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Nội dung

Topic: Extracurricular activities are essential for students. Do you agree or disagree?.......................1
TOPIC: Should volunteerism among Vietnamese youth be mandatory or encouraged?.....................3
TOPIC : E-commerce vs. Traditional Retail: Which Is Better for Consumers in Vietnam?...............4
Topic: Influencers in Vietnamese Society: Do They Promote Unhealthy Standards or Provide
Valuable Guidance?...................................................................................................................................6
TOPICIs Globalization more harmful than beneficial to developing countries like
Topic Social Media has negative impacts on Vietnamese Youth. Do you agree or
disagree? Arguments FOR Social Media:................................................................................................8

Topic: Extracurricular activities are essential for students. Do you

agree or disagree?
For :
1. Develop valuable skills: Extracurricular activities provide a platform
for students to learn and develop skills that complement classroom
learning. For instance, participating in a school play fosters creativity,
public speaking, and teamwork. These skills are valuable not only in
academic settings but also throughout their lives, from collaborating in
future jobs to confidently expressing themselves in any situation.
2. Explore interests and passions: Extracurricular activities offer a vast
array of options, from robotics clubs to student government. This variety
allows students to explore different areas of interest and discover hidden
talents. Maybe a student finds a passion for debate through the debate
club, or enjoys tinkering with electronics in the robotics club. These
activities can spark lifelong interests and even guide future career paths.
3. Enhance academic performance: Contrary to the belief that
extracurriculars take away from studies, research suggests a positive
correlation between participation and academic achievement. Studies
show that students involved in extracurricular activities often
demonstrate better time management skills, improved focus, and even
higher grades [1]. The engagement and social interaction provided by
these activities can contribute to a more positive overall school
experience, which can indirectly benefit academic performance.
Against :
1. Overscheduling and Stress: A jam-packed filled with
extracurricular activities can lead to burnout and stress for students.
Constantly rushing from school to practices, rehearsals, or games leaves
little time for relaxation, unstructured play, or simply being a kid. This
chronic stress can negatively impact a student's mental and physical
health, potentially leading to anxiety, fatigue, and even decreased
academic performance.
2. Pressure and Competition: Extracurricular activities can sometimes
become overly competitive, especially in athletics or academic clubs.
The pressure to perform at a high level or constantly strive for a top
position can be demotivating for some students. Instead of fostering
enjoyment and exploration, this competitive atmosphere might make
them feel inadequate or discourage them from participating altogether.
3. Limited Resources and Access: Unfortunately, not all students have
equal access to extracurricular activities. Financial constraints might
limit participation in certain activities that require equipment, fees, or
travel. Additionally, some schools have limited resources and may offer
a smaller selection of extracurricular options. This creates an uneven
playing field, potentially hindering the opportunity for students from
underprivileged backgrounds to explore their interests and develop
certain skills.
TOPIC: Should volunteerism among Vietnamese youth be
mandatory or encouraged?
1. Building a stronger community: Vietnam has a rich tradition of
community service, and volunteerism allows young people to contribute
directly to the well-being of their society. By helping at local charities,
environmental projects, or elder care facilities, Vietnamese youth gain a
deeper understanding of local needs and develop a sense of
responsibility towards their communities. This fosters a stronger sense of
social cohesion and encourages young people to become active and
engaged citizens.
2. Personal growth and development: Volunteering provides valuable life
experiences that contribute significantly to a young person's personal
growth. Working with diverse populations, overcoming challenges, and
witnessing the positive impact of their actions helps build confidence,
empathy, and valuable interpersonal skills. These experiences can also
be eye-opening, exposing young people to different realities and
broadening their perspectives on the world.

3. Career exploration and skill development: Volunteer work can be a

valuable tool for Vietnamese youth to explore potential career paths and
develop essential skills. By volunteering in fields that align with their
interests, students gain practical experience, build their resumes, and
potentially discover hidden talents. Additionally, many volunteer
opportunities involve teamwork, communication, and problem-solving -
all highly sought-after skills in today's job market.
Against :
1. Reduced Intrinsic Motivation: Forcing volunteerism can backfire by
reducing intrinsic motivation. When volunteering is mandatory, it may
feel like a chore rather than a chance to make a positive contribution.
This can lead to a lack of enthusiasm, effort, and ultimately, a less
meaningful experience. Genuine passion and a desire to help are key
drivers of impactful volunteerism.

2. Skill Mismatch and Inefficiency: Not all young people possess the
same skills or interests. Mandating volunteerism might place students in
roles where their skills are not well-suited. This can lead to frustration
for both the volunteer and the organization receiving the service. An
emphasis on finding the right fit between volunteer and opportunity can
maximize efficiency and create a more positive experience for everyone

3. Pressure and Resentment: Mandatory programs can create pressure

on young people who may already be juggling academic workloads,
extracurricular activities, or family obligations. This pressure can lead
to resentment towards volunteering and potentially discourage future
participation, even in areas they might genuinely enjoy. Focusing on
encouraging volunteerism fosters a sense of agency and allows young
people to choose their involvement based on their own interests and
available time.

TOPIC : E-commerce vs. Traditional Retail: Which Is Better for

Consumers in Vietnam?
1. Convenience and Time Saving: E-commerce platforms are accessible 24/7,
allowing Vietnamese consumers to shop from anywhere, anytime. This eliminates
the need to travel to physical stores, saving precious time and effort. Imagine
browsing for groceries or clothes from your couch in the evening, instead of
battling traffic during rush hour.
2. Wider Selection and Competitive Prices: E-commerce platforms offer a vast
selection of products from various vendors across Vietnam and even globally. This
wider selection allows consumers to compare prices easily, find unique items, and
potentially secure better deals compared to limited stock in traditional stores.

3. Promotions and Discounts: E-commerce platforms frequently run promotions,

flash sales, and discount vouchers. This competition between online retailers
translates to significant savings for Vietnamese consumers, particularly for those
who are tech-savvy and can navigate these deals effectively.

1. Difficulty Assessing Product Quality: Unlike traditional stores, e-

commerce platforms often limit physical interaction with products.
Dependence on photos and descriptions can lead to disappointment
when the actual product arrives and fails to meet expectations in terms
of quality, size, or material. This is especially true for clothes,
electronics, or other products where details are crucial.

2. Trust and Security Concerns: Cash on delivery (COD) remains a

popular payment method in Vietnam, highlighting consumer concerns
about online fraud and secure transactions. Sharing financial
information online can be a barrier for some, especially in rural areas
with limited access to secure internet connections or digital literacy.

3. Delayed Gratification and Returns: The wait time for deliveries in e-

commerce can be a drawback for Vietnamese consumers accustomed to
instant gratification in traditional stores. Additionally, the return process
can be cumbersome, involving shipping the item back and waiting for a
refund, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming.
Topic: Influencers in Vietnamese Society: Do They Promote
Unhealthy Standards or Provide Valuable Guidance?
1. Content Diversity and Educational Opportunities: The Vietnamese influencer
landscape is not monolithic. Many influencers create content focused on
education, healthy living, entrepreneurship, or skill development. These
influencers can be valuable resources for viewers, offering tutorials, tips, and
inspiration to pursue their goals or learn new things. For instance, a fitness
influencer might promote healthy workout routines and provide viewers with
valuable exercise knowledge.

2. Promoting Cultural Awareness and Local Businesses: Vietnamese influencers

can be powerful advocates for Vietnamese culture and local businesses. They can
showcase traditional clothing, promote local cuisine, or highlight the work of
Vietnamese artisans. This exposure can raise awareness and appreciation for
Vietnamese culture, not only domestically but also on a global scale.

3. Role Models and Building Confidence: Many Vietnamese influencers are

relatable figures who share their experiences and journeys with their audience.
This can be particularly inspiring for young people who see these individuals
achieving success or overcoming challenges. Positive and genuine influencers can
serve as role models, promoting self-acceptance, confidence, and a healthy body
1. Promoting Unrealistic Beauty Standards and Materialism: Many Vietnamese influencers
cultivate a heavily curated online presence, often showcasing heavily edited photos and
unrealistic beauty standards. This constant exposure to seemingly perfect lives can lead to
feelings of inadequacy, body image issues, and a pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty ideals,
particularly among young viewers. Additionally, the focus on luxury brands and excessive
consumption promoted by some influencers can create materialistic aspirations and financial
strain for viewers.

2. Deception and Lack of Transparency: Concerns exist regarding inauthenticity and a lack of
transparency among some Vietnamese influencers. Product endorsements might not be genuine,
and sponsored content may not be clearly labeled. This deception can mislead viewers,
especially young people who may be more trusting of influencers they follow.

3. Misinformation and Negative Influences: The lack of regulation in influencer marketing can
lead to the spread of misinformation or unhealthy habits. Fitness influencers might promote
unrealistic weight loss methods or crash diets, while others might glamorize unhealthy lifestyles
or risky behaviors. This can have negative consequences on viewers' health and well-being,
particularly those who are especially impressionable.

TOPICIs Globalization more harmful than beneficial to developing countries

like Vietnam?
Arguments FOR Globalization:

1. Economic Growth and Job Creation: Globalization has opened Vietnam's

doors to foreign investment and trade. This has led to the creation of new
industries, increased job opportunities, and a rise in living standards for
many Vietnamese people. Foreign companies bring in technology, expertise,
and capital, boosting Vietnam's export sector and overall economic

2. Technology Transfer and Innovation: Globalization facilitates the transfer of

knowledge and technology. Exposure to international practices and
collaboration with foreign companies allows Vietnamese businesses to adopt
better production methods, improve product quality, and become more
innovative. This fosters a more dynamic and competitive domestic market.

3. Poverty Reduction and Improved Living Standards: Increased economic

activity due to globalization has lifted many Vietnamese out of poverty.
Foreign investment creates jobs, raises wages, and allows for greater access
to goods and services. Additionally, globalization can lead to lower
consumer prices due to increased competition, further improving living
Arguments AGAINST Globalization:

1. Exploitation of Labor and Environmental Concerns: The pursuit of lower

production costs by multinational corporations can lead to the exploitation of
Vietnamese labor. Workers may be subjected to unsafe working conditions
and low wages, while environmental regulations might be overlooked to
attract foreign investment.

2. Income Inequality and Vulnerability to External Shocks: Globalization can

exacerbate income inequality within Vietnam. Benefits may primarily
accrue to urban areas and skilled workers, while rural populations and those
with limited skills struggle to compete. Additionally, Vietnam's economy
becomes more vulnerable to external economic shocks and fluctuations in
global markets.

3. Loss of Cultural Identity and Local Businesses: The influx of foreign

products and cultural influences can threaten Vietnam's unique cultural
identity. Local businesses may struggle to compete with established
international brands, potentially leading to homogenization and the loss of
traditional practices and products.

Topic Social Media has negative impacts on Vietnamese Youth. Do you agree
or disagree?
Arguments FOR Social Media:

1. Connection and Community Building: Social media platforms like

Facebook, Zalo, and Instagram allow Vietnamese youth to stay connected
with friends and family, regardless of distance. They can also join online
communities based on shared interests, fostering a sense of belonging and
2. Access to Information and Education: Social media can be a valuable source
of information and educational resources. Young people can learn about
current events, explore new ideas, and connect with educational content
creators. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok offer educational videos on
various subjects, making learning more accessible and engaging.

3. Personal Branding and Skill Development: Social media platforms provide

opportunities for young Vietnamese to showcase their talents, build a
personal brand, and even explore entrepreneurial ventures. They can connect
with potential employers or collaborators, develop valuable digital
communication skills, and build a portfolio of their work.

Arguments AGAINST Social Media:

1. Addiction and Time Management: Excessive social media use can lead to
addiction, impacting sleep, focus, and academic performance. The constant
stream of updates and notifications can be distracting and make it difficult
for young people to manage their time effectively.

2. Cyberbullying and Mental Health: Social media can be a breeding ground

for cyberbullying and negative comments. This can lead to anxiety,
depression, and feelings of isolation, particularly for young people who are
more vulnerable to online harassment.

3. Unrealistic Beauty Standards and Body Image Issues: The curated online
world can promote unrealistic beauty standards and materialism. Constant
exposure to heavily edited photos can lead to body image dissatisfaction and
a pressure to conform to unrealistic ideals.

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