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Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education ACP - End of Year Report 2014 Page 1 of 3


Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education
Preservice teachers are required to complete an Applied Curriculum Project Report (using this proforma) on completion of their project. This
form is to be completed by the preservice teacher(s). Reference should be made to the ACP Plan developed earlier in the year. A brief
comment on the professional skills demonstrated by the preservice teacher (Section A) is required by the ACP Mentor Teacher, or School
Partnership Coordinator (or nominee). This document must be word processed.
This Report must:
Describe the project and its outcomes
Provide evidence of how the aims of the project were met or not met and why with reference to the relevant educational theory and/or
literature or policy cited in the plan
Comment on the progress according to the action plan included in the Plan and advise of any changes to this plan and the reasons for any
Evaluate the success or otherwise of the expected measurable outcomes with reference to the evaluation methodology described in the

Submission Deadline: Each preservice teacher in the ACP team will submit a copy of this signed report to their Approaches to
Teaching and Learning 1 lecturer in the seminar in the week beginning 13
October, 2014.

Sections 1 4 Preservice Teacher to complete
Section A ACP Mentor or School Partnership Coordinator to complete

Preservice Teacher Submitting this report: Bethany Nicholls Student ID: 37 954 59
Title of ACP: Science Week Experiment Day!
School/Educational Setting: Catholic Regional College, Sydenham
Address: 380 Sydenham Road, Sydenham 3037
Phone: 9361 0000
Partnerships Coordinator: Chantelle Gauci
ACP Mentor(s): Chantelle Gauci
Lauren Matthews

Additional Preservice Teachers (PST) that participated in this ACP:
PST Name Reece White Student ID 44 925 68 Campus: Footscray Park

1. Brief Description of the Project and its Outcomes:

The aim of our ACP was to organise a successful day in the colleges Science Week. As part of the science
week lunchtime activities Reece and I organised 3 lab activities to get the students participating and
ultimately excited about science! We organised 3 difference science based activities, these included:
Making sherbet, Making rubber bouncy balls and making slime! - The day was hugely successful, so much
so that the primary school next door asked to participate in these activities as the grade 3 students next
door were beginning to learn about Scientists.

Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education ACP - End of Year Report 2014 Page 2 of 3

2. Provide evidence of how project aims were met or not met and why with reference to relevant
educational theory/or literature or policy cited in the plan.

With our project we were aiming for an increased interest in all science areas and an increased
involvement within the school community. We wanted to organise a hands on experience that the
students would be excited about and could still apply the basic science principles in the classroom. We
wanted to incorporate integrated learning as much as possible within our project; giving the students a
chance to draws links between aspects of students' lives and their learning. By creating these lab activities
we wanted students to be able to apply their knowledge and skills about science to a real-world task.
Within our activities we encouraged as much active learning as we could, engaging the students by doing
something fun and getting them involved as much as possible. This proved successful with the number or
participants we had from the student body. We also wanted to grasp some sort of inquiry-based learning
inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. We were aiming for greater community
involvement, which proved effective when the primary school next door asked to take part in these lab
activities also.

3. Comment on progress according to your Action Plan and advise of any changes to this plan and these
reasons for any changes.

Our plan ran smoothly right through to delivery. We tried to be as organised as possible from the
beginning. Having several meetings with the school lab technician Daniel to make sure we had all the
ingredients and equipment needed for the labs. During these meetings we finalised methods and
materials and organised how the activates would run, from which classrooms we would use to how much
ingredients we would need. We received an email from the primary school next door highlighting their
interest in maybe attending these lab activities with their grade 3 students who were beginning a topic on
scientists. So as well as running the activities for our year 11 and 12 students, we also had to re-organise
another day that the grade 3s could attend during a lunchtime. This was the only hurdle or change we had
to our original plan but both the school and Reece and I were excited by the interest of the primary school
and were happy to organise another day for them. Helping us achieve our aim of an increase in
community involvement.

4. Evaluation
Evaluate the success or otherwise of the outcomes with reference to the evaluation methodology described in the plan.

Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education ACP - End of Year Report 2014 Page 3 of 3

The day was a success for both teachers and students involved, we evaluated our success via:
Student participation: which as the school informed us was at an all time high - with more student
participation than they had last year during science week and of course the participation from the
three grade 3 class from the neighbouring - Emmaus Catholic Primary School.
Student experience: We were able have conversations with the students and get feedback from a
number of different participants general comments included that they enjoyed the active-
learning and integrated learning aspects where they could do something fun and hands-on but still
abled them to apply the basic science concepts within the lab learning without realising. The
students were engaged and best of all having fun with science!
Debriefing from our project mentors was also a useful evaluation tool for Reece and I. Both our
mentors were extremely happy with how the day turned out and were grateful for the effort and
enthusiasm we had for the project.

Section A Professional skills displayed by the preservice teacher in the completion of the project
(ACP Mentor Teacher, School Partnerships Coordinator (or nominee) to complete)
e.g., problem solving, negotiating, project management, planning, team work, time management, evaluating,
communicating, reporting, researching. Also, whether expected outcomes, as identified in ACP Plan, were

Both Bethany and Reece helped create a successful day within our college Science Week Both students
demonstrated enthusiasm and determination to create the best day possible for both students and
teachers involved. They both displayed professionalism and carried the responsibility of the job with an
eagerness that excited all that were involved. Throughout the organisation of the project they
demonstrated leadership, project management skills, planning/organisation, teamwork and strong
communication skills that helped make the day the success it was.

Please note Additional pages may be added if space provided is insufficient.

Signatures Date

Applied Curriculum Project Mentor Teacher:
School Partnership Coordinator:
Preservice Teacher:

Please Tick Victoria University may use this information to advertise and report on the work of Project Partnerships
Preservice teachers must ensure that all signatories (above) receive a copy of this ACP report. Each preservice teacher in the
ACP team will submit a copy of this signed report to their Approaches to Teaching and Learning 1 lecturer in the seminar in the
week beginning 13
October, 2014.

This report is downloaded from the PP Website at

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