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Article "The Human Cost of Technology"

Do you use technology in your studying?
Has your studying changed as a result of technology?
As you read, think about how the ideas in the article relate to your own opinions and

Listen to the audio and fill in the gaps.

Advancement, affect, simplify, pre-programmed, obsolete, perform

Technology continually helps us realize possibilities for ___________ that we once

only imagined. It has changed the way we live and communicate, and it has _________
every part of our lives, including the way we work. As technology has advanced, more
complex and sophisticated software has begun _____________ people's tasks, so much so
that some of this technology has removed the need for human involvement. What happens
when technology can ____________ every aspect of humans' jobs? Those jobs disappear,
and we no longer see the need to pay people to complete tasks that _________________
machines can do automatically. As a result, entire industries are threatened and traditional
jobs are made ____________.
Around the world, customer service people who answered phone calls have been
replaced with automated answering services that help people get the information they need
without speaking to a person. Travel agents are a prime example. Research shows that
between 2006 and 2011, 12,500 travel agent positions were made obsolete. People no longer
have to speak to a travel agent to plan a trip. With just a few clicks on a travel website,
people can customize their travel experiences, finding the best prices possible.
Manufacturing is another industry that has been hit hard by these changes. Robots can
complete tasks that were once handled by humans. Surprisingly, in some countries, the cost
of these robots is actually higher than the cost of employing human workers; however, the
trend is for this technology to replace humans on manufacturing lines.
While this situation may seem dire, workers may just need time to acquired in-demand
skills. For example, people are needed to build and run technology. The U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics projects that computer software engineers and computer analysts will be
some of the fastest-growing jobs in the next decade. Technology may not actually destroy
jobs but instead change job requirements. People with technological skills won't be the only
ones in demand. While it may be harder for workers to suddenly learn new skills, some low-
tech jobs are growing in demand, especially those in the service industry. Automated
machines can't replace restaurant servers, janitors, and home health aides; these employees
provide a personal touch that makes them indispensable.
Technology is making the impossible possible. As people create increasingly
advanced technology, jobs will continue to change. The next time you walk into a bank, call
customer service, or plan a vacation, think about who greets you first. Is it a person or a
machine? Chances are that it's a machine, but a person somewhere supports the technology.


The article talks about how technology is affecting people's work. Sometimes, it's neutral, but
in other places the author has a clear point of view. A point of view is a particular way of
thinking about a topic.

Ask yourself, "Do l agree or disagree with the point of view? What examples does the author
mention? And what was left out?" Think about your own experience and any information
you would add to the article to expand on it. Form your own opinion or point of view.

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