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Tips for giving good answers to interview questions

1. Practice, Practice, Practice:

- Rehearse answering interview questions with a parent or

guardian to build confidence.

2. Do Your Research:

- Learn about the school, its culture, and any unique programs it
offers to show genuine interest.

3. Greet Politely:

- When meeting the interviewer, offer a friendly smile and a

polite greeting.

4. Maintain Eye Contact:

- Look at the interviewer while speaking, but don't stare. This

shows confidence and engagement.

5. Listen Actively:

- Pay close attention to the questions asked. If you're unsure, it's

okay to ask for clarification.

6. Avoid Short Answers:

- Avoid answers like “everything”, “anything” or “yes/no”.

Explain further.
6. Speak Clearly and Calmly:

- Articulate your words and speak at a moderate pace. Take deep

breaths if you feel nervous.

7. Use Positive Language:

- Keep your responses positive and upbeat. Avoid negative or

critical comments.

8. Share Personal Experiences:

- Use real-life examples from your own experiences to illustrate

your answers.

9. Be Honest:

- Answer questions truthfully and honestly. Honesty is always


10. Ask Questions:

- Prepare a few thoughtful questions about the school or its

programs to ask at the end of the interview.

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