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Navigating the intricacies of writing a dissertation is a daunting task, especially when delving into

specialized topics such as Independent Director Dissertation. Crafting a comprehensive and

insightful dissertation requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize
complex information into a coherent argument.

The process of writing a dissertation on independent directors involves exploring various aspects of
corporate governance, legal frameworks, board dynamics, and the role of independent directors in
ensuring transparency and accountability within organizations. This necessitates thorough literature
review, data collection, and in-depth case studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
subject matter.

One of the major challenges faced by individuals undertaking a dissertation on independent directors
is the sheer volume of information available. Sorting through vast amounts of literature, identifying
relevant sources, and integrating diverse perspectives can be overwhelming.

Furthermore, the analytical and methodological rigor required for conducting empirical research adds
another layer of complexity. Designing appropriate research methodologies, collecting and analyzing
data, and drawing meaningful conclusions demand meticulous attention to detail and advanced
statistical skills.

Time management is another significant obstacle faced by dissertation writers. Balancing academic
commitments, personal responsibilities, and the demands of research can be a formidable task.
Meeting deadlines and making consistent progress amidst competing priorities requires discipline,
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As per Listing Agreement also the committee shall have the same composition as prescribed in the
Act, however. Appointment and Qualification of directors along with relevant rules. In case of
companies incorporated under Companies Act, 1956, companies. It seems amazing that such a
pivotal role has rarely been covered in the is way. The reason listed companies don’t increase the
number of independent directors with higher reputation after a mishap is two folded. It simply gives
a definition under section 149(5) similar to that of the SEBI 2009 Regulation and applies several
limitations on those who would be an independent director. Independent directors who are not
powerful do none of. Accounting professionals and law experts are increasing year by year;
percentage grows from 27% in 2002 to 28% in 2005 for accounting professionals, from 11% in 2002
to 13% in 2003 for law experts respectively. 4.2.2. Statistics of Indepe ndent Directors’ Reputation
This paper uses expert assessment to evaluate independ- ent directors’ reputation. Leadership and
Organizational Culture: What’s the Connection. To mitigate the influence of normal CEO retirement.
Thus, we develop the following hypothesis on firm’s market performance. Upload Read for free FAQ
and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
We use relational data reported in BoardEx from 1996 through 2010 to approximate the. What’s the
motivation of listed companies in the selections. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Apart from a mere
name on the board, they want an advisor to the CEO and watchdog to their corporate governance
process. Table 9 thus reinforces the evidence above that powerful. He has delivered many lectures
and presented papers in conferences and is a regular contributor to the Hindu and the Business Line.
We find only twelve sudden deaths of powerful insider directors; but the. Therefore, Independent
Directors are Non-Executive Directors. Second, they enhance the reliability of the firm’s public
disclosure, which makes stock market prices a more reliable signal for capital al- location and for the
monitoring of managers at other firms as well as their own. With its 11 cases and 8 themes, The
Independent Director will be a great help for anyone needing to understand the pressures of this role
and its important responsibilities. Advocate. Journal of Management and Governance 12:179-200.
Anderson, C.A. and R. N. Anthony, 1986. The New Corporate Directors, New York: John Wiley
and. Business School, Edmonton AB Canada T6E 2T9; Research Associate, National Bureau of
Economic Research; Research. We also include control variables known to affect Tobin’s Q. This
paper uses incentive compatibility theory to analyze incentive incompatibility in initial selections of
independent direc- tors and incentive compatibility in adjusting after a mis- hap. 2.2. Incentive
Incompatibility: In Initial Selections Incentive incompatibility is a mechanism design in which
conflicting objects exists in principal and agent. The Guidance requires inde- pendent directors
should be included in the board before July 30, 2002. Betweenness is then interpretable as capturing
the number potentially. Under certain circumstance, agents have no incentive working hard to fulfill
principal’s goals; what is more serious, agents may choose behaving negligence and profusion in
hopes of self-interest maximization.
A second measure, called betweenness centrality (B) is the number of shortest paths. CEOs whose
entrenchment renders them less accountable to shareholders. As per section 178 of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with rule 6 of the Companies (Meetings of Board and its. The Guidance requires inde
pendent directors with strong economics and law background. Dummy set to 1 if an independent
board is powerful, meaning that more than 50% of independent directors. Kothari, S., A. Leone, and
C. Wasley. 2005. Performance matched discretionary accrual measures. How do market participants
react to different adjustment of inde- pendent directors. Like the stewards of a rich man, they are apt
to consider attention to small matters as not for their master’s honor, and very easily give themselves
a dispensation from having it. The main effect of the powerful director dummy is positive across the
board and. The interaction, the PID dummy, attracts a significantly negative coefficient in every
case. Ferris, S. P., Jagannathan, M. and Pritchard, A. C., 2003. Too Busy to Mind the Business.
However, Clause 492 of the listing agreement which is applicable on all listed companies mandates
the appointment of ID's on the Board. BUT most IDs do not even have the time to attend the board
and committee meetings. Jenter, D. and K. Lewellen.2011. CEO Preferences and Acquisitions. The
amendment mandates that the Board report shall contain a statement regarding the opinion of the
Board with regard to integrity, expertise, and experience (including the proficiency) of the
independent directors appointed during the year. In addition, sampling omissions may destabilize
some measures more than others. II. Turnover of INR 3,000,000,000 (Rupees three billion only).
Controls include the log of CEO age (Jenter and Lewellen, 2011), log bidder size. Two types of
mishap are closely related to companies’ financial reports, which. Secondly, the com- pensation
mechanism in independent directors system brings incentive conflictions. CEO, rally others to
action, and (if necessary) resign without materially reducing their own. We say a firm has a powerful
independent board if a majority of its. The fifth section offers empirical test and explanation.
Punishment from regulatory authorities and qualified audit opinions from public accounting firm can
be seen each year in capital market, which indicates serious financial problems in listed companies.
Therefore, we restricted our target sample mishap companies from 2002 to 2004, corresponding to
reelection year. Following the social psychology literature, (Proctor and. The main effect of the
independent director dummy is uniformly. In Table 13, these coefficients are uniformly negative, and
two of. Section 188 of the Act, states that no company shall enter into the following transactions
with a related party. Justice Jaichandren majored in criminology and then qualified as a lawyer by
securing a gold medal.
These rules came into force on 1 rst December 2019. A baseline point estimate links a powerful
independent. No stat istic evidence supports our second hypothesis. Code for Independent directors
in Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013 specifically lays. Securities and Exchange Commission.
1972. Standing Audit Committees composed of Outside Directors. Speak- ing of independent
directors, this invitation means not only get paid and easier to fetch resources, but also repu- tation
and self-fulfillment. The test not only serves as a screening process for candidates for the post of
independent directors, it also educates them about the role and liabilities of an independent director;
a knowledge which even the experienced professionals in the field of corporate governance can find
useful”. His understanding of the critical role of the independent director is unusually perceptive.
Regressions 6.7 and 6.8 include each set of three power centrality. Jensen (1986) argues that free
cash flow agency problems are apt to be worse in firms. Odp v48,no1-rockwell Odp v48,no1-
rockwell Women in the boardroom and theirimpact on governance and performance Women in the
boardroom and theirimpact on governance and performance An Analysis of Managerial
Coordination: Wil AI Technology Counter the Princi. Mean of the top 3 centrality measures for all
independent directors on board. As a rule, an independent director can be charged up to 1 lakh as a
sitting fee and up to 1 percent of the company’s profit as a total commission to the board of
directors. A fourth measure, eigenvector centrality (E) is recursively calculated. Panel C in Table 1
pre- sents variables about mishap. 4. Descriptive Statistics 4.1. Status Quo of Independent Directors
The independent director system in China is basically driven by mandatory rules rather than
spontaneous institutional change promoted by listed companies and general public. ABSTRACT
Selection of independent directors in China’s listed companies is a two-way choice dominated by
listed companies. As per the Listing Agreement constitution of this committee is mandatory for
every Listed Company. Lack of independence means independent directors are controlled and
manipulated by majority shareholders. While he is a teacher at prestigious legal institutions, he is also
a student pursuing post-doctoral research in Law, University of Madras. He was closely involved in
decision making at the corporate level and saw the chain grow from a single hotel in 1975 to a very
large multi-brand professional hospitality group. Other data are collected by hand. 3.2. Variables Our
empirical study comprises three groups of variables: independent directors’ specialties, reputation and
compa- nies’ mishap. 3.2.1. Variables about Independent Directors’ Specialties Independent directors’
majors can be divided into four categories: economics and management, accounting, law and
technique, which correspond to four dummies in our paper. For those of us on Boards, The
Independent Director is a must read. However, whether the system is perfect designed need further
investigation. Data Company (SDC) data are available lets us identify takeovers of listed firms by
listed firms. Jessica Lopez A detailed provisions regarding Independent Director A detailed
provisions regarding Independent Director Dipendra Prasad Poudel Board Structure, Board
Independence, and Board Diversity (Bangladesh vs. On average, Boards are reelected every three
years. CEO’s Values, Management Style and Firm Performance: Evidence from Social Ent. Under
certain circumstance, agents have no incentive working hard to fulfill principal’s goals; what is more
serious, agents may choose behaving negligence and profusion in hopes of self-interest maximization.
Independent directors with damaged reputations hold fewer subsequent directorships and court. The
importance of powerful independent directors on.
Individual A in a small network might have a much higher. In addition, we say a firm has a non-
CEO chair of the board and set the indicator variable. As per section 178 of the Companies Act,
2013 read with rule 6 of the Companies (Meetings of Board and its. Hossain, L, K. Chung, and S.
Murshed. 2007. Exploring Temporal Communication Through Social. Indian Institute of Corporate
Affairs has been given the task to maintain the data bank. Dulewicz, V. and Herbert, P., 2004. Does
the Composition and Practice of Boards and Directors Bear. The four centrality measures are highly
correlated, with correlation. Persons falling under sub clauses (b) to (e) of Section 149(6) of the
Companies Act,2013 shall be Independent Director. Faleye, O. 2007. Classified Boards, Stability,
and Strategic Risk Taking. With its 11 cases and 8 themes, The Independent Director will be a great
help for anyone needing to understand the pressures of this role and its important responsibilities.
CEO, rally others to action, and (if necessary) resign without materially reducing their own. The
Committee considers and resolves the grievances of the security holders of the company including
complaints. However, our data on business professionals contain a number. Jensen, M. C. 1986.
Agency Cost of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers, American. CEO’s Values,
Management Style and Firm Performance: Evidence from Social Ent. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
Independent directors with economics and management specialties represent 27% of all directors,
while technicians cover 23% and 11% for that of law in 2002. Prior to joining the Department, he
served for the All India Radio, Coimbatore for a period of about 4 years. The interaction, the PID
dummy, attracts a significantly negative coefficient in every case. Table 7 reproduces typical
regressions of this genre. The CSR Committee shall consist of 3 or more directors, out of which at
least 1 director shall be an independent. Fama (1980) posits a second explanation: that economic
selection so effectively culls. CEO pay is total compensation in Panel A, equity-linked compensation
in Panel B, and cash. The Granger causality tests also favor high valuations attracting powerful
people to chair. Nguyen, B. D., and K. M. Nielsen. 2010. The Value of Independent Directors:
Evidence from Sudden. Consistent with more powerful independent directors elevating shareholder
valuations. We use market ad- justed model to calculate cumulated abnormal return (CAR
thereafter), which are computed as the stock’s raw return over the interval minus the corresponding
equally- weighted market return. Panel B tests the statistical significance of the patterns presented in
Figure 1 and Panel A. We ensure that our method of approximation to calculate Tobin’s Q, using
Compustat. The amount shall not exceed rupees 50 Lahks at any time during two preceding financial
year or during current year.
Obviously, a director’s network also includes links. CEO’s Values, Management Style and Firm
Performance: Evidence from Social Ent. However, this provision in the Listing Agreement has been
aligned with the CA 2013. Rules, 2014 makes constitution of Audit Committee mandatory for. Table
4 tallies the percentages of majority independent boards and powerfully. For example, connections
might proxy for access to information. Moreover, neither a powerful CEO nor a powerful non-CEO
chair, whether independent or not. Obviously, the phenomenon that independent di- rectors with
economics and management majors or with accounting background holding concurrent posts in dif-
ferent companies is not rare. Betweenness is the incidence of an individual lying on the shortest path
between pairs of. The advantage of using only professionally formed connections to. Panel C
presents Pearson correlation coefficients, clustered at. However, the appointment of Independent
Director(s) for the second tenure shall be through passing a special resolution. Controls include the
log of CEO age (Jenter and Lewellen, 2011), log bidder size. For Later 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 123 views 48 pages Role of Independent Director Incorporate
Governance Uploaded by amigork AI-enhanced description Independent director means a director
who is not connected or associated with the company in any manner. For example, we cluster the
standard errors by firm to control for. However, the percentage increases insignificantly by year from
2003 to 2005. Shivdasani, A. and Zenner, M., 2004. Best Practices in Corporate Governance: What
Two Decades of. Weisbach, M. S. 1988. Outside Directors and CEO Turnover. Metrics. That is, we
merge the percentile centrality measure data described in Panel B of Table. Miller, A.G. 1986. The
Obedience Experiment: A Case Study of Controversy in Social Science. Praeger. I. Paid up share
capital of one 1,000,000,000 (Rupees one billion only). Young Social Scientists, the University of
Alberta, the University of Arkansas, and the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign for helpful
discussions. As an illustration, voting systems which create incentives to vote dishonestly lack the
property of incentive compatibility. The first step for calculating both closeness and betweenness
centralities is to identify the. Powers) Rules, 2014, the following classes of companies shall
constitute a Nomination and Remuneration. CA 2013 proposes to empower independent directors
with a view to increase accountability. Ac- counting directors covers 26.63% of all external directors
in the conviction year, while increases by 2.57% to 29.2% in the subsequent year, significant at 10%
level. Brochet, F., and S. Srinivasan. 2013. Accountability of independent directors: Evidence from
firms. In the absence of dummy bidders or collusion, a second price auction is an example of me-
chanism that is incentive compatible. This section describes the social connection data and the
mathematics we use to calculate these.

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