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Project Statement


For my midterm exploration, I decided to explore different ways to decorate pots and try to lock

down a specific shape that I wanted to use for the 4 pots that I would make for my final. The

methods of decoration I was exploring were painting and sgraffito. Sgraffito is when you scrape

into a piece while the clay is in between being wet and bone dry. This stage is called leather hard.

This process creates clear lines and is basically drawing on clay. Painting would be done either at

a leather hard stage or when the clay has been through the first firing.

Compare Contrast:

I am finding that the style of pots that I want to make is aligning more with Matthew Metz than I

originally thought I wanted. I thought before that I wanted to paint on designs and that would

create a clear and cohesive narrative on my pots, but after having painted on pots, I realized that

my original idea wasn’t as feasible.

The biggest difference between my work and Matthew Metz’s is the clay body. I’m working with

white stoneware clay whereas Matthew is working with porcelain. These have differences in how

they are used and what you can do with them.


I will use my findings to make the final objects. These experiments have given me a good

understanding of what I’m going to do and the logistical knowledge of how to do them.

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