because there weren’t many programmes for kids, they all watched the same
When I grew up, the TV was bigger and a lot thinner than the TVs of my parents’ time. It
had [C] a remote control to change between the many channels. But the TV was still an
important piece of furniture [D] and we all sat around it on a Saturday night to watch something
as a family.
These days, TV just doesn’t seem to be so important, and [E] people can choose what
they want to watch and when they want to watch it. They don’t even need to watch it on a TV.
They can download programmes and watch them on their tablets and phones [F]. Watching TV
has become a much more individual activity and in many houses the TV set sits forgotten in the
corner of the living room, waiting for the day when the family sits down together again and turns
it on.
IV. Write a short text (about 80–100 words) about your favourite TV programme.
Include the following information:
 What it is.
 When it’s on.
 What it’s about.
 Why you like it.


I. 1 – minibus; 2 – tourist; 3 – tram; 4 – scooter; 5 – underground (0.4p x 5 = 2p)

II. 1 – was snowing; 2 – were watching; 3 – heard; 4 – went; 5 – were going; 6 – jumped
(0.33p x 6 = 2p)
III. 1 B; 2 D; 3 E; 4 –; 5 F; 6 C; 7 A (0.28p x 7 = 2p)
IV. The following aspects will be marked: (total 2p)
Grammatical accuracy – 0.5p
Lexical accuracy – 0.5p
Spelling and punctuation – 0.5p
Coherence – 0.5p

Din oficiu: 2 puncte

Total: 10 puncte

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