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Folklore from Bangka Belitung

In ancient times, a young man named Penyumpit lived alone, he lived in a small house left
by his parents. During his lifetime, Penyumpit's father had a lot of debts to the village head
named Mr. Raje. Pak Raje charged his debt to Penyumpit. It’s impossible to pay off the
debt because Mr. Raje always doubles the amount.
One day, Mr. Raje asked Penyumpit to look after the plants the rice is in the rice fields.
"Oh Chopsticks, take care of my rice! If my rice arrives damaged. you have to replace it,"
ordered Mr. Raje.
"Yes, Mr. Raje," answered Penyumpit politely.
Actually, Mr. Raje knew that his rice fields would be damaged. The wild boars must have
come to eat the rice at night. However, Mr. Raje deliberately ordered Penyupit to look
after him. If his rice fields are damaged, he plans to ask Penyumpit for compensation. He
will also give other, more difficult tasks.
For several nights, Penyumpit always succeeded in driving away the wild boars. On the
seventh night one of the wild boars was hit by his spear. The chopper hunted the pig into
the middle of the forest. In the middle of the forest, the pig changed into a beautiful
woman. Chopstickers were really surprised.
“Are you an injured pig?" Penyumpit asked him. "That's the name of Night Princess," he
answered while holding back the pain. "What I'm swiggah tittak taku. Let me treat you."
said the chopsticks with pity.
Thanks to the medicine concocted by the blowgun, the Night Princess 's wound dried up as
an expression of thanks. The Night Princess gave Inangkusan containing turmeric, nyatok
fruit, simpur leaves and the other fruit.
"Open it at home," said the Night Princess. When he opened it at home, the package
turned into gold, diamonds, silver and diamonds. Penyumpit sells part of it to build a
house and pays for everything.
Mr. Raje wants to imitate Penyumpit, he keeps sawalorya himself. However, he was
asleep when the wild boar came, but managed to protect himself and was seriously injured.
The intruder felt sorry. Even though Mr. Raje is evil, Penyumpit wants to help him. The
blowpiper prayed and suddenly Mr. Raje's wound was healed.
"Chopstick, thank you, I will marry you and your daughter," said Mr. Raje
Now Penyumpit is Mr. Rage's son-in-law. Mr. Raje turned kind. When Mr. Raje aged,
Pensament replaced Karima as village head.
Kleting Kuning hit her whip into the river and suddenly the river water receded. Kleting
Kuning continued her journey, she arrived just as the competition started.
There were many beautiful girls, including Kleting Abang and her two younger siblings in
the competition. However, none of them was selected. Ande Ande Lumut then approached
Kleting Kuning and chose her to be empress.
"This girl was chosen because she refused to kiss Yuyu Kangkang," explained Ande-Ande
Lumut. Ande-Ande Lumut also told the truth about himself. Finally, Panji Asmarahangun
and Desai Sekartaji united again.
The Jenggala and Kesfiri kingdoms were able to re-establish good relations.

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