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1)Write the relationship between morality with laws and religion

Whit its definition (2%)

2)Who are responsible to be morally good and Why (2%)

3)How we develop a good moral principles and I What are the
Areas that we apply a good morality (3%)

4)Write the difference and similarities between morality, ethics

And virtue (3%)

5)Write and define types of virtue (2%)

6)Write the advantage and disadvantages of multiculturalism (3%)
7)Explain the requirements for moral judgment (2%)
8)What kinds of diversity will be face in community and how you
Mange diversity (3%)

Name :shalom Amare Department :IT/HNS

1) Morality, laws, and religion are intertwined but operate in different spheres. Morality guides personal
behavior, laws regulate society, and religion offers spiritual guidance.

2) Every individual is responsible for being morally good as it fosters trust, cooperation, and personal

3) Good moral principles are developed through upbringing, education, and social interactions. They
apply in personal relationships, work, community involvement, and global citizenship.

4) Morality focuses on right and wrong, ethics on studying and applying moral principles, and virtue on
positive character traits.

5) Virtues include moral traits like honesty and compassion, and intellectual traits like wisdom and
critical thinking.

6) Multiculturalism benefits by fostering diversity and understanding but can lead to cultural clashes and

7) Moral judgment requires knowledge, reasoning, empathy, and reflection.

8) Communities face diversity in culture, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomics, and ideology. Managing
diversity involves promoting inclusivity, dialogue, and understanding.

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