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Cruciferae Solanaceae Liliaceae Malvaceae Fabaceae Cucurbitaceae Asteraceae or Compositae Gramineae or

or Male flower Poaceae
Br or Ebr K(5) C(5) A5 G(2) Br P(3+3) A3+3 G(3) Br Epi3-7K(5) C5 A( ) G(5 – Br% K(5)C1+2+(2)A1+(9) G1 Br% O KpC(5)A0 Gb2g Ray floret
Floral Brassicaceae )
or Ebr K(5)C(5)A1+(2)+(2) G0 Br% P2 A 3 G1 or G(3)
or 6
formula Ebr K2+2C4xA2+4G(2) A(9)+1 Female flower Br Kp C(5) A(5) Gb2g Disc floret
Ebr O K(5)C(5)A0 Gb3g Br%KpC(5)A0G0 Sterile floret


Class Dicotyledonae Dicotyledonae Monocotyledonae Dicotyledonae Dicotyledonae Dicotyledonae Dicotyledonae Monocotyledonae

Subclass Polypetalae ––– Polypetalae Polypetalae Gamopetalae –––

Gamopetalae Polypetalae

Pungent odour Swollen placenta Trimerous flower Papilionaceous Corolla Stem pentangular
Special Epicalyx present Largest geographical distribution Trimerous flower
characters Replum(False septum) Oblique ovary or Perianth present Diadelphous stamens Bicollateral vascular bundles
Monoadelphous stamens Most advanced family
oblique septum Inflorescence - Spike of
Cruciform Corolla Inflorescence Umbellate Flowers zygomorphic Plants are monoecious spikelets
Staminal tube present
Epipetalous stamens clusters or Scapigerous Persistant calyx (pappus)
Tetradynamous stamens Vexillary/Descending Parietal placentation Flowers zygomorphic
umbel in onion and garlic, Kidney shaped anther
Axile placentation imbricate aestivation Syngenesious stamen
Parietal placentation in corolla
Synandrous condition Feathery stigma
Axile placentation Twisted aestivation in corolla
Fruit Berry, Sometimes Capitulum or Racemose head
Fruit is pepo
Siliqua Fruit Capsule Fruit usually capsule - onion Stamens indefinite, epipetalous Marginal placentation inflorescence Versatile stamens
The bitter taste of fruit due to presence
Leaves exstipulate Sometimes berry - Lily Axile placentation Fruit Legume/Pod, Basal placentation, Placentation basal
of tetracyclic triterpenes
sometimes Lomentum as
Parallel venation in - Arachis (Ground nut) Cypsela fruit Fruit Caryopsis
Fruit capsule
Leaves exstipulate Leaves stipulate Parallel venation

Adventitious fibrous roots Leaf base pulvinate Perianth (Tepals) present,

Node02\B0BA-BB\Chart Bio\Mod_family_Chart_Eng.p65

Tepals are called lodicules

Mostly underground stems Nodulated roots

Bulb/Corm /Rhizome

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