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An outreach report for NAO2024 second round

PURPOSE: For fulfilling the requirements to compete in the 2nd round of National Astronomy
Olympiad program-2024. This report is not for the public but for formal submission purposes.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I had performed an astronomical outreach for fulfilling the

requirements of the NAO2024 examination. During this outreach, I learnt a lot more about
astronomy specifically about sundials and planispheres. In my view, astronomical programs like
this should be conducted more to attract people towards astronomical fields.

DESCRIPTION: As per the purpose,I had made planispheres and sundials . I started my
assignment on 5th March and concluded today i.e. 10th March but started investigating my
assignments from the date these assignments were given. I conducted my outreach activity on 7th
March in Prativa Secondary School, Pokhara-3, Nadipur (where I study) and 8th March in Bal
Mandir Secondary School, Annapurna-3, Kaski (where I was a former student). I made some
demonstrative sundials and planispheres physically, sufficiently engaged in learning the
mechanisms of sundials and planispheres so that I could provide more information as far as
possible, made presentations about these devices , presented at schools by notifying students(as
per their interest), and made possible efforts to attract young minds towards astronomy. I made
video reports during my outreach(presentations)and collected letters of appreciation from the
respective schools which are attached to this outreach report form submission. Despite my exam
time running now, I managed to do this assignment. I informed students, collected digital
equipment(projector, laptop, etc.) with the support of family, friends and school teachers. Though
showing the planisphere in day time was difficult because of its significance in night time, I
presented it to students and ensured that they all understood about it.

OUTCOMES: Through this outreach, I learnt a lot about the time measuring devices like sundials,
stars’ composition in the night sky through the planisphere, their working mechanisms and uses. I
shared my knowledge excessively to the students during my outreach. There were 40/50 students
from each school attending my presentation. I reached all of them through contact to both the
schools.As per my experience, they learnt about planisphere and sundial as I did. I found them to
be excited about astronomy and concentrating during the presentation. I provided them sample
papers for constructing devices on their own, explained how to make sundials and planispheres
and provided links to know more about these astronomical devices. I think I was able to attract
those schools towards providing students with astronomical knowledge and facilities.
LEARNINGS: This outreach program was my individual work despite support. As Already
mentioned, this outreach program was very helpful in making me learn much about astronomical
tools and instruments. Everything about my devices, presentations, and video reporting went well.
But due to a problem in time management, I had to conduct my outreach in the next school during
the holiday. I apologize for this inconvenience. Luckily, I learnt more about time management and

RECOMMENDATIONS: I think there were some challenges conducting my outreach in schools

due to which I needed to change sort of my plannings. So, I think Nepal Astronomical Society
should help us conduct these outreach by convincing schools earlier so that they can easily
welcome us for our outreach. I recommend the NAO programmers that these programs are better
to be conducted earlier so that these assignments and academic examinations do not coincide
which unfortunately I also had to deal with. But I thank you all for providing me such a wonderful
job of learning, exploring and engaging in astronomy. Last but not least, I thank my family, friends
and teachers and the schools for leading me to complete this outreach program.

Related documents and proofs are followed in the submission form.

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