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MUSCLE STRENGTHENING ACTIVITIES Muscle strength activities is an exercises in

which sets of strengths work hold against a force or some weight. Muscle strength
activities will help body straight muscle power. Thus muscles it will work, it becomes
stronger. Having strong and healthy muscle enable us to perform everyday physical

BONE STRENGTHENING ACTIVITIES Bone growth is stimulated thru physical pressure.

Skeletal muscles contract and attach the bones in causing physical stress. Consequently inspires
bone tissue and make it stronger and thicker. Bone strengthening activities will increase bone
concentration throughout skeletal system. It will helps our bones develop and it will become
stronger. Your feet and your arms must support the body weight, muscles impulse against your
bones, these are bone-strengthening activities.


It’s time to know the differences of three energy system are and how it is being used. You will
learn a lot from this reading. Take your time and learn something. We eat food is a source of
energy. There is a complex chemical process called cellular respiration in which our body takes in
food and uses it to convert and produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP materials drive to
muscle cells for the muscular contraction through physical activity. Creatine phosphate (CP), like
ATP, is stored in muscles cells. When it broken down, a large amount of energy released. Specific
energy system it will dominate conditional intensity and type of activity it must be done.


Anaerobic A-Lactic or ATP-CP is dominant source of muscle energy for high intensity physical
activities. It provides high bursts of start of energy that lasts around ten seconds or less. ATP-CP
provides immediate energy without requiring any oxygen and does not produce lactic acid (a-
lactic).Athletic events like the shot put, weight lifting, and 100-meter sprinting are examples of
physical activities that utilize the ATP-CP energy system.


Anaerobic Lactic is also known as the glycolytic energy system, an energy system that supplies
energy for medium to high intensity physical activities. In high intensity activities commonly last
from ten seconds to two minutes. Normally, there is shortness of breath, and a burning sensation
in the muscles once lactic acid is produced. Similar as with ATP-CP, the anaerobic lactic system
prepares not to required oxygen and it is capable of supplying energy for high intensity activities.
The difference between the two systems is the amount of time that the system can work.


Most of sports and activities use aerobic energy system. Aerobic energy system offers energy for
low amount physical activities that last from two minutes to a few hours. Aerobic energy system,
compared to ATP-CP and glycolytic energy system, requires much longer oxygen in muscles in
doing physical activities like long distance swimming, running and playing sports. Aerobic energy
continually system continually produces ATP energy to muscles as long as oxygen is available to
muscles in the body. Unlike anaerobic lactic system, aerobic system does not produce lactic acid
since oxygen is available to the muscles.

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