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Directions: Write all your answers in journal notebook.

 Create a graphic organizer about fitness and health.

Guide question:

 When do you say that a person is physically active and fit?

 Write a short narrative report about your fitness story.


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the benefits of aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening

2. Explain how aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening activities work
3. Appreciate the importance of FITT in doing physical activities

Activity 1: Let Me Think

Directions: Ask the students to prepare a table with two columns on a sheet of paper like the
one below. Ask them to list down the most frequent activities they did in the past and the ones
they do at present. Let them write as many as they can.

When I was a kid I used to……. Now that I’m a young adult, I do…..

Processing Questions:

1. What were the physical activities in your childhood that you still do today? Do you spend
more time now in doing these activities as compared to before? Cite an example.

2. Do you know the benefits of the physical activities that you do? Can you cite some of these


What is physical activity? It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires
exertion of energy such as running, swimming, dancing, etc. Exercising is considered physical
activity but more structured and planned. Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle
as it improves our health and helps lower risks of illnesses. It is necessary for us to engage in
physical activities to enhance our level of fitness. Many of us exercise and do physical
activities at home, in school, and at the gym. Some of these include aerobic, muscle
strengthening, and bone strengthening activities, all of which are good for body composition. It
is important to know the nature of these physical activities for a better understanding of what it
does to our body.

Aerobic, Muscle and Bone Strengthening Activities: How Do They Work and Differ?

I. Aerobic Activities

Aerobic activities are also called “cardio” exercises. Normally, these activities increase
our heart and breathing rate. They cause us to sweat profusely and breathe harder. Our heart
pumps blood more vigorously, causing oxygen to circulate throughout our body. This allows
us to sustain our aerobic exercise for a few minutes. Such activities like jogging, running,
swimming and dancing are some examples of aerobic exercises which improve our
cardiorespiratory fitness. They also help lower risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
osteoporosis. Most aerobic activities can be done on a daily basis. To be physically fit, it is
important to engage in aerobic activities.

Guidelines for Aerobic Exercise

Frequency - Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week. When
doing cardio exercises, especially to lose weight, frequency is an important factor to make it
more effective. Start cardio exercises for at least 3 days a week for the first few weeks, with
not more than 2 days’ rest between sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase the
frequency of exercise to 5 days a week.

Intensity – To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity, that is,
our heart rate should be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate. First, determine the target
heart rate by getting the maximum heart rate and the recommended heart rate range. This will
then tell how hard we should exercise during our training.

Time – More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an
increase in endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per session at first, then gradually
increase it to 60 minutes.

Type - Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as
basketball are some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to
try different exercises and activities to avoid boredom.

II. Muscle Strengthening Activities

Muscle strengthening activities are exercises in which groups of muscles work or hold
against a force or some weight. Muscle strengthening activities help build good muscle strength.
When muscles do more work, it becomes stronger. Therefore, having strong and healthy muscles
enable us to perform everyday physical tasks. With strong and capable muscles, we can
rearrange the furniture in our living room and carry heavy grocery bags from the market to our
home. During muscle strengthening activity, muscle contraction occurs. The repetitive contractions
during exercise can cause damage to the muscle fibers. Our body repairs these muscle fibers
when they get damaged.

The repair happens after exercise while muscles are at rest. New muscle fibers are produced to
replace or repair those that were damaged. The muscles in our body then start to grow larger and
stronger. This stimulation and repair process is called muscle hypertrophy. It is important to note
that these muscle-strengthening activities—short high intensity exercises—should be alternately
scheduled in a week allowing rebuilding of muscles during rest periods. Ideally, one to two days of
rest lets our muscles rest and recover.

Exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and lifting weights are some examples of muscle
strengthening activities that you can do if you want to have strong and lean muscles. Remember
that before you start doing these activities, be sure to do dynamic warm-up to avoid injury.

III. Bone Strengthening Activities

Bone growth is stimulated by physical stress brought about by physical activity. As skeletal
muscles contract, they pull their attachment on bones causing physical stress. This consequently
stimulates bone tissue, making it stronger and thicker. Such bone strengthening activities can
increase bone density throughout our skeletal system. This is called bone hypertrophy. Many
forms of physical activity like running, skipping rope, and playing basketball help keep our bones
fit. Bones also support groups of muscles to reduce risk of falling. It is important to understand that
bone-strengthening exercises do not only focus on bone health, it also focuses on improving
muscle strength, coordination, and balance. Each strengthening activity mentioned works
differently from the other as each focuses on different target areas in the body. But each
contributes to the ultimate goal of being fit. Being fit is important and requires a proper plan and
much effort and discipline. If we want to live healthy, we need to optimize our daily physical
activities to achieve our desired level of fitness. 2
Health-Related Components
2 of Fitness

Need a little inspiration for a healthier you? Being physically fit is like involving in a
relationship, you are expected to work on your regular exercise and you cannot even cheat on
your diet and work out. Applying health-related- fitness components in a well –rounded exercise
program supports a higher quality of life since this is all about your personal health that involves
variety of activities which will benefit your body and your mind. In general, achieving an
adequate level of fitness in all components of HRF is essential to good health.

Remember that our first wealth is our health!

1. Filling out Health Appraisal Form prior to any physical activity.

2. Answer the Pre-test before you go to lesson proper.
3. Read the instructions carefully in conducting Health-related fitness test and provide own
equipment in conducting the test.
4. Observe proper safety measures while performing the test and record the test result.

Answer all the assessment to know how much you have learned in each lesson.

Activity 1: Pre- Test.

Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Choose your answer from the lists above.

Muscular strength Flexed Arm support Anthropometric test

Muscular endurance 90 Degrees Push-up

Flexibility Hamstring test

Cardiovascular 3 minute step test

Body Composition Zipper Test

______________________ 1. The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working
muscles during physical activity for a long period of time.

_______________________2.The ability of your joints and muscles to move in a full range of


_______________________3. The body’s portion of fat, muscle and bone.

_______________________4. The ability to use your muscles many times without tiring.

________________________5.The amount of force your muscles can produce or exert.

_________6. The purpose of this test is to measure the Body Mass Index (BMI).

________________________7.A type of test that measures the flexibility of hamstring and


________________________8. A test for cardiovascular endurance on quickly rate returns to

normal after exercise.

________________________9. A test for flexibility of the shoulder joints.

________________________10. A test to measure the muscular strength of the shoulder and

the upper arm.

In previous lesson, we have discussed that during exercise, the body uses large
amount of energy in three different ways. The ATP/ CP system, anaerobic system and
aerobic system. These are the chemical pathways that cope with energy production and the
products of physical work. In general, the relative contribution from each system depends on
the intensity and duration of the activity. A basic understanding on how our body uses energy
during different forms of exercise is very useful in designing an effective exercise program.
Thus, health-related fitness test are considered the starting point for designing an appropriate
exercise program.

In this lesson, we will have better understanding on Health-related fitness test which
evaluate our overall health and physical status. Health and fitness are two things that we
must take care of to lead a good life since being physically fit has a lot of advantages and is
essential to work correctly and live productively. Health is wealth and we must take good care
of ourselves, therefore, let`s strive to be healthy!

ACTIVITY 2. Let`s Find Out! Observe the picture and answer the questions below.

 Describe the picture.

 Which type of physical activity
do you usually do?
 What are the benefits of doing
such activities?

In this module, we will learn the value of Health-related components of fitness, and the
HR fitness test.
Physical fitness is defined as a state of good health as a result of exercise and proper
nutrition. Staying healthy is everyone`s priority. Most people understand that there are benefits
that arise from prioritizing physical fitness because active people generally live longer and
enjoys a better quality of life. 4

The key to achieve physical fitness for health reasons is to give emphasis on health-
related fitness components when doing work out. It is not defined only by what kind of activity
you do, how long you do it, or at what level of intensity but rather over all fitness which made up
of 5 main components. These fitness components focus on factors that promote optimum
health and prevent the onset of disease and problems associated with inactivity. You can
determine if someone is physically fit by determining how well they perform in each component
in HRF.

The Health-related fitness (HRF) consists of 5 components namely; Cardiorespiratory

Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility and Body Composition.

 Cardiovascular Endurance - is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to
provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads. Physical
activity that trains for cardio respiratory endurance focuses on repetitive, dynamic, and
prolonged movements using major muscles groups.
 Muscular Strength - the amount of force muscles can produce. You can train your
muscles to be stronger by lifting heavy weights for a few repetitions.
 Muscular Endurance - the ability of muscles to perform continuous without fatiguing. It
is a measure of how long a muscle can withstand a prolonged contraction or many
repeated contractions.
 Flexibility - ability of each joint to move through the available range of motion for a
specific joint. It helps to prevent muscular imbalances and allows you to move about
with ease.
 Body composition- the amount of mass compared to lean muscle mass bone and
organs. Overall health generally improves when you have lower amount of fat mass
and higher amount of lean muscles.

Note to Remember:

 Physical Fitness- Health-Related Tests are not allowed without the supervision of
the P.E teacher. This is not included in the module for safety purposes.

The Health Appraisal Record is designed to determine individual’s safety in starting an

exercise plan. It is important to fill up the form before engaging in any physical activity.


Name:____________________________ Gender:____________ Age:_________


Height:________ Weight:_____________
Resting Pulse Rate:_________ Blood Type:_________
Date of Last Medication:____________________


 To be further of assistance to you, please answer and/or check the answer of

the following questions.
 Any hospitalization/ surgery since last medical examination?
(YES)____(NO)____ if YES, please indicate nature of injury/ injuries?
1. Any injury sustained last medical examination? YES____ NO_____
What was the nature of injury/ injuries?_______________________

2. Have you had any of the following:

a. Chest Pain or difficulty of breathing on physical exertion? YES_____NO_____
b. Frequent dizziness or fainting spells? YES_____NO_____
c. Asthma? YES_____ NO_____
d. Other lung disease? YES____ _NO_____
e. Diabetes? YES _____NO_____
f. High Blood Pressure? YES_____NO_____

g. Anemia? YES_____NO_____
h. Kidney Trouble/ Disease? YES_____NO_____
i. Arthritis? YES_____NO_____
j. Gout? YES_____NO_____
k. Dislocation? YES_____NO_____
If yes please indicate what part of the body________

l. fractures? YES____NO_____

3. At present, do you have lumbar/lower back pain? YES___ _NO_____

4. Other ailments which you have at present that may in a way restrict your physical activity?
Please specify___________________

5. Are you now under treatment? YES____NO____

6. Do you engage in regular exercise? YES____NO____

7. How often do you exercise? ________________

8. How long do you exercise? _________________

9. When was the last time you exercise? _________________

10. Do you smoke? YES___NO____ if yes, how many sticks a day?____________________

11. Do you drink alcohol beverages? YES____NO____ if yes, how often _______________

I certify as to the correctness of the answers to the above questions.

_________________________________ _________________________

Name and Signature of Students Date

__________________________________ _________________________

Name and Signature of Parent Date

Now, you may be getting ready to perform the different health related components of fitness
to assess your strength and weaknesses. Take note that warming up before exercise is a
good way to reduce the risk of injury and to prepare yourself physically as well as mentally for
the said activity. Start with proper Stretching, warming-up and cooling down after performing
the test and make sure you have comfortable clothing and water.
Activity 3: Let Me Think!

Direction: Identify the following physical activities by writing the Health-related component of
fitness necessary in doing the task. Write your answer on the table below.

Fetching water Picking fruits from trees Jogging

Swimming Pulling/Pushing heavy object Skipping with a rope

Aerobic Dancing Planking Body Weight Squats Raking Leaves

Line Dancing

Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Cardiovascular



3 Barriers to Physical Activity

Nowadays, the major cause of numerous health issues in our society is the sedentary
lifestyle because many technological advances and conveniences have made our lives easier
and lead us to become less active. People really need to engage in physical activity to prevent
these health problems and maintain a normal and healthy life. These physical activities have
multiple benefits therefore, any activity that gets you moving, gets your heart rate up, and gives
you enough pleasure to do it regularly is good for you in almost every way. So have fun, be
healthy and feel good!

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

1. identify barriers to physical activity

2. self-assess own ways to overcome barriers to physical activity.

In the previous lesson, we discussed the components of health related fitness and
undergo the different types of HR fitness test in which those test are considered as the starting
point to design appropriate exercise program that has a long term benefit. With that activity, you
were able to identify your strength and weaknesses and the areas which you need to improve. A
person stays happier when he-/ she is fit and healthy that is why we need to engage ourselves
in any physical activity to reduce the risk of having diseases and illnesses. However, some
people do not engage themselves in any physical activity and now you might be wondering why.
Today in our next lesson, we will determine the different barriers to physical activity and
how to overcome those barriers. Changing habits is not easy but once you start to feel better,
you will see the benefits and the changes you`ve made.

Activity 1: Describe the Picture!

Direction: Describe the picture below. Can you tell what causes this person to act this
way? Write your answer on the space provided, beside the picture.

Today, we will be learning the different barriers to physical activity and later you will cite some
ways to overcome those barriers.

The role of physical activity in our day to day lives has changed over the centuries
because of modern technological advancement that have made people less active due to
certain barriers to participation. Understanding common barriers to physical activity and
creating strategies to overcome them may help make physical activity part of daily life. The
following are some common reasons why people remain inactive.

Personal Barriers

1. Lack of interest 6. Lack of encouragement

2. Joint Pain 7. Worries about looks
3. Dislike of going out alone 8. Lack of time
4. Not belonging to a group 9. Discomfort after exercise
5. Lack of energy 10. Social influence

Environmental Barriers

The major environmental barriers are Time, Place, Space, Climate and Noise.The
environment which we live plays a major role on our level of physical activity. Factors such as
Poor street lighting at night and a lack of convenient places to do Physical Activity, traffic,
crime and pollution may also have an effect. Where we live, learn, work and play appear to
have a great deal to do with how active we are. Creating activity-friendly environment is one
way to help people become inactive such as buildings, streets, and communities that
encourage walking and biking.

Activity 2. Lead Me to Where I am!

Direction: Listed below are examples of physical activity barriers. Draw a line connecting its type
whether PERSONAL or ENVIRONMENTAL barrier.

Lack of Transportation

Narrow sidewalks

Lack of motivation

Noisy Place

Lack of energy

Busy schedule

No jogging trails

Lack of sleep

Lack of facilities

Follow Up Question: Fear of injury

1. While filling out the PAR-Q form, have you encountered physical activity barrier? Is
there any personal or environmental barrier? If yes, please list id down.

Activity 3: Self-reflection!

Direction: On the table below, list down the barriers you encountered in doing
physical activity.
Personal Barriers Environmental Barriers Suggestions in overcoming

Follow up Question:

 Cite some ways to overcome situations that hinders you to engage in physical

What I Can Do

Activity 4. Let`s Get Physical!

Direction: Imagine that you are writing an article for a health magazine. Your task is to
write an essay about health awareness and encourage the people to become
physically fit by engaging in physical activity. Your essay should be brief and easy to
read. Write your answer on the space provided on the next page.
Additional Activities

Activity 5. Direction: Create a SLOGAN about the importance of engaging Physical

Activity. Write your answer on the box below.

Principles of Exercise
4 Training- Fitness Goals


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Discuss Principle of Physical Activity and the FITT

2. Make a FITT fitness plan based on training principles to achieve/and or maintain health
related fitness
3. Perform moderate to vigorous physical activities following the designed fitness plan.


Directions: Review your previous lesson by these following questions:

1. What is fitness?
2. 2. Enumerate activities done to improve fitness.
3. 3. What is the significance of improving our fitness?

Improving fitness is an important goal for achieving optimum health. If carefully

planned, performed, monitored, and evaluated, positive health–related outcomes will be
achieved and that reduces their risks to acquiring health problems. To maximize the results of
a physical fitness program there is a need to be acquainted with the Principles of Exercise
and appropriate modification of the FITT— Frequency, Intensity, Type, and Time.

The Principles of Physical Activity

 Overload Principle. This is the most basic principle that indicates doing “more than
normal” for improvement to happen. In order for the skeletal muscles to get stronger,
additional load must be added and greater load exerted than what was used to.

 Principle of Progression. It is a gradual increase in exerting effort or load that is done

not too slowly, nor too rapidly. This principle aids safe and effective results.

 Principle of Specificity. This suggests that overloading must specifically train a

desired body part for it to improve. For example, cardiovascular fitness may only
improve flexibility to a small degree, and so jogging and running will not be a part of the
exercise program for developing flexibility. Instead, select exercises with emphasis on
stretching out the muscles and joints. Use the appropriate type of exercise that directly
improves your target muscles.

 Principle of Reversibility. Development of muscles will take place if regular movement

and execution is done, and if activity ceases, it will be reversed. This shows that benefit
and changes achieved from overload will last only if training is continuous. The effect of

 training is lost if the training is discontinued.

The FITT Principle of Physical Activity

 Frequency

The frequency of exercise refers to number of times a physical activity is done in each
week. According to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is recommended
to exercise 3-5 days per week and for more optimal results, exercise can be done in most
days of the week with a combination of lightmoderate-vigorous activity.

 Intensity

The rate at which the activity is performed is called Intensity. It is also referred to as the
magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or exercise. It describes how easy or
how hard a person has to work in a certain activity, and it varies from one person to
another. The determination of intensity depends on some individual factors such as
exercise experience, relative level of fitness, and needs of fitness.
The intensity level target may be determined by computing the target heart rate (THR)
range based on the results of an exercise stress test, considering the resting and exercise
heart rate, with 60% to 80% intensity level. (Karvonen’s Formula)

 Instruct the students to go over the recorded fitness results from the self-testing activity.
These will be used in computing their target heart rate (THR). Let them compute their THR
following the procedure below.


Activity 1: My Target Heart Rate

Activity 1: My Target Heart Rate

Directions: Compute your Target Heart Rate Range in 4 steps. Fill in the blanks below.

1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate. . Age : 15 RHR: 60

MHR = 220 - ________ MHR = 220 – 15

(your age) MHR = 205

MHR =____________

2. Determine the Heart Rate Reserve.

HRR = MHR – ________________ HRR = 205 - 60

(Resting Heart Rate)

(*Please refer to Self-testing activities)

HRR= _____________ HRR = 145

3. Take 60% and 80% of the HRR

a. 60% x HRR = _________ 60% x 145 = 87

b. 80% x HRR = _________ 80% x 145 = 116

4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the Target Heart Rate (THR)

a. 60% HRR 87 + __60___ = __147__ beats per minute


b. 80% HRR 116 + __60__ = __176 __ beats per minute


Therefore, your target heart rate range is __147_ to __176 beats per minute.

(4.a) (4.b)

(When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within the normal range therefore you
have to select moderate – vigorous activities that will make your heart pump within the

THR range of from 147 to 176 bpm.)

 Type

The type of activity is determined by following the principle of progression and specificity. To
attain a higher level of fitness, select the type of physical activity that challenges the body to
accept an increase in work and answers your need.

Activity 2:

 Instruct the students to get a piece of paper and to perform Activity 2 in 3 minutes. Let
them copy the table and fill-in words from the word pool.
 Directions: Identify what HRF component these physical activities belong to. Choose your
answer from the word pool and write your answers on the table provided for.

Cardiovascular Fitness Flexibility Muscular Strength and Endurance

Walking jogging lunges planks Dynamic

stretchingswimming yoga brisk walking Stretching squats
sit-ups weights exercises

 Time

Time is the duration or the length of session of a physical activity. It is inversely

related to Intensity since the more intense a work is done, the shorter time it is performed.

Here are some examples of physical activities and exercises that you may integrate in
your own fitness plan. Remember that the intensity of exercise as well as the type of activity
to be done will vary for each person, as it is based on the fitness level results during self-

 Aerobic Exercises to improve Cardiovascular Endurance

 walking
 jogging
 cycling/biking
 hiking
 skating
 rollerblading
 step aerobics
 cardio machines e.g. treadmill

 Flexibility Fitness

 Muscular Strength and Endurance Fitness

Activity 3: How intense are you?

Directions: Perform one activity at a time and supply the information by filling-up the table.
Please read below the things to remember.

Describe the Walking around Brisk Walking for 3-minute Jumping

activity based on for 5 minutes 4 minutes jack
the following
How are you

How is your

How is your

How is your talking


1. Which among the three (walking around, brisk walking, 3-minute jump jacks) is considered:

a) Light activity: walking around for 5 minutes

Justification: _____________________________________

b) Moderate activity: brisk walking for 4 minutes

Justification: ______________________________________

c) Vigorous Activity: 3 minute jump jacks

Justification: ______________________________________


 Do not perform if you have medical health problems especially the 3-minute jumping jack.
 Only those who have no medical records can execute the 3-minute jumping jack for safety

“MET” is another name for metabolic equivalent, a measure of exercise intensity based on oxygen
consumption. More specifically, a single MET is defined as the amount of oxygen a person consumes
(or the energy expended) per unit of body weight during 1 minute of rest. It is equal to about 3.5
milliliters (ml) of oxygen consumption per kilogram (kg) of body weight per minute, or 1 kilocalorie (kcal)
per kg of body weight per hour. Source:

Activity 4: My Fitness Plan

 Directions: Let the students go over their results for the self-testing activities assessment
in the previous year as bases for this activity.

 Following the fitness plan design shown below, select activities guided by the Principles of
Exercise and the FITT goals.
Fitness Frequency Intensity Type Time
Parts of (Indicate Light, Form of Exercises, selected
the Fitness days of the Moderate to physical activities
plan week) Vigorous

(Prioritize the weakest component

Workout A________________________










TOTAL Fitness plan not less than 60 mins.

 Take Note to Remember: This is very important, please read!

1. Instruct the student under the Time category on the table to divide the total number of
minutes in the three phases of fitness.

A. Warm-up can be done in 5 to 10 or more depending on the type of exercise

B. Workout must have a highest number of minutes.
C. Cool-down will be done in 5 minutes.

2. Students with Medical Records/Health Problems will perform only light to moderate
workout while those who have no medical/health problems can either be light to moderate
or moderate to vigorous activity/workout.


Objectives:At then end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Create a fitness event( dance) following the three phases of exercise program: warm-up,
workout, and cool down;
2. Perform the fitness dance for a target health issue or concern;
3. Observe safety measures in performing fitness event.

Directions: The fitness will be done at home only due to COVID 19. Do it with your
family only.

 Participate/organize health or fitness event.( Zumba/Fitness Dance).

 If possible you will organize fitness dance within your family in order to follow the strict
compliance protocol on the COVID 19.
 Write a reflection paper about the event you attended or organized. Include pictures of the
event program, registration form and certificate of participation/attendance.
 All of these activities will be put into journal notebook. It will be graded with rubrics.


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