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1) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?

2) 4 things you are scared of?

3) About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?

4) About how many pairs of jeans do you own?

5) According to you, how do we fight global warming?

6) After I had asked you out for the first time, was there any part of
you that wanted to say no?

7) After me, who is your closest female friend? (excluding your

mother, and other family members)

8) All of your life, your parents have taught you. What have you
taught your parents?

9) American Idol fan?

10) And what are your favorite beverages?

11) Any kinks I should know about?

12) Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?

13) Any pets?

14) Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they?

15) Any summer plans for next year?

16) Any summer plans for this year?

17) Any tattoos?

18) Apart from the obvious ones, which two body parts are most
sensitive and responsive?

19) Apart from your parents, who is (has been) your greatest
influence? Why?

20) Approx how big (sq feet) is your house/condo/apartment, etc?

21) Are any of them married?

22) Are celebrities appropriate role models for your generation? Why
or why not?
23) Are looks important in a relationship?

24) Are looks important in someone you’re dating?

25) Are there any big, innate differences between the sexes?

26) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?

27) Are there any groups of people you just can’t stand?

28) Are there any people you think are just better than others?

29) Are there any sexual acts that make you uncomfortable?

30) Are there any superstitions on making someone fall in love with

31) Are they older or younger than you?

32) Are they required to pay you back or do you just give them
money when they ask?

33) Are you / do you want to / have graduated from college?

34) Are you a bad person?

35) Are you a beach, country or city person?

36) Are you a collector of anything?

37) Are you a cuddler?

38) Are you a dog or cat person?

39) Are you a fan of dragons?

40) Are you a god fearing individual?

41) Are you a heavy or a light sleeper?

42) Are you a jealous person?

43) Are you a kissable person?

44) Are you a lover or a fighter?

45) Are you a member of any societies or associations?

46) Are you a 'morning' or 'night' person?

47) Are you a neat freak?

48) Are you a people's person or do you prefer your own company?

49) Are you a political activist?

50) Are you a positive or negative person?

51) Are you a procrastinator?

52) Are you a risk taker? If yes, what kind of risks had you taken? If
not, why not?

53) Are you a sensitive person? Why or why not?

54) Are you a shopaholic?

55) Are you a task oriented person or a people oriented person?

56) Are you a touchy feely person?

57) Are you a virgin? If not, how old were you when you lost your

58) Are you a window person or an aisle person?

59) Are you able to explain what I dreamt about last night?

60) Are you addicted to anything?

61) Are you afraid of ghosts?

62) Are you afraid of heights?

63) Are you allergic to anything, and if so, what?

64) Are you always early or terminally late?

65) Are you an art person or a sport person?

66) Are you an early riser?

67) Are you an emotional person?

68) Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

69) Are you are a compulsive, impulsive shopper?

70) Are you artistic and creative?

71) Are you cheap or thrifty?

72) Are you close to your family?

73) Are you close to your parents?

74) Are you closer to your dad or your mom?

75) Are you finding this time together fun?

76) Are you going out with someone?

77) Are you good at climbing trees?

78) Are you good at computer games?

79) Are you good at cooking?

80) Are you good at imitating others?

81) Are you good at making new friends?

82) Are you good at making people smile?

83) Are you happier single or in a relationship?

84) Are you happy with the life you have?

85) Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

86) Are you happy with your life for the most part right now?

87) Are you hiding something from someone?

88) Are you in a relationship?

89) Are you laid back or high strung?

90) Are you looking for a long term relationship?

91) Are you mad at anyone right now?

92) Are you married?

93) Are you missing someone?

94) Are you more like your mom or your dad?

95) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?

96) Are you named after a grandparent?

97) Are you obsessed with me?

98) Are you old fashioned?

99) Are you on Facebook?

100) Are you optimistic or pessimistic?

101) Are you outgoing or do you keep to yourself most of the time?

102) Are you religious?

103) Are you republican or democratic?

104) Are you Right or Left handed?

105) Are you romantic? Explain.

106) Are you short tempered?

107) Are you stalking me?

108) Are you superstitious?

109) Are you supportive of family and friends despite the


110) Are you sure you're not a guy?

111) Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a

112) Are you the same person you were as a child, or much

113) Are you tired right now?

114) Are you too shy to ask someone out?

115) Are you usually late, early or right on time?

116) Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?
117) Are your parents still together?

118) At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the

119) At what age do you plan to get married?

120) At what age do you think that dating should begin?

121) At what age would you like to die and why?

122) At what point does a girl become a woman?

123) Bath or shower?

124) Beauty is only skin deep. Explain?

125) Been in a band?

126) Been in a mosh pit?

127) Been on stage?

128) Beer, wine or coffee?

129) Besides your family, who has influenced your thinking most?

130) Best advice you've ever received?

131) Best concert you have been to?

132) Best places you have ever been?

133) Best vacation?

134) Best way to relax?

135) Biggest mistake you've made?

136) Black or white?

137) Body painting?

138) Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?

139) Can I try on your shoes?

140) Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
141) Can you cope with unexpected events?

142) Can you dance? Do you like dancing?

143) Can you describe your dream house for me?

144) Can you define love in your own way?

145) Can you describe your life with a six word sentence?

146) Can you fake any accents?

147) Can you find easily 10 words rhyming with pencil?

148) Can you give me a mock session of how you would teach sex
education to a child?

149) Can you handle the truth?

150) Can you imagine making love to me and eating strawberries and

151) Can you keep a secret?

152) Can you make friends easily?

153) Can you name 3 songs by Michael Jackson?

154) Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles?

155) Can you name three qualities that attracted you when you met
me/got to know me?

156) Can you narrate to me your proudest moment?

157) Can you remember your earliest childhood memory of happiness

and of fear?

158) Can you remember your last dream?

159) Can you share 3 good points about me?

160) Can you share with me some of the current events in this week
in the world?

161) Can you tell if someone is lying to you?

162) Can you tell me in a few seconds what is a brick useful for?
163) Can you tell me something that you’d like to change in me?

164) Can you think of something you craved for when you were
young and were denied?

165) Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

166) Can you...uh...change the way you look?

167) Can't stand being around people who....? Complete the


168) Chocolate or Vanilla?

169) Choose a unique item from your wallet and explain why you
carry it around.

170) Christmas is coming, who would you like to celebrate it with?

171) Coke or Pepsi?

172) Computer geek?

173) Craziest thing you've ever done?

174) Crowds or small groups?

175) Current friend that you have known the longest?

176) Date someone older or younger?

177) Define a really funny question?

178) Define success in less than 10 words?

179) Describe a typical day in your life?

180) Describe any accident you have seen or heard about?

181) Describe Beauty in less than 10 words?

182) Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date?

183) Describe the character of the person you would like to date?

184) Describe the last good vacation you went on?

185) Describe to me the perfect date?

186) Describe what a good friend means to you?

187) Describe your best friend?

188) Describe your best kiss ever?

189) Describe your childhood days?

190) Describe your country?

191) Describe your dream vacation?

192) Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?

193) Describe your future husband?

194) Describe your house for me?

195) Describe your perfect day?

196) Describe your perfect vacation?

197) Describe your relationship with your parents?

198) Describe your work ethic?

199) Describe yourself in 3 words?

200) Describe yourself in a single sentence?

201) Describe yourself in five words or less?

202) Describe yourself in three adjectives and explain why?

203) Desk: messy or organized?

204) Did anyone help you figure out how to ask me out on a first

205) Did you ever arrange a blind date?

206) Did you ever do something that you didn't want to, just to fit in?

207) Did you ever get lost?

208) Did you ever have a gambling problem?

209) Did you ever own a Barenaked Ladies CD?

210) Did you ever see your parents making love?

211) Did you ever wear braces?

212) Did you go to graduate school?

213) Did you grow up here?

214) Did you have a good birthday last year?

215) Did you have a good birthday this year?

216) Did you have a special place where you went to be alone as a

217) Did you have an exciting last weekend?

218) Did you have pets growing up?

219) Did you have your own telephone growing up, or any other
special privileges?

220) Did you know I knew we were meant to be together?

221) Did you like me instantly?

222) Did your parents spoil you as a child?

223) Did/Do you enjoy high school for the most part?

224) Did/do you transfer schools a lot?

225) Do any drugs? If yes, what?

226) Do any of your close friends have children?

227) Do have any type of bad habit?

228) Do I ever embarrass you in public?

229) Do people overestimate you?

230) Do people tell you that you act older than your age?

231) Do people tell you that you act younger than your age?

232) Do people underestimate you?

233) Do you "go Dutch" when dating?

234) Do you agree with: where there was fire, ashes remain?

235) Do you believe children should be brought up to favor certain

political views?

236) Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?

237) Do you believe in ghosts?

238) Do you believe in God?

239) Do you believe in Heaven?

240) Do you believe in Hell?

241) Do you believe in horoscopes?

242) Do you believe in Karma and Destiny?

243) Do you believe in life after death?

244) Do you believe in love at first sight?

245) Do you believe in love at first sight?

246) Do you believe in marriage? Why?

247) Do you believe in monogamy?

248) Do you believe in soul mates?

249) Do you believe in spanking?

250) Do you believe in the afterlife?

251) Do you believe in the devil?

252) Do you believe in true love?

253) Do you believe in vaccinations?

254) Do you believe that dreams can be messages from a “higher


255) Do you believe that everyone in a household should participate

in household chores?

256) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

257) Do you believe that he or she will always have a special place in
your heart?

258) Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full? Give
reasons for your answer?

259) Do you believe that what comes around goes around?

260) Do you believe you found your soul mate?

261) Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel

262) Do you chew on your straws?

263) Do you consider it more important to be liked or respected?


264) Do you consider your childhood a happy one?

265) Do you consider yourself a happy person because you’ve met


266) Do you consider yourself a happy person?

267) Do you consider yourself a neat or messy person?

268) Do you consider yourself lazy?

269) Do you consider yourself popular?

270) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?

271) Do you consider yourself to be religious?

272) Do you contribute to a retirement fund of some kind?

273) Do you cry easily?

274) Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?

275) Do you daydream sometimes?

276) Do you de-label your beer bottles?

277) Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?

278) Do you do drugs or have you ever done drugs?

279) Do you dream often?

280) Do you drink?

281) Do you drink? If yes, how often?

282) Do you drive or take the train when dating?

283) Do you eat junk food everyday?

284) Do you eat meat?

285) Do you enjoy being out in nature?

286) Do you ever been on a blind date?

287) Do you ever feel as though your partners are too distant?

288) Do you ever feel like your partners are too clingy?

289) Do you ever set your friends up on blind dates?

290) Do you ever want to get married?

291) Do you exercise regularly? If so, how often?

292) Do you exercise everyday?

293) Do you expect to keep on moving?

294) Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life?

295) Do you find these questions boring?

296) Do you find these questions funny?

297) Do you floss your teeth?

298) Do you follow trends?

299) Do you get along with your family?

300) Do you get along with your friends

301) Do you get jealous easy?

302) Do you get jealous?

303) Do you give out second chances too easily?

304) Do you go to church?

305) Do you have a "type" that you normally date?

306) Do you have a birthmark and if you do where is it?

307) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

308) Do you have a budget? If so, can I see it?

309) Do you have a criminal record?

310) Do you have a crush on someone?

311) Do you have a dream job?

312) Do you have a fetish that you would like to employ in your next

313) Do you have a garden?

314) Do you have a lot of friends of the opposite sex?

315) Do you have a lucky number? Why?

316) Do you have a MySpace?

317) Do you have a nickname? What is it?

318) Do you have a personal website you would like people to visit?

319) Do you have a pet?

320) Do you have a preference on the religious rearing of children?

321) Do you have a recurring dream? What happens in it?

322) Do you have a role model?

323) Do you have a secret no one but you knows?

324) Do you have a tattoo on your body?

325) Do you have a TV in your bedroom?

326) Do you have a workout routine? What is it?

327) Do you have any allergies?

328) Do you have any bad habits?

329) Do you have any brothers?

330) Do you have any close cousins?

331) Do you have any contraction of diseases?

332) Do you have any debt?

333) Do you have any expectations for your partner?

334) Do you have any famous relatives?

335) Do you have any fertility issues that you are aware of?

336) Do you have any hidden talents?

337) Do you have any major medical conditions I should know about?

338) Do you have any pet names? How did you get them?

339) Do you have any pets? If so, what?

340) Do you have any phobias or fears?

341) Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

342) Do you have any plans for tonite?

343) Do you have any regrets in life?

344) Do you have any relatives in jail?

345) Do you have any religious views on sex?

346) Do you have any scars I don’t know about?

347) Do you have any siblings? If yes, are they older/younger to

you? Are they male or female?

348) Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

349) Do you have any sisters?

350) Do you have any special talents?

351) Do you have any undiscovered or hidden talents? If so, what?

352) Do you have any weird habits?

353) Do you have anything that you especially like sexually?

354) Do you have brothers and sisters?

355) Do you have college plans?

356) Do you have curly hair?

357) Do you have many friends? Are you in touch with friends from
school/college? How close are you?

358) Do you have pets in your childhood?

359) Do you have posters up on your room walls?

360) Do you have strong feelings about animals?

361) Do you have strong opinions on natural childbirth verses

medicated childbirth?

362) Do you have strong political opinions?

363) Do you have the patience to come with me when I’m buying a

364) Do you have your own style or follow fashions?

365) Do you hoard money, or save and spend it wisely?

366) Do you keep a budget and stick to it?

367) Do you keep a journal?

368) Do you keep in touch with your friends in school?

369) Do you keep or maintain a blog?

370) Do you keep secrets from your lovers?

371) Do you know anyone that is currently locked up?

372) Do you know anything about carbon footprints?

373) Do you know how to drive? If yes, what kind of car do you
374) Do you know how to pump your own gas?

375) Do you know what a 'blind date' is?

376) Do you know what it means to 'go Dutch'?

377) Do you know your birth story?

378) Do you lead people on just for kicks?

379) Do you lead people on just to get your way?

380) Do you lie a lot?

381) Do you like all your friends?

382) Do you like answering questions to kids?

383) Do you like baseball?

384) Do you like baths or showers?

385) Do you like BBQ Chicken?

386) Do you like Chinese food?

387) Do you like chocolate?

388) Do you like cold or hot weather?

389) Do you like cooking?

390) Do you like curly hair or straight hair?

391) Do you like eating out at restaurants?

392) Do you like going window shopping?

393) Do you like Indian food?

394) Do you like kids?

395) Do you like kissing in public?

396) Do you like love games like master – slave, doctor – patient,
teacher – student?

397) Do you like me?

398) Do you like MTV?

399) Do you like music? If so what kind?

400) Do you like my friends?

401) Do you like my name?

402) Do you like one part of the world/country best?

403) Do you like Oranges?

404) Do you like partying? Attending parties? Giving parties?

405) Do you like peanuts?

406) Do you like pets?

407) Do you like playing any sports?

408) Do you like rainy days or snowy winter days more?

409) Do you like reading books or comics?

410) Do you like reading?

411) Do you like school?

412) Do you like short or long hair on a guy?

413) Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

414) Do you like soda or pop?

415) Do you like someone?

416) Do you like spending more time alone or more time around
people? And why?

417) Do you like spicy food and why?

418) Do you like Strawberries?

419) Do you like summer or winter more and why?

420) Do you like tattoos? If yes, what kind or type?

421) Do you like thunderstorms?

422) Do you like to budget or just more casual around finances?

423) Do you like to cook?

424) Do you like to dance?

425) Do you like to describe what you see in the clouds?

426) Do you like to flirt?

427) Do you like to French kiss?

428) Do you like to go camping?

429) Do you like to go dancing?

430) Do you like to have boy friend or girl friend in your school or in
your classes?

431) Do you like to learn?

432) Do you like to read? If so...favorite book(s)?

433) Do you like to save money?

434) Do you like to shop?

435) Do you like to sing in the shower?

436) Do you like to travel and where have you been?

437) Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?

438) Do you like to travel by plane?

439) Do you like to travel?

440) Do you like to try out new things?

441) Do you like VH1?

442) Do you like watching reruns of your favorite shows?

443) Do you like Watermelon?

444) Do you like where you live?

445) Do you like winter time?

446) Do you like your independence or do you want to have the big
wedding, wife, puppy and kids?

447) Do you like your name?

448) Do you like yourself?

449) Do you live alone?

450) Do you live in a house or an apartment?

451) Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?

452) Do you love children?

453) Do you love massages?

454) Do you love me more than your mom?

455) Do you love old movies?

456) Do you love the last girl you were talking to?

457) Do you love wild sex?

458) Do you make a habit of saving money?

459) Do you make friends easy?

460) Do you miss anyone?

461) Do you miss someone a lot right now? Who is that person?

462) Do you move a lot?

463) Do you need to know everything about someone’s past?

464) Do you own a car?

465) Do you own a digital camera?

466) Do you own a house?

467) Do you own or use a desktop computer or a laptop?

468) Do you own a second home?

469) Do you play a musical instrument?

470) Do you play any instrument and do you still play?

471) Do you play any PC games? If so, what?

472) Do you pray regularly?

473) Do you prefer a love marriage or an arranged marriage?

474) Do you prefer blondes or brunettes and why?

475) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

476) Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?

477) Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?

478) Do you prefer reading books or watching movies?

479) Do you prefer talking or texting?

480) Do you prefer the city or the country?

481) Do you prefer to have friends of the same sex or opposite sex?

482) Do you prefer to live in the big city or a small town and why?

483) Do you prefer to share finances with your partner, or keep them

484) Do you prefer to sleep together, or alone?

485) Do you prefer Yahoo, MSN, AIM, or neither?

486) Do you put butter before putting the peanut butter on?

487) Do you rather follow your heart or your head? State your
reasons for your answer?

488) Do you read newspapers?

489) Do you read the Bible?

490) Do you read? Has any particular book influenced you or left a
life-changing impact?

491) Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
492) Do you regret anything?

493) Do you regret living those intimate experiences with that


494) Do you remember who taught you to ride a bike?

495) Do you remember your dreams?

496) Do you remember your favorite teacher?

497) Do you respect the opposite sex?

498) Do you routinely spend money you don't have?

499) Do you scream on roller coasters?

500) Do you see us together in another year?

501) Do you see your father as the head of the family?

502) Do you see yourself married at some point?

503) Do you see yourself with children at some point in the future?

504) Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?

505) Do you sing in the shower?

506) Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? What is it?

507) Do you sleep with the TV on?

508) Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?

509) Do you smoke or have you ever smoked?

510) Do you smoke? If yes, how much?

511) Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?

512) Do you some questions to ask me?

513) Do you still have feelings for an ex?

514) Do you still have feelings for an ex-intimate partner?

515) Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?

516) Do you still have tonsils?

517) Do you still talk to any of your ex's?

518) Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?

519) Do you still wear a piece of clothing you wore during your

520) Do you swear?

521) Do you take illegal drugs?

522) Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?

523) Do you tell your friends what we are doing together?

524) Do you think blind dates are a good way to meet someone

525) Do you think dance with a boy in a nightclub is cheating?

526) Do you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner?

527) Do you think I am ugly or beautiful?

528) Do you think it is right to continue seeing a person if he has not

introduced you to his family yet?

529) Do you think it’s OK for me to still have feelings for an ex?

530) Do you think its okay to tell your partner what to do/wear/say?

531) Do you think Obama is a good President?

532) Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let
them go?

533) Do you think people should have cosmetic surgery to enhance

their looks?

534) Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with
someone the first time they meet?

535) Do you think that age difference is important when dating?

536) Do you think that I am good?

537) Do you think that the pregnancy and birth process are

538) Do you think that we have met before, in another life?

539) Do you think that women and men should receive equal pay for
equal work?

540) Do you think that you’re a good person?

541) Do you think the family of a murder victim should have a say in
what punishment is given to him?

542) Do you think the past matters in a relationship?

543) Do you think there is any age when a person is too old to date?

544) Do you think there should be specific gender roles in a

marriage? If so, what are they?

545) Do you think you’re cute?

546) Do you think your family will like me?

547) Do you think your girlfriend should and can also be your best

548) Do you think you're a good judge of character?

549) Do you truly hate anyone?

550) Do you trust easily?

551) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

552) Do you use an umbrella when it rains?

553) Do you value using money for experiences like traveling and the

554) Do you want children/more children?

555) Do you want children?

556) Do you want to be married right now?

557) Do you want to dance?

558) Do you want to get married in the future?

559) Do you want to have children? Why?

560) Do you want to have kids?

561) Do you watch or read the news?

562) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?

563) Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house?

564) Do you wish someone would call you?

565) Do you work?

566) Do your friends like me?

567) Does anyone know your computer ID password?

568) Does it matter who it is?

569) Does size matter?

570) Does your family have any traditions?

571) Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart?

572) Does your partner need to go with you?

573) Does your pet do any good tricks?

574) Dog or Cat?

575) Dumbest purchase you ever made?

576) Early bird or night owl?

577) Ever been addicted to a game? Which one(s)?

578) Ever been arrested?

579) Ever been cheated on?

580) Ever been in a car accident?

581) Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were
they with?

582) Ever been in any legal trouble?

583) Ever been in love with 3 people at the same time?

584) Ever been in love with more than 1 person at the same time?

585) Ever been in the back of a police car?

586) Ever been in the mile high club?

587) Ever been in true love?

588) Ever been kissed under fireworks?

589) Ever been kissed under mistletoe or on a rainy day?

590) Ever been married?

591) Ever been on stage?

592) Ever been skinny dipping?

593) Ever been to a food shelf?

594) Ever been to a strip club?

595) Ever broken any bones or been in an accident?

596) Ever broken any bones?

597) Ever cheated on a test?

598) Ever cheated on someone?

599) Ever cheated on your BF/GF?

600) Ever come close to death?

601) Ever felt that no one relates to you?

602) Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?

603) Ever gotten ultimate revenge on someone?

604) Ever had a crush on a guy?

605) Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?

606) Ever had a drunken night in Mexico or wherever?

607) Ever had a drunken night in Vegas?

608) Ever had a drunken night this year?

609) Ever had a massage?

610) Ever had a one night stand? If so, how many and do you regret
any of them?

611) Ever had a Swedish massage?

612) Ever had an imaginary friend as a child?

613) Ever had plans and broke them?

614) Ever had surgery? If yes, for what reason?

615) Ever had your heart broken?

616) Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?

617) Ever kissed someone below 14?

618) Ever kissed someone over 30?

619) Ever loose a pet?

620) Ever met anyone really famous before?

621) Ever milked a cow?

622) Ever read a ghost story on SavioDSilva?

623) Ever seen a therapist?

624) Ever sold blood?

625) Ever tipped a cow?

626) Ever toilet papered someone’s house?

627) Ever visited Savio DSilva for counselling?

628) Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why?

629) Ever won the lottery?

630) Everybody worries about something. What do you worry about

and why?
631) Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission

632) Exercise – fun or a drag?

633) Explain why you last threw up?

634) Favorite all time movie?

635) Favorite animal to have as a pet?

636) Favorite college football team?

637) Favorite day of the week?

638) Favorite drink?

639) Favorite entertainer?

640) Favorite flower?

641) Favorite midnight snack?

642) Favorite movie star?

643) Favorite Potato Chips?

644) Favorite snacks?

645) Favorite soda?

646) Favorite song?

647) Favorite Sundae topping?

648) Favorite teacher?

649) Favorite thing to do alone?

650) Favorite thing to spend money on?

651) Favorite things to do alone?

652) Favorite cheese?

653) Finish this sentence. The motto of my life is... ?

654) First celebrity crush?

655) First friend you ever had and are you still friends with them?

656) First girlfriend/boyfriend?

657) First kiss?

658) First thing you wash in the shower?

659) For you, what is the most important thing in life?

660) Friend you've had the longest?

661) Generally, in life, what makes you happy?

662) Give me 3 places you would like to go on a vacation?

663) Give me the names of 3 objects or things you dislike most and

664) Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most and

665) Give me the names of 3 people you dislike most and why?

666) Give me the names of people you love most and why?

667) Give the names of 3 people you dislike most and why?

668) Give the names of 3 people you love most and why?

669) Give the names of 3 things you dislike most and why?

670) Give the names of 3 things you love most and why?

671) Given a chance, would you bungee jump?

672) Glass half full or half empty?

673) Gold or Silver?

674) Grades in high school?

675) Had plans and broke them?

676) Has a friend ever made you cry?

677) Has anyone in your family betrayed your trust?

678) Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?

679) Have any bad habits?

680) Have any celebrity crushes?

681) Have any hidden talents?

682) Have any kids?

683) Have any nick names? If so, what?

684) Have any of your past partners ever had a sexually transmitted

685) Have you been tested for STD's?

686) Have you been to college? If so, where?

687) Have you been told you can sing well more than once?

688) Have you brushed your teeth lately?

689) Have you dated anyone on your top 4 friends on Facebook?

690) Have you dated anyone on your top 4 friends on MySpace, or

any other site?

691) Have you even a job? And if you wear a uniform and a hat in
this job?

692) Have you ever been around someone who was high?

693) Have you ever been arrested?

694) Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?

695) Have you ever been caught stealing?

696) Have you ever been dating more than one girl at the same

697) Have you ever been engaged?

698) Have you ever been fired from a job?

699) Have you ever been hit by a girl?

700) Have you ever been hit by the opposite sex?

701) Have you ever been in a car accident or seen one?

702) Have you ever been in a car accident?

703) Have you ever been in a hot tub?

704) Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?

705) Have you ever been on a blind date?

706) Have you ever been on a diet?

707) Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?

708) Have you ever been part of a not-for-profit organization and

done volunteer work?

709) Have you ever been punched in the face?

710) Have you ever been rejected by a crush?

711) Have you ever been sexually abused?

712) Have you ever been so drunk that you blacked out?

713) Have you ever been stood up?

714) Have you ever been to a school or college reunion?

715) Have you ever been to a singles bar?

716) Have you ever been to a strip club? If you did, what was it like?

717) Have you ever been with a girl?

718) Have you ever been with a guy?

719) Have you ever broken a bone?

720) Have you ever broken someone's heart?

721) Have you ever bungee jumped?

722) Have you ever cheated before?

723) Have you ever cheated in a relationship?

724) Have you ever cheated on a test?

725) Have you ever cheated on someone sexually?

726) Have you ever cheated someone?

727) Have you ever crawled through a window?

728) Have you ever cried during a movie?

729) Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?

730) Have you ever danced in the rain?

731) Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

732) Have you ever done something totally wild and crazy?

733) Have you ever dyed your hair?

734) Have you ever eaten crocodile or snake meat?

735) Have you ever eaten a spicy curry? If did it taste?

736) Have you ever faked sick?

737) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?

738) Have you ever fired a gun?

739) Have you ever flirted with a friend's crush?

740) Have you ever found yourself attracted to someone of the same

741) Have you ever gambled at a casino?

742) Have you ever gone cow-tipping?

743) Have you ever gone nude in public?

744) Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public?

745) Have you ever had a crush on a friend's GF?

746) Have you ever had a crush on a friend's parent?

747) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

748) Have you ever had a crush on an animated character?

749) Have you ever had a crush on someone already dead?

750) Have you ever had a crush on someone famous?

751) Have you ever had a narrow escape from death?

752) Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?

753) Have you ever had a spending problem?

754) Have you ever had a true one-night stand?

755) Have you ever had surgery on your nose?

756) Have you ever had the feeling you were being watched?

757) Have you ever had your heart broken?

758) Have you ever hated loving someone?

759) Have you ever hated someone?

760) Have you ever hit a girl?

761) Have you ever kissed more than one person on the same day?

762) Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an S?

763) Have you ever lied to me and if so, why?

764) Have you ever lied to your parents recently?

765) Have you ever lived in another country?

766) Have you ever loaned money to your friends and family?

767) Have you ever lost anyone you loved?

768) Have you ever lost someone you were friends with?

769) Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?

770) Have you ever made a prank phone call?

771) Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back?

772) Have you ever met a famous person?

773) Have you ever milked a cow or goat?

774) Have you ever participated in any fringe sexual lifestyles?

775) Have you ever played truth or dare?

776) Have you ever posed as a nude model?

777) Have you ever regretted one of your “romantic encounters”?

778) Have you ever regretted something?

779) Have you ever requested a song on the radio?

780) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

781) Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?

782) Have you ever sung in front of the mirror like your favorite

783) Have you ever sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to

784) Have you ever seen a dead body?

785) Have you ever seen a poisonous snake in real life?

786) Have you ever set a living organism on fire?

787) Have you ever sold blood?

788) Have you ever stolen anything from a store or from someone?

789) Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?

790) Have you ever swam in the ocean?

791) Have you ever taken a sabbatical?

792) Have you ever taken any anti-depressants or anxiety


793) Have you ever taken drugs? You know, like marijuana,
methamphetamine, or acid?

794) Have you ever though about jumping out of a window?

795) Have you ever thought about a world without clocks?

796) Have you ever tried chewing tobacco?

797) Have you ever truly been in love?

798) Have you ever truly loved someone?

799) Have you ever undergone therapy of any sort?

800) Have you ever walked out on a movie at the theater?

801) Have you ever won a prize in a contest?

802) Have you ever won a trophy?

803) Have you ever worked in a food place?

804) Have you ever worn a girl's clothing?

805) Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?

806) Have you ever written a love letter?

807) Have you had any difficult issues in your sexual past?

808) Have you heard of any successful love potions?

809) Have you held hands with anyone today?

810) Have you held hands with anyone yesterday?

811) Have you kissed anyone in the last week?

812) Have you kissed anyone today?

813) Have you learned something from life, is this that what you are

814) Have you made fun of a blind man?

815) Have you thrown up in a car?

816) Have you used cocaine?

817) Have you voted for someone you wished you hadn't?

818) Have you watched Sex in the city?

819) Have your parents ever caught you drinking?

820) Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your

821) Hey, do you want to have a kid?

822) Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love

823) How about if they went to prison?

824) How about men? What is Your Idea of a Perfect Man?

825) How about phobias?

826) How about same guy friends?

827) How about the great outdoors?

828) How about what makes one a failure?

829) How accurate do you now think it was?

830) How ambitious are you?

831) How and when would you know if I am the right one?

832) How are you enjoying this time with me?

833) How are you feeling right now?

834) How big is your bed?

835) How can you describe yourself in a sentence?

836) How can you imagine that forest with bears and a girl who
needs your help?

837) How did you and your number 1 friend become friends?

838) How did you become who you are today?

839) How did you find this pageant experience so far?

840) How did you get them?

841) How did you rebel as a child?

842) How did your parents meet?

843) How do I smell?

844) How do you control your temper when you are angry?

845) How do you define poise?

846) How do you feel about birth control?

847) How do you feel about breastfeeding and formula?

848) How do you feel about cigarette smoking?

849) How do you feel about divorce?

850) How do you feel about ex relationships?

851) How do you feel about gender roles in the workplace?

852) How do you feel about kids?

853) How do you feel about my family?

854) How do you feel about people being judged on their looks?

855) How do you feel about people with beliefs that differ from

856) How do you feel about porn?

857) How do you feel about sex outside of marriage?

858) How do you feel about violent television shows or video games?

859) How do you feel about your family?

860) How do you feel if I walk into the bathroom when you are in the
middle of using the facilities?

861) How do you feel when other people smoke?

862) How do you generally spend your weekends?

863) How do you get along with your family?

864) How do you know you are in a relationship?

865) How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

866) How do you like to spend New Year's Eve?

867) How do you like your eggs cooked?

868) How do you look at money from an emotional standpoint?

869) How do you make decisions?

870) How do you manage your yearly taxes?

871) How do you react when your partner does something that ticks
you off?

872) How do you reduce stress?

873) How do you remember my first impression?

874) How do you remember your “first love”?

875) How do you show you love your partner?

876) How do you spend your free time?

877) How do you vent your anger?

878) How do you visualize the perfect man?

879) How do you visualize your perfect partner?

880) How do you wish your life turned out?

881) How far are you comfortable going before marriage?

882) How far away from your birthplace do you live now?

883) How has your week been so far? What did you do?

884) How have you coped with break-ups in the past?

885) How have you developed as a person?

886) How high is your libido?

887) How important is money to you?

888) How important is winning to you?

889) How important is your family to you?

890) How is the weather right now?

891) How is your relationship now with your siblings?

892) How late did you stay up last night and why?

893) How long are you on the internet every day?

894) How long did your most intimate relationship last?

895) How long does it take for dating to become a relationship?

896) How long does it take you to get ready?

897) How long have you been living at where you live now?

898) How long have you lived here?

899) How long have you lived in this city?

900) How long lived your longest relationship?

901) How long was your longest friendship?

902) How long was your longest relationship?

903) How many bedrooms and bathrooms?

904) How many car accidents have you been in? How many were
your fault?

905) How many CDs do you own?

906) How many Cell Phones do you own?

907) How many cities have you lived in?

908) How many colors are in the rainbow? What are they?

909) How many countries have you traveled?

910) How many credit cards do you have?

911) How many different beverages have you had today?

912) How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried

913) How many DVDs do you own?

914) How many enemies do you have?

915) How many Flash Drives do you own?

916) How many floors does your home have?

917) How many friends do you have?

918) How many friends do you have?

919) How many girls or guys have you dated?

920) How many girls or guys have you made out with?

921) How many girls or guys have you slept with?

922) How many girls or guys you have kissed?

923) How many keys on your key ring?

924) How many kids do you want?

925) How many languages can you speak and what are they?

926) How many lovers have you had so far?

927) How many nights do you sleep after midnight?

928) How many pillows do you sleep with?

929) How many rings before you answer the phone?

930) How many rooms does your house have?

931) How many sexual partners have you had?

932) How many speeding tickets have you received?

933) How many times did you move home as a child?

934) How many times in a day is it normal for you to have sex?

935) How many times in a day, if at all, is it normal for people to

have sex?

936) How much money do you need to be happy?

937) How much time do you spend on Facebook?

938) How much time do you spend on MySpace?

939) How much time do you spend on Twitter?

940) How much time do you spend on Yahoo?

941) How much time should couples spend together?

942) How much water do you drink per day?

943) How often are you tested for STDs?

944) How often do you drive?

945) How often do you go on vacation?

946) How often do you go online?

947) How often do you masturbate?

948) How often do you meet your parents?

949) How often do you really go out?

950) How often do you remember your dreams?

951) How often would you like to go out on dates?

952) How old are you really?

953) How old do you want to live to? Why?

954) How old is your pet?

955) How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or

956) How old were you when you made out first?

957) How old were you when you received your first kiss?

958) How old were you when you started dating?

959) How patient are you?

960) How religious are you?

961) How romantic are you?

962) How should your partner show they love you?

963) How tall are you exactly?

964) How tall do you want your mate to be?

965) How was it so far?

966) How was your day?

967) How well do you know your cousins?

968) How would the dictionary define you?

969) How would you change the world if you were to play God for a

970) How would you define self confidence?

971) How would you describe a perfect date?

972) How would you describe your family culture?

973) How would you describe yourself in 15 words?

974) How would you describe yourself in a short sentence?

975) How would you describe yourself using 7 different words?

976) How would you describe yourself?

977) How would you handle a disagreement between you and your

978) How would you handle a friend trying to hook up with you while
dating me?

979) How would you handle having a child with disabilities or was
born prematurely?

980) How would you introduce yourself to the opposite sex?

981) How would you like to be remembered?

982) How would you like to spend a Friday night?

983) How would you like to spend a Monday morning?

984) How would you like to spend a Sunday morning?

985) How would you react if I had a more serious intimate
relationship in the past?

986) How would you react if I was dating another guy or girl?

987) How would you react if the doctor told me that I have a deadly
disease? Would you still love me?

988) How would you react if you found out I was dying?

989) How would your friends describe you?

990) How's your heart been lately?

991) How's your life been lately?

992) Hugs or Kisses?

993) I discovered you telling a lie to me. How do you react?

994) I do not want to have sex till we marry, is this a problem?

995) Ideal day?

996) Ideal romantic dinner?

997) If a close family member or friend got extremely ill, how would
you handle the situation?

998) If a foreign visitor arrived in your country, who would you tell
them to be sure to meet? Why?

999) If a relative died and left you a million dollars, what would you
do with the money?

1000) If a visitor arrived in your city, where would you tell them to
be sure to go? Why?

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