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EMAIL: Our Favourite Childhood Memories 8/10



Subject: Our favorite childhood memories

Dear Heesan,

I hope you are doing well. The reason that I wrote this email for you
is to memorised our favourite childhood memories. Do you remember
we have played lots of games together when we are a child? For
example, rubber band skipping, paper folding and hopscotch 跳房子.
Certainly, my favourite games is eagle vs chicken. It is because we have
makes many friends through this game. How about you? What is your
favourite game?

Not only that, my favourite memories also include chatting with you
at the whole night. I remember that day your parents are busy from
work, so you was entrust 寄托 in my home. We chat the whole night until
the sun came out, we chat about the school, life, family and friend. I miss
the old days that we used to chat together. I was so apprieciate those

Thank you for your companionship and relationship with me. I felt
grateful to have a friend like you. Oh, don’t forgot to reply this email and
remember to tell me about your favourite childhood memories!

Your friends,

Gee San
修改版 1:

Dear Heesan,

I hope you are doing well. The reason I am writing this email is to
reminisce 怀念 about our favorite childhood memories. Do you
remember how we played lots of games together when we were kids?
For example, rubber band skipping, paper folding, and hopscotch. One
of my favorite games was "eagle vs chicken" because we made so many
friends while playing it. How about you? What was your favorite game?

Not only that, one of my cherished 珍贵 memories is when you

stayed over at my home one day. Your parents were busy with work, so
they entrusted you to my care. We ended up chatting the whole night
until the sun came up. We talked about school, life, family, and friends. I
really miss those days when we used to chat together. I appreciate those
moments so much.

Thank you for your companionship and our friendship. I feel grateful
to have a friend like you. Oh, don't forget to reply to this email and share
your favorite childhood memories with me!

Your friend,

Gee San
修改版 2:

Hi Heesan,

I hope you are doing well. The reason I am writing this email is to
take a trip down memory lane 巷道 and recall our favorite childhood
memories together. Do you remember how we used to play so many
games when we were kids? From rubber band skipping to paper folding
and hopscotch, we always had a blast 猛烈冲击! But one game that
stands out to me is "eagle vs chicken" because we made so many friends
through it. What about you? What was your favorite game back then?

Not only that, one of my most cherished memories is when you

stayed over at my home. Your parents were busy with work, so they
entrusted you to my care. We ended up chatting the whole night away
until the sun came up. We talked about school, life, family, and our
friends. Those moments are etched in my heart, and I truly miss the
simplicity and joy of our conversations.

Thank you for your unwavering 坚定不移 companionship and for

being such a wonderful friend. Having you in my life makes me feel
grateful beyond words. By the way, don't forget to reply to this email and
share your favorite childhood memories with me!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your friend,

Gee San

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