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Good morning, everyone! I'm [Jan Rafael], and I'm joined by the fabulous [Jessieca].

Welcome to our weekly


Emcee 2: Thank you, [Jan Rafael]! It's always a pleasure to be here with all of you. Now, let's begin our convocation
with the solemn ceremony of raising our school flag to be conducted by Lorence D. Barber.

[Flag raising ceremony takes place]

Emcee 1: Thank you for that moment of respect. Now, let's continue our program with a prayer to be led by
Michaela V. Gonzales. Requesting everyone to bow your heads as we seek guidance for the week ahead.

[Pause for prayer]

Emcee 2: Thank you. Let's move on to the "Panunumpa sa Watawat" to be led by Ehra Jane Sumergido. I request
everyone to face the flag as we recite together.

[Panunumpa sa Watawat takes place]

Emcee 1: Beautiful! Let's express our love for our country through the "Panatang Makabayan" to be led by Joella A.

[Panatang Makabayan is recited]

Emcee 2: Fantastic! Our unity and love for our nation shine bright. Now, let's add some rhythm and energy to our
morning with a lively dance presentation. Put your hands together for our talented Grade Six – Eris Dancers!

[Dance presentation takes place]

Emcee 1: Incredible performance! Let's give another round of applause to our amazing dancers. Now, get ready to
be immersed in the magical world of music brought to you by the talented Grade Six Eris Boys!

Emcee 2: What a lovely performance for the month of love. Thank you boys! And with that, we conclude our weekly
convocation. Remember to spread positivity, kindness, and make a difference. Until next time, stay motivated, and
have a fantastic week ahead!

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