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Task 2- English is easy and fun

Course English A2

Amalia Nathaly Delgado Mueses


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


9 de Marzo de 2024

Step 1
Screenshot Module 1:

Screenshot module 2:

Screenshot module 3:
Step 2 - Talking Time (STT).

Evidence asked in the STT

STT 2 Date:

Topic: Favourite films

Tutor: Amalia Nathaly Delgado Mueses

Evidence asked in the STT: asked in the STT:

En referencia con este punto debo dar a conocer que por temas ajenos a
mi voluntad y tiempo no pude asistir por falta de energía eléctrica ya que
no había cuando estaban programadas las STT, para dar más veracidad
agrego pantallazo de hora y fecha del dia que debíamos conectarnos. Ya
que no había luz por lo cual no tenia internet
Step 3 – Organize the sentences.

Simple Past Sentences

 He played soccer yesterday

 She cleaned yesterday
Past Progressive Sentences

 I was walking and looked at a supermarket

 My cousin was watching movies all night
Step 4 – The Biography


Rewrite the verbs in parentheses in simple past or past progressive, then

organize the paragraphs coherently.

Fernando Botero

Fernando Botero _ born (be) born in 1932 in Medellin, Colombia. He ___

painted(paint) in the neo-figurative style and __ it was called(call) himself
"the most Colombian of Colombian artists". He largely _ I paint(paint)
large people – figures that _ were (be) much larger than life in all parts of
their body. His critics often call them “fat people”. Botero didn’t _ knew
(know) the reason why he _ painted (paint) such obese forms.
Botero _ grew up (grow) up looking at paintings in his local Catholic
church. These _ were(be) in the centuries-old Baroque style and _
influence (influence) his style. He _ it was not (be) never rich enough to
visit galleries and see other works. He was _ performed(hold) his first
exhibition when he was 20, in the capital Bogota. He _ use(use) the money
he _ received(receive), to go to Europe to study art.
While he was _ lived(live) in New York in the 1960s, he _finds
(find) a new inspiration in the Italian Renaissance. He _ began (begin) to
experiment with creating volume in his figures by expanding them and
compressing the space around them. This _ he turned (become) his
unique and trademark style. In 1997, Colombian terrorists _
destroyed(destroy) his sculpture ‘Bird’ in Medellin. Seventeen people _
they died (pass) away in the attack.
Botero’s works now hang in galleries all over the world. He _
guaranteeing(guarantee) millions of dollars for each painting he _
did(do). His works instantly _ they became (become) collector’s items and
many people buy them as investments. In 2005, Botero _ I paint (paint) a
series of 50 paintings that graphically _ show (show) the horror of the
events in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison. This _ was (be) typical of Botero
using art for social commentary.

Step 5 - Reflection and personal growth

• ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?

Un poco desorientado ya que es un idioma nuevo complejo que debemos
tener claro las bases para entender y aprender.

• ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?

Tengo claro que se me dificulta el entender y saber cómo conectar una
oración o en qué pasado esta.

• ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?

Pienso que es muy importante ya que abordamos conocimientos de nuevo
lenguaje, lo cual nos aporta el entender y hablar un idioma importante
que nos abre grandes oportunidades.

• ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Es de gran importancia ya que nos da más oportunidades y tenemos más
conocimiento para afrontar futuros retos.

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