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Dzień dobry!

Nazywam się …, witam w imieniu mojej firmy, która zajmuje się szkoleniami na
temat różnic kulturowych. Dzisiaj chciałam przedstawić Państwu prezentację „The
Importance of Cultural Awareness in Business”. Podzieliłam moją prezentację na trzy części,
po pierwsze powiem co to jest kultura i świadomość różnic kulturowych, następnie
przedstawię najważniejsze aspekty związane z różnicami kulturowymi, a na koniec podam
przykłady dziwnych i ciekawych zwyczajów z różnych kultur. Chętnie odpowiem na wszystkie
Pastwa pytania pod koniec prezentacji.

The culture is the way we do things here that means in our country, area or organization. In
case of company we talk about corporate culture that is the way a specific company works
and what is important for people working there. Cultural awareness is the understanding of
differences between people from different countries and backgrounds. We should
understand that we are different and we should show respect for other nations.

Typical aspects of cultural differences include, for example, distance between managers and
people who work under them. In some countries managers are easy to talk to, accessible
and approachable, so such companies are not hierarchical, whereas there are countries
where managers are distant and remote so such companies can be called very hierarchical
and formal.

Another important aspect is dress code. In some companies people must dress formally, for
example a suit in dark colors for men. In other companies people can wear formal clothes
from Monday to Thursday and they have a so-called casual Friday when they can wear
casual clothes. There are also companies that allow people to wear casual clothes every day
and some companies that require that people wear special uniforms. This is a question of
corporate culture so we must always learn what dress code is obligatory in a company where
we want to work.

The next aspect is time and how people treat punctuality. In some cultures time is money so
people want to get down to business really quickly, but there are cultures where building
relations is important and they like small talk very much. Some nations are vey punctual and
you must be on time for a meeting, whereas there are nations that can arrive late even for
an important meeting. We should know it before we do business with these nations and we
shouldn’t feel offended.

There are more aspects to think about but I think these were the most important when you
plan to do business with foreign partners.

Now I would like to mention some strange and interesting customs in different cultures. For
example, did you know that when you plan to buy a gift for a Chinese partner you mustn’t
give flowers because they associate them with funerals?


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