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The limits of sport for health


Nowadays we usually hear that sport is good for health. A lot of studies have proved

that it reduces cardiovascular risks for example. Therefore, sport could have negative aspects,

like injuries which can have serious consequences.

We can ask ourselves if practicing sports is really beneficial for our health. It leads us

to the question: To what extent is sport good for health? In this work we will first see how good

sport can be for our health. After that, we will analyze the negative aspects of sports. Finally,

by using our research, we will see you to practice a healthy sport.

I. Positive aspects of sports for health

In sport, two types of exercises are practiced: aerobic and muscle-strengthening or

anaerobic exercises.

They both have common positive aspects for our health. They improve blood pressure

regulation and blood lipid profile which give a lower risk for cardiopulmonary disease. They

increase heart capacity which reduces risk for cardiovascular disease.

In aerobic exercises we use our oxygen and not during anaerobic activities. It gives

specific properties to these two types of exercises. Concerning aerobic activities, they make

possible the formation of new capillaries and increase mitochondrial volume which increase

aerobic capacity.

Regarding muscle-strengthening exercises, they increase skeletal volume and mineral

content to improve skeletal health. Both types of exercises are good for health, they have

common and their own positive aspects on health.

II. Negative aspects of sports for health

When we think about something dangerous in sport we think of the injury. Injuries can

be bad at different levels. Most injuries are negligible and last a short time. A minority of these

injuries are dangerous and can affect our body.

The most famous injury in football is the knee ligament rupture. A heavy operation has

to be done and the recovery time goes from 4 to 6 months which is really difficult. The suffering

is physical and psychological too.

Sport is related to competitiveness, and it forces players to do their best which is great.

However, some players can suffer because of it. This competitiveness increases psychological

stress and reduces training motivation. For example, if you play in a team with talented players,

you have to do your best to play in the team. You can be stressed from not playing well.

Moreover, if you don’t play with the team, you will be sad, and your training motivation can be

reduced. Despite its positive aspects, sports have negative aspects too.

III. How to practice healthy sport?

Practicing sport without risks is impossible. Despite that, it is possible to reduce risks.

First, it is really important to warm up before a physical activity. Indeed, warming up enables

the cardiovascular system to adapt and to increase the heart rate. This increase improves muscle

vascularization and reduces the risk of getting a muscle strain.

After that, you can begin your sport. If you feel muscular discomfort during your

exercise, you must stop and take a rest. Indeed, the risk here is to continue and to have a serious


When you’re finished, it is really important to stretch out to limit stiffness and to allow

better muscle recovery. By practicing sports like that, you will limit the risks of getting injured.


Practicing sports is really important to keep a healthy body. Aerobic and muscle -

strengthening exercises have common and unique benefits. Despite that, risks like injuries must

be taken into consideration before practicing. The last word will be: practice sports but without

forgetting the risks.

This work contains 590 words.

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Lilian RIETZMANN and Maxence ROBERT - E1 Group

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