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Evolution & Genetics

Genetics is the branch of science that deals with the study of genes, genetic variations
and heredity in organisms. Genes are made up of DNA and are a type of genetic
instruction. These instructions are used to make molecules and control the chemical
reaction of life. These are passed from parent to offspring.

It is the process of heritable changes in the population of organisms over several
generations. The inherited traits are the expression of genes that are copied and
passed on to the offspring during reproduction. The heritable traits that are helpful for
survival and reproduction become more common, while the harmful traits become rare.

Evolution of Structure of Genome

Genome evolution is defined as the process by which the genome changes its
structure and size over time. The evolution of the prokaryotic genome happens
by a number of methods-mutation, horizontal gene transfer, and transduction.
The mutation is any permanent change in the body's nucleotide sequence.
Horizontal gene transfer is a method of transferring genetic material from donor
to recipient that is different from the vertical transfer (from parent to offspring).

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