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Two important logical connectives used in propositional and predicate logic to express
relationships between statements or propositions. They are often represented using symbols
and have specific meanings in logic.
2. It is used to express an implication or a logical relationship between two propositions. It often
denoted by symbols like _______.
3. It uses the connector "if... then..." or "implies."
4. The conditional statement ________ asserts that if proposition P is true, then proposition Q
must also be true. However, if P is false, the truth value of Q is irrelevant.
5. It can be true even if P is false or Q is true.
6. The truth value of a conditional statement
7. It is used to express a logical equivalence between two propositions . It often denoted by the
symbol ______.
8. It uses the connector “if and only if”.
9. The biconditional statement ________ asserts that propositions P and Q have the same truth
value. That is, they are both true or both false.
10. It is often used to state that two statements are equivalent, meaning that they convey the
same information.
11. It expresses a one-way logical relationship from one proposition to another.
12. It expresses a two-way logical equivalence between two propositions.
13. It is raining (P), the ground will be wet (Q). P → Q?
14. You study (P), you will pass the exam (Q). P → Q?
15. The temperature is below freezing (P), Water will freeze (Q). P → Q?
16. Are used to express logical relationships and equivalences between propositions or conditions.
They help clarify the relationships between various concepts and are used in a wide range of
disciplines to make precise and logical statements.
17. It is a fundamental branch of philosophy and mathematics that deals with reasoning,
inference, and the principles of valid argumentation.
18. What are the three logical concepts?
19. It is a systematic way to represent and analyze the truth values (true or false) of compound
propositions based on the truth values of their individual components.
20. In a truth table, each row corresponds to a _________________.
21. In a truth table each column represents a_______________.
22. The final column shows the ________________.
23. What are the common logical operators in truth tables.
24. Two or more logical statements are considered equivalent if they always have the same truth
values, regardless of the truth values of their component propositions.
25. The symbol ________ , is often used to represent _________.
26. It is a statement that is always true, regardless of the truth values of its component
27. It is a statement that has a truth value of "T" in every row of its truth table.
28. Common tautologies include _________.
29. It is a useful tool for systematically analyzing the truth values of compound propositions.
30. It has the same truth values under all circumstances.
31. Are statements that are always true. Understanding these concepts is crucial for formal logic
and critical thinking.
32. These operators define how the component propositions are combined to form the compound
proposition. It frequently includes logical operators such as AND, OR, NOT, IMPLIES, and
33. This means that the statements are interchangeable in any logical context.
34. When two statements are equivalent, you can replace one with the other in any logical
argument without changing the overall truth value of the argument.
35. It is a statement that is "inevitably true" or "unavoidably true."
36. It is universal truths and are considered the foundation of logic.
37. Are often used in logical proofs to establish the truth of other statements.
38. It is a fundamental principle in classical logic , which states that for any proposition P, either P
is true or its negation (NOT P) is true.
39. The negation operator, often denoted _________.
40. It reverses the truth value of a proposition.
41. The conjunction operator, often denoted as ____________.
42. It returns true if both propositions are true.
43. The disjunction operator, often denoted as _____________.
44. It returns true if at least one of the propositions is true.
45. The exclusive OR operator, often denoted as ___________.
46. It returns true if exactly one of the propositions is true.
47. The implication operator, often denoted as ___________.
48. It false only unless the antecedent (left-hand side) is true and the consequent (right-hand
side) is false.
49. What are the 10 aspects of the role of logic in modern mathematics?
50. Are foundational in modern mathematics. These systems are constructed by specifying a small set of
axioms or basic assumptions from which all other mathematical statements and theorems can be
logically deduced.
51. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that these axioms are ________ and _________.
52. This approach provides a solid, logical framework for developing and understanding mathematical
53. It is employed to construct rigorous proofs.
54. Is a sequence of logical arguments that establish the truth of a mathematical statement, known as a
55. Are the foundation of mathematical knowledge, and without logical rigor, mathematical results would
lack the necessary credibility and validity.
56. It is a foundational branch of modern mathematics . It defines the concept of sets, which are
collections of objects, and the relationships between sets.
57. It helps in formalizing set theory and defining set operations, such as union, intersection, and
complement, as well as set relations, like inclusion and equivalence.
58. It provides the basis for much of modern mathematics , including real and complex numbers, functions,
and relations.
59. To represent mathematical ideas and relationships. This notation enhances clarity and conciseness.
60. It uses mathematical symbols and formal language to express complex concepts. For instance, symbols
like "∀" (for all) and "∃" (there exists) in predicate logic enable mathematicians to express universal and
existential quantification concisely.
61. It is a fundamental tool in modern mathematics. It allows for the formalization and manipulation of
statements about objects and their properties.
62. Are used to describe properties or relations between objects, and logic is used to reason about the
truth or falsity of these statements.
63. It is widely used in areas such as set theory, proof theory, and model theory.
64. It is integral to the study of computability theory, a branch of mathematical logic that explores the
limits of what can be computed and how efficiently it can be done.
65. Are used to define and study computable functions and problems.
66. It is a branch of mathematical logic that explores the relationships between formal mathematical
languages and the structures they describe.
67. It plays a key role in the analysis of mathematical theories and their models. It ensures that the
statements in a theory are consistent with its intended interpretation.
68. It helps mathematicians understand the semantics of various mathematical theories.
69. It is a logical technique used to prove statements about natural numbers.
70. It is based on two principles:
71. It is a subfield of mathematical logic that investigates the nature of mathematical proofs, their
structure, and their relationship with the underlying formal systems.
72. It is used to analyze the structure of proofs and ensure their validity. This analysis helps establish the
reliability of mathematical arguments.
73. Are software tools that use logical algorithms to determine the validity of mathematical statements.
74. What are the fundamental concepts in mathematical logic and formal reasoning?
75. It is a declarative sentence that can be either true or false, but not both. These statements
are typically denoted by letters or symbols and are used to express facts or assertions.
76. Are used to specify the quantity or scope of variables in logic statements.
77. What are two primary quantifiers?
78. This quantifier is used to express that a statement is true for all elements in a given set or
domain. It signifies "for all" or "for ever0y."
79. This quantifier is used to express that there exists at least one element in a given set or
domain for which a statement is true. It signifies "there exists."
80. Are often used in conjunction with logic statements to make more precise assertions.
81. What are the truth values for logical operators?

1. A ________ is an ordered list of numbers, called ________, that may have repeated values.
2. __________ formed by adding the preceding two numbers, beginning with 0 and 1.
3. Ratios by two Fibonacci numbers approximate the _________, which is considered as the most
aesthetically pleasing proportion.
4. It is approximated value of the golden ratio.
5. The _________ can be expressed as the ratio between two numbers.
6. ___________ are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or design. It commonly observed in
natural objects such as the six-fold symmetry of snowflakes, the hyena’s spot, the number of seeds
in a sunflower, the spiral of a snail’s shell and number of petals of flowers.
7. Explain Mathematics for our World.
8. 0,1,2,3…. = __________
9. 1, 2,3……. =__________


11. Set of non-negative integers and denoted as N.

12. The number 0 corresponds to middle point.
13. The real number line is called ________ because it is imagined to have no holes.
14. Thus, every integer is a real number, and because the integers are all separated from each other,
the set of integers is called _______.
15. The name ______________ comes from distinction between continuous and discrete
mathematical objects.
16. If A and B are sets and F is a function from A to B, then a given any element X in A.
17. Two notations.
18. A set may be specified using this method by writing all of its elements between braces.
19. Let S denote a set and let P(x) be a property that elements of S may or may not satisfy.
20. A basic relation between of sets.
21. Symbol for subset
22. If every element of B is in B but there is at least one element of B that is not in A. It is the set
of all elements under discussion.
23. Mathematical statements
24. Also known as Cartesian square; two sets of A and B, denoted A x B (A cross B) is the set of all
ordered pairs (a, b) where a is A and b is in B.
25. Is a rule that relates values from a set of values to a second set of values. The set A is called
_____ and a set B is called ________.
26. Is a relation where each element in the domain is related to only one value in the range by some
27. Is a set of ordered pairs (x, y) such that no two ordered pairs have the same X- value but
different Y-values.
28. Given elements a and b, the symbol (a, b) denoted the ordered pair consisting of a and b together
with the specification that a is the first element of the pair and b is the second element. Two
ordered pairs (a, b) and (c, d) are equal if and only if, a=c and b=d.
29. It says that a certain property is true for all elements in a set.
30. It says that if one thing is true then some other thing also has to be true.
31. Given property that may or may not be true, it says that there is at least one thing for which
property is true.
32. A statement that is both universal and conditional.
33. A statement that is universal because its first part says that a certain property is true for all
objects of a given type, and its existential because its second part asserts the existence of
34. A statement that is existential because its first part asserts that a certain object exists and n is
universal because its second part says that the object satisfies a certain property for all things of a
certain kind.
35. Functions defined by formulas?
36. How can we say that the sets are not a function?
37. It is conceivably the most basic pattern in nature.
38. It contains both radial and bilateral symmetry.
39. These are numbers that are used to measure the number of elements in a given set.
40. It is declarative statement that is true or false but not both.
41. Method for proof?
42. It uses the connector ‘if and only if’.
43. The amazing grandeur of Fibonacci sequence was discovered in the structure of _______?
44. The main component of logic in mathematics.
45. What type of sequence that has common ratio?
46. Two sets, say A and B, are said to be equivalent if and only if they have the exact number of
47. It is the set of all elements under discussion. UNIVERSAL SET
48. It is the collection of ordered pairs containing one object from each set.
49. Let p be true and q be false.
50. A relation that is non-reflexive, symmetric and transitive is called an ______ relation on A.
1. What is presentation and disclosure?
2. Presentation and disclosure objectives are specified by?
3. It makes the information useful.
4. Effective communication requires:
5. Effective communication principles:
6. Entity-specific information is more useful than standardized descriptions.
7. is a pervasive constraint.
8. Meaning it affects all aspects of financial reporting and hence, the presentation and
9. comparability from period to period within a single entity.
10. comparability within a single period across a different entity.
11. It refers to the sorting period of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses with similar
12. Is applied to asset’s, or liability’s selected unit of account.
13. It occurs when an asset and a liability with separate unit of account are combined.
14. Income and expenses are classified as recognized either in:
15. Is the “adding together of assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses that have shared
characteristics. It summarizes a large volume of detail.
16. 2 Concepts of Capital
a. capital is regarded as the invested money.
b. capital is regarded as the entity’s productive capacity.
17. 2 Concepts of Capital Maintenance
a. profit is earned if the net assets at the end of the period exceeds the net asset.
b. profit is earned only if the entity’s productive capacity.
18. are essential in distinguishing between a return on capital and a return on capital.
19. Types of comparability
a. (horizontal or inter-period) – refers to the comparability of financial statements of the same
entity but from one period to another.
b. (dimensional) – refers to the comparability of financial statements between different
20. Are the “structured representation of an entity’s financial position and a result of its
operation”. End of the product.
21. Are the end product of the financial reporting process and the means by which the
information gathered and processed is periodically communicated to users.
22. Are “those intended to meet the needs of users who are not in a position to require an entity
to prepare reports tailored to their particular information needs.”
23. Cater to most of the common needs of a wide range of external users.
24. are the subject matter of the Conceptual Framework and the PFRSs.
25. Purpose of financial statements
26. A complete set of financial statements consist of.
27. General Features of financial statements
28. is faithfully representing, in the financial statements, the effects of transactions and other
events in accordance with the definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income
and expenses set out in the Conceptual Framework.
29. Financial statements are normally prepared on a going concern basis unless the entity has an
intention to liquidate or has no other alternative but to do so.
30. Each material class of similar items is presented separately. A class of similar items is called -
31. Assets and liabilities or income and expenses are presented separately and are not offset,
unless offsetting is required or permitted by a PFRS.
32. Financial statements are prepared at least annually. If an entity changes its reporting period
to a shorter than one year, it shall disclose the following period
33. As mentioned earlier, a complete set of financial statements includes an additional statement
of financial position when certain instances occur. Those instances are as follows:
a. The entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively, makes a retrospective restatement of
items in its financial statements, or reclassifies items in its financial statements; and
b. The instance in (a) has a material effect on the information in the statement of financial position
at the beginning of the preceding period.
34. The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements is retained from one
period to the next unless a change in presentation
35. The following information shall be displayed prominently and repeatedly whenever relevant to
the understanding of the information presented:
36. Is responsible for an entity’s financial statements.
37. The responsibility encompasses:
a. The preparation and fair presentation of financial statements in accordance with
b. Internal control over financial reporting going concern assessment;
c. Oversight over the financial reporting process, and
d. Review and approval of financial statements.
38. The responsibilities are expressly stated in a document called_____________. which is
attached to the financial statements as a cover letter.
39. shows the entity’s financial condition (Le., status of assets, liabilities and equity) as at a
certain date. It includes line items that present the following amounts:
40. A statement of financial position may be presented in a __________
41. A classified presentation shows distinctions between current and noncurrent assets and
current and noncurrent liabilities.
42. (also called ‘based on liquidity’) shows no distinction between current and noncurrent items.
43. Working Capital formula

Working capital = Current Assets-Current Liabilities

“The operating cycle of an entity is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and
their realization in cash or cash equivalents. When the entity’s normal operating cycle is not clearly
identifiable, it is assumed to be 12 months.” (PAS 1.68)

Refinancing agreement

A long-term obligation that is maturing within 12 months after the reporting period is classified as
current, even if a refinancing agreement to reschedule payments on a long-term basis is completed
after the reporting period and before the financial statements are authorized for issue.

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