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The Learning Center 學習中心

112-2 托福 TPO 模考通知 04/20(六)及 05/25(六)

心將與 ETS 聯合舉辦 TOEFL TPO 線上全真模擬測驗,歡迎 G9-G11 同學踴躍參加此次

112 學年康橋秀岡校區高中英語檢定標準

年級 中學部 國際部

G10 多益: 500 托福: 75 / 雅思: 6.0

托福: 85 / 雅思: 6.5

G11 多益: 550
SAT English: 500 / ACT English: 24

測驗日期:2024/04/20(六)、05/25(六) (若人數不足 50 人,只辦理上午場)

1.上午場 08:30 AM ~11:30 AM
2.下午場 01:00 PM ~04:00 PM
學習中心將於 2024/04/02(二)寄發考前通知單給成功報名的同學與家長
參加對象:歡迎全校 G9-G11 之學生踴躍參加
報名費用:1600 元 (隨當月月費收取)
測驗地點:康橋國際學校秀岡校區 電腦教室(教一 1F)
交 通:自接
1. 每個場次報名人數上限為 50 人,若已達上限人數,將依報名順序安排場次。
2. 若上、下午場報名總人數未達 50 人,則將全數舉辦在上午場。
3. 由於參加人數有限,若未收到成功報名通知,當日則無法參加考試,敬請見諒。
4. 本次測驗由校方提供測驗用耳機,學生無需自行攜帶。
5. 此次考試與 ETS 公司合作,因此報名後欲取消考試時,請於 2024/04/09(二) 5:00 PM 前提
出。2024/04/09(二) 5:00 PM 之後提出取消者,仍需收取報名費用 1600 元。

若有任何問題,敬請來電或 email 詢問:

張琬榆老師 Ms. Fish Chang 8195-2169
Decca T. C. Chow
學習中心主任 敬上
2024 年 03 月 18 日
The Learning Center 學習中心

2024 KCIS TOEFL TPO Registration Notice

Dear Parents and Students,
To apply for high ranking universities at home and abroad, students must reach a certain level in
English ability tests, the Learning Center will hold a TOEFL TPO online mock test with ETS. G9-G11
students are welcome to take the test. Reminder: Each student chooses one session to attend.

2023 -2024English Requirements forHigh School in Xiugang Campus

Grade SP IP

G10 TOEIC: 500 TOEFL: 75 / IELTS: 6.0

TOEFL: 85 / IELTS: 6.5

G11 TOEIC: 550
SAT English: 500 / ACT English: 24

Test Date: Apr. 20 (Sat.), May 25 (Sat.), 2024 (There will be only a morning session if fewer than 50 students
have registered.)
1. Morning session: 08:30 AM ~11:30 AM
2. Afternoon session: 01:00 PM ~04:00 PM
Registration Period: From now ~ Mar. 29 (Fri.)
The Learning Center will send a confirmation mail to you on Apr. 2 (Tue.)
Participants: All G9-G11 students
Registration Fee: NT$1,600 (The fee will be charged in monthly fee)
Test Venue: KCIS Xiugang Campus, Building 1 1F Computer Labs
Transportation: No school buses will be provided
Registration Link:
1. Each session will include no more than 50 applicants. If there are over 50 students taking the
same session, some students will be rearranged to another session according to the order of
2. If the total number of applicants is fewer than 50, they will take the morning session test.
3. Students who didn’t receive an acceptance notification will not be allowed to take the test due
to a limit on the number of test takers. Sorry for any inconvenience!
4. For this section, headphones will be provided.
5. This exam is conducted in cooperation with ETS. Therefore, if you want to cancel the exam
after registration, please submit it before 5:00 PM, Apr. 9 (Tue.), 2024.
(After this deadline, we will still have to charge you $1,600.)

If you have further questions, please contact Ms. Fish Chang 8195-2169

Best Regards,
Ms. Decca Chow
Director of the Learning Center

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