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What is a dilemma?

Dilemmas are experiences where an agent

is confused about the right decision to
make because there are several
competing values that are seemingly
equally important and urgent.

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Feelings and Dilemmas
-Strong feelings signal the presence of a dilemma.
BUT many people do not always “catch” the dilemma
behind the feeling.

Dilemmas are not about competing solutions

-W e normally handle the “pagkabagabag” by
immediately offering solutions instead of articulating
the competing values or issues e.g. should I cheat or
not cheat.

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How should we handle a moral dilemma?

• Certainly not through feelings

• Upsurge of feelings can be
• What we do with them separates
the mature from the immature
moral agent.

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A Father’s Agonizing Choice

You have a job as a network administrator in a

You are an inmate in Muntinlupa Bilibid Prison. A big mall in your place. The mall also employs
jail guard is about to hang your son (also a your best friend’s husband. One day, your best
prisoner) who tried to escape and wants you to friend’s husband sends you a text message
pull the chair underneath him. He says that if you asking you to release an email from quarantine.
don’t, he will not only kill your son but some This requires you to open the email, at which
other innocent inmates as well. You don’t have point you discover that it is a correspondence
between this guy and his secret lover. After
any doubt that he means what he says. What releasing the email, you find yourself in a pickle.
should you do? Your instinct is to tell your best friend about the
husband’s infidelities but divulging the contents
of company emails is against company policy
and you could lose your job. Once it becomes
plain that your best friend found out about his
cheating husband through a company email, all
trails will inevitably lead to you as the leak.
Do you tell him about the indiscretion?
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of Moral

individual moral dilemma organizational moral dilemma Systematic types of dilemma/


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1. An individual moral dilemma is experienced by individuals who have a hard time to choose the right action
from two or more actions. No matter what choice, the individual has someone or something will suffer no
matter choice the individual makes.

2. In an organizational moral dilemma, administrative decisions are characterized as having routines, and
challenges. In business, organizations, there are always dilemmas encountered by the administrator and the
employees. It is really very hard to pin down the necessary morals to benefit the company. Guiding
institutionalization and nurturing conflict are both viewed as useful in moral leadership within organizations.

3. Systematic types of dilemma/ Structural: occur in the ordinary conditions of life. Why do dilemmas occur in
ordinary everyday life? Some, however, may not seem to be dilemmas at all but an ordinary ethical problem.
Also, while it is common in modern ethics to address dilemma merely to propose theories to resolve, it must
be remembered that systematic dilemmas may betray a structure to ethics that means they cannot be
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Dilemmas are dilemmas because they are well,
dilemmas. More moralists or philosophers skip over
the question why they are systematic dilemmas,
from the conviction that we all want the dilemmas
resolved and this is the only significant issue. Such
an attitude, however, is hopeless if it turns out
that the nature of dilemmas is to remain a
system’s dilemmas.
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