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1. Infatuation: emotional love: Eros

2. Bonding: building trust (some get married here)
3. Awareness: you realize how sinner you are. (If you don’t have self
awareness your not going to end it very well) Why am I acting this
way... this other person is not who I thought it will
4. Collaborating or conflicting: are you either learning how to work
together or you become more and more conflicted and that will either
lead to a sense of fearless or bitterness and resentment
5. True love: sacrificial commitment (A Godly love) or selfishness, where
you are just the determined : I just going to manipulate the other
person to get whatever It is that I want. End up in loyalty to the
marriage or a sense of abandonment: divorce or “just got shut down
and make myself emotionally and physically unavailable in this

Couples struggles in which two points: when they have awareness and
where they have greater awareness (most people get out of relationship,
sometimes this is a good thing)

Intentional friendship: you’re figuring out when to declare your intentions

and starting to intentional find out about this person

He invited her to a south African potluck... he could declare there his

intentions... but you should be careful
1. Careful about declaring your intentions: evaluate your feelings, be
calm, cool down, thing and observe and Be sure that is God will
(remember you can never go back to regular friendship,l after you
declared your intentions; once you know someone likes you is just not
the same, after that / and remember you’re not yet dating, when you
let a person know that you’re consider this, you’re not dating, simply
exploring whether God is leading the two of you toward marriage, is
just exploration, because if you say that you’re dating you’re
immediately jumping fit first and you’ll not have time to observe
(What if you like more than one person: keep casual, not one likes a
player... that’s not fare, figure out your heart first before confusing
someone’s else’s

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