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- example in vietnam: tet holiday, food like sticky rice cakes have important role
in completing the celebrations. Its like traditional food in vietnam,...

- celebrations and festivals mostly based on an event or some special things
happened in the past so food is just a minor part that contribute to celebrations
and festivals

- For some countries like vietnam: during tet holiday, traditional food is a way to
preserve the culture as for many years our ancestors have made this type of food ->
keep doing it to preserve the culture

- food works as a connection between present and the past during some festivals,
some food are nostalgic which make people travel back into the past with memory and

- some celebrations and festivals relate to religion and food is a way to show
their religious

- trying new food can help people exchange culture and breakdown social barrier,
people can talk about their traditional food, famous food from their hometown

- it would depends on the celebrations and festivals themselves for those with food
as a main topic to celebrate so spending a large amount of money is acceptable
- however, for some with history events, traditional days food are not necessary to
allocate extravagant budget.

- based on how they produce the food ( farms, rice fields definitely not gonna harm
the environment as they only use natural fertilizer and farmers themselves can
collect products by using handmade tools
- food factory ( canned food, frozen food ) use industrial machines for mass
production which release high carbon dioxide into the environment -> air pollution

- improving food production can have positive impacts on the environment and people
themselves as there are less carbon dioxide release into the air, less harm
materials to produce food -> better health
- save more resources to produce food -> long-term benefits for food production

- agriculture has significant impact to the nation itself, as it provides food
resources and offers jobs for citizens
- some countries agriculture also supports the government's fund to build houses,
roads, facilities

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