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Geometric Design of Planar Four-Bar


Mahya Shariatfar

Master of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
December 2011

A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements

of the degree of Master of Engineering
c Mahya Shariatfar, 2011, All rights reserved

To my parents.


Outstanding issues concerning systematic design procedures for planar four-bar mech-
anisms, specifically three aspects hitherto not addressed, are treated in this thesis. These

• Advance-retire crank angle ratio for crank-rockers,

• Angle ratio for double-rockers and,

• Lead-lag angle ratio for double-cranks.

This thesis aims to introduce a systematic method to determine parameters of planar

four-bar mechanisms which specify a unique mechanism design. The design procedures in-
troduced are based on the geometric properties of mechanisms. The symmetry of these
geometric formulations makes it easy to find a unique mechanism design for defined design
parameters. Moreover, the relations derived can be conveniently programmed and imple-
mented in “Computer Aided Design (CAD)” algorithms.
The equations, which are revealed for the first time in this thesis, can be used to deter-
mine a unique planar linkage design for specified design parameters. These design parameters
are such characteristics of the mechanisms which are of particular importance to the designer,
i.e., link lengths, assembly sequence and choice of fixed link. All design parameters and de-
sign formulations are dimensionless, giving this opportunity to the designer to select ratios
instead of size.
Crank-rocker, slider-crank, double-rocker, and double-crank mechanisms are studied in
this thesis. The design parameters are: The ratio of coupler length to crank throw radius

and the time ratio for crank-rocker and slider-crank; oscillating angles of two rockers and
the ratio of two rocker link lengths for double-rocker; and specified minimum and maximum
leads and the angles at which the driver link has these extreme leads relative to the driven
link for crank-crank mechanisms.
Each chapter is devoted to the design of one of three types of planar four-bar mechanisms.
Crank-rocker and slider-crank mechanisms are studied in one chapter since their design
procedures are mainly the same. Double-rocker and double-crank mechanisms are the others.
For each type of mechanism, the design parameters are introduced, then the design process
and design equations are provided and clarified with proper figures and plots. Finally, the
design process is illustrated with numerical examples and validated by Grashof’s criterion.
Explanation of the step-by-step process to obtain each mechanism design is clearly illustrated
with appropriate diagrams.


Les questions en suspens concernant les procédures systématiques de la conception du

mécanisme planaire de quatre-barres, et spécifiquement trois aspects jusqu’ici non-abordés,
sont traitées dans cette thèse. Ceux-ci incluent la conception du

• Rapport des angles avance-retour pour des mécanismes à manivelle-balancier,

• Rapport des angles pour des mécanismes à double-balancier et,

• Rapport des angles avance-traı̂ne pour des mécanismes à double-manivelle.

Une méthode systématique est présentée afin de déterminer les paramètres des mécan-
ismes planaires de quatre-barres qui donnent lieu à de mécanisme unique. Les procédures
de conception présentées sont basées sur les propriétés géométriques des mécanismes. La
symétrie de ces formulations géométriques facilite la recherche d’un mécanisme unique pour
des paramètres de conception donnés. De plus, les équations de conception, proposées dans
cette thèse, peuvent être commodément programmées dans les algorithmes de “Conception
Assistée par Ordinateur (CAO)”.
Les équations, qui sont présentées pour la première fois dans cette thèse, peuvent être
aussi utilisées afin de déterminer un mécanisme planaire unique pour des paramètres de
conception donnés. Ces paramètres de conception sont les caractéristiques les plus impor-
tantes des mécanismes dans l’étape de la conception, c’est-à-dire, la longueur des maillons, la
séquence de montage et le choix du maillon fixe. Le fait que tous les paramètres et formula-
tions de conception soient à dimensionless fournit au concepteur l’opportunité de sélectionner
les rapports plutôt que les dimensions absolues.

Les mécanismes à manivelle-balancier, tiroir-manivelle, double-balancier, et double-
manivelle sont étudiés dans cette thèse. Les paramètres de conception sont: Le rapport
de la longueur de coupleur au rayon de manivelle et le rapport de temps pour les mécan-
ismes manivelle-balancier et le tiroir-manivelle; des angles d’oscillation de deux balanciers
et le rapport de deux longueurs des balanciers pour le mécanisme à double-balancier; et des
avances minimum et maximum spcéifiés et les angles extrêmes auxquels la barre entraı̂nante
à la barre entraı̂née pour des mécanismes à manivelle-manivelle.
Chaque chapitre est consacré à la conception d’un type de mécanismes planaires de
quatre-barres. Les mécanismes à manivelle-balancier et tiroir-manivelle sont étudiés dans
un chapitre commun puisque leurs procédures de conception sont essentiellement les mêmes.
Pour chaque type de mécanisme, les paramètres de conception sont présentés, puis, le proces-
sus et les équations de conception sont fournis et clarifiés par des images et des graphes ap-
propriés. En conclusion, le processus de conception est illustré par des exemples numériques
et validé par le critère de Grashof. L’explication étape par étape du processus de conception
afin d’obtenir chaque mécanisme est clairement illustrée par des diagrammes appropriés.


I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Paul Zsombor-Murray, who supported

and guided my research at McGill. He tried to make me “think geometrically”. This thesis
could not have been finished without his continuous support.
I thank Prof. Jorge Angeles for his valuable critique and comments. I would also like
to address thanks to my lab-mates, CIM members, and all my good friends specially Payam
Rahimi Vahed and Vahid Raissi Dehkordi, who helped greatly in translating the abstract
into French. I appreciate the help of Mrs. Joyce Nault in guiding me in the procedure of
submitting my thesis.
Finally, I am thankful to my parents, who were always at my side during my study,
and I would like to express my deepest thanks to my love Amir Hossein, who is my greatest
source of encouragement.

Table of Contents

Dedication ii

Abstract iv

Résumé vi

Acknowledgments vii

List of Figures x

List of Tables xi

List of Symbols xii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Literature Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Crank-Rocker and Slider-Crank 8

2.1 Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Design Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 Design Example Using Text Book Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.2 Design Example Using Three Circle Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Double-Rocker 18
3.1 Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.1 The Design Process of “Elbow Extended-Elbow Folded” Case . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1.2 The Design Process of “Elbow Extended-Elbow Extended” Case . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.3 The Design Process of “Elbow Folded-Elbow Folded” Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.1.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2 Design Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4 Double-Crank 50
4.1 Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2 Parameters α1 , α2 , Lmin , and Lmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.3 Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5 Conclusions 56

References 58

List of Figures

1.1 Crank-rocker four-bar mechanism design according to [22] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 a) Pivot A remains on its circumscribing circle subtended on chord CC ′ b)

Designing a crank-rocker with a geometric approach based on intersection of
three circles: k1 , k2 , and k3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Crank-rocker four-bar mechanism design according to [22] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Crank-rocker four-bar mechanism design verification for three circle method . . . 16

3.1 Three individual cases embedded within extreme excursions a)“elbow extended-
elbow folded” case b) “elbow extended-elbow extended” case c) “elbow folded-
elbow folded” case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow folded” case with
rockers rotating in unison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow folded” case with
rockers counter-rotating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.4 Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow extended” case
with rockers rotating in unison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.5 Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow extended” case
with rockers counter-rotating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.6 Two circles and a common chord in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case with
rockers rotating in unison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.7 Two circles and a common chord in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case with
rockers counter-rotating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.8 The steps to draw a double-rocker mechanism in its extreme excursions “elbow
extended-elbow folded” with rockers rotating in unison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.9 Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions “elbow extended-elbow
folded” with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.4 a) under rotation in unison b)
under counter-rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.10 Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions “elbow extended-elbow
extended” with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.55 a) under rotation in unison
b) under counter-rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.11 Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions“elbow folded-elbow folded”
with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.7 a) under rotation in unison b) under
counter-rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.12 Common chord and oscillatory angles in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case with
rockers rotating in unison when q > p and q > s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.13 Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions“elbow folded-elbow folded”
with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.3 a) under rotation in unison b) under
counter-rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.1 Double-crank mechanism in its parallel and antiparallel configurations . . . . . . . . . 51

4.2 Coupler link length of BC > AB fixed link length for α1 > π . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3 Parallel and antiparallel poses for Lmin = 30◦ , Lmax = 80◦ , and α1 = 120◦ . . . . . 54

List of Tables

1.1 Sorting planar four-bar linkages according to Grashof’s criterion [4], [5] . . . . . . . . 4

3.1 The parameters of double-rocker mechanism in terms of specified design pa-

rameters for three different oscillatory motion configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

List of Symbols

a1,2 Compressed parameter expression

k Compressed parameter expression

k1,2,3 Construction circles

l The fixed link length

p The length of the link adjacent to the ground in a planar four-bar

mechanism which is also the driven link

q The coupler link length

rM,N Construction circle radii

r1 The shortest link length in a planar four-bar mechanism

r2,3 The length of a link in a planar four-bar mechanism which is neither

the longest nor the shortest link

r4 The longest link length in a planar four-bar mechanism

s The length of the link adjacent to the ground in a planar four-bar

mechanism which is also the driver link

t Compressed parameter expression

A(′) Left anchor revolute centre

B (′) Right anchor revolute centre

C (′) Right coupler revolute centre

D(′) Left coupler revolute centre

I1,2 Line parallel to the driven link constructed through the anchor

revolute centre of the driver link

L The angular lead of the driver link relative to the driven link

Lmax Maximum lead

Lmin Minimum lead

M Construction circle centre

N Construction circle centre

O Origin

Q The time ratio of a planar four-bar mechanism

α The swing angle of the driver link

β The swing angle of the driven link

δ The swing angle of the rocker link

ζ Compressed parameter expression

η Compressed parameter expression

λ Arbitrary choice of direction in construction

µ Compressed parameter expression

ρ1 Length ratio of driven link to driver link in planar a four-bar mechanism

ρ2 The length ratio of coupler link to driver link

ρ3 The length ratio of fixed link to driver link

φ Half of the angular difference between forward and return stroke crank

arcs in a crank-rocker mechanism

Chapter 1


1.1 Background and Motivation

Reuleaux describes a mechanism as an “assemblage of resistant bodies, connected by

movable joints, to form a closed kinematic chain with one link fixed and having the purpose
of transforming motion.” A kinematic chain is a particular layout of links and joints when
the fixed link is unspecified [1]. A kinematic chain is called a mechanism when the fixed
link is chosen. This fixed link is considered as a reference frame to measure the motion of
any points on the linkage [1]. In order for a mechanism to execute a motion desired by its
designer, relative motions between links must be constrained. The required relative motions
between links are obtained by an appropriate choice of the number of links and the types of
joints that connect the links [1]. Considering the relative motions between links, mechanisms
may be divided into some subgroups like planar, spherical, cylindrical, Schönflies, and spatial
categories. In the case of planar mechanisms all points on every rigid body move so as to
remain on fixed, parallel planes. In planar mechanisms, the loci of all points on the links
can be described as planar curves that are parallel to a common plane [1]. The planar
four-bar is the most common mechanism type. Any given example may be categorized
as belonging to one of four sub-types, viz., crank-rocker, slider-crank, double-rocker, and
double-crank. Planar four-bar linkages are applied widely in machinery. A crank-rocker
linkage is a practical means of converting continuous rotary motion to oscillatory rotation. If

the oscillation moves points in a straight line, the mechanism is a slider-crank. This linkage
is called a quick-return mechanism if the time necessary for the working stroke is greater
than the time required for the return stroke. Quick-return mechanisms have been commonly
used to enhance machine productivity. There are many applications which require a working
stroke with high loading and a return stroke with small loading. Examples include cut-off
saws and shapers. The planar four-bar crank-rocker linkage has been widely utilized for such
a conversion between parallel shafts. Double-rocker or double-lever mechanisms are mainly
used for rocking motion like in Ackermann steering, rocking chairs, and pantographs. The
latter are copying devices [2] commonly used in drafting, sculpturing and minting. Double-
crank or drag-link mechanisms are mainly utilized as a coupling between two parallel non-
coaxial shafts to convert a uniform motion to a nonuniform motion of the driven shaft. This
nonuniform continuous output rotation is used as a flexible nonuniform input source for other
mechanism loops which generate nonuniform and discontinuous motions [3].
Therefore, because of the wide application and important role of four-bar mechanisms
in general and quick-return mechanisms in particular, the design, as opposed to analysis, of
four-bar mechanisms is still an open topic and is deemed to be worthy of further study. Since
the motions of all elements of a planar mechanism may be viewed in true size and shape
from a single direction and all motions can be represented graphically in a single view [1],
graphical methods are well suited to their solution. As a result, most of the work done to
aid in the design of planar four-bar mechanisms are based on graphical methods hence not
immediately implementable as “Computer Aided Design (CAD)” algorithms. For this reason
there remains a need to adapt these methods or develop new ones to this end.

1.2 Literature Review

Much research has been devoted to the investigation of four-bar mechanisms in general
and quick-return mechanisms in particular. One of the most important issues in this area

is the mobility problem. Grashof was the first who introduced a simple rule to investigate
the rotatability of links in four-bar linkages in 1883. Chang et al., introduced the principles
of Grashof’s criterion in [4] as follows. Consider a four-bar kinematic chain where r1 is
the shortest link length, r4 is the longest link length, and r2 and r3 are the link lengths
of the other two links. In summary, r4 > r3 ≥ r2 > r1 . Grashof declared that in case
r4 + r1 ≤ r2 + r3 , then at least one link can fully rotate with respect to the other three links
of the linkage, and if r4 + r1 > r2 + r3 , then no link can make a full rotation. The necessity
and sufficiency of Grashof’s inequality for the existence of at least one fully-rotatable link in
a four-bar linkage was proved by Paul in [5]. If a linkage satisfies Grashof’s criterion, then it
is called a Grashof linkage; otherwise it is called a non-Grashof linkage. Moreover, a linkage
is identified as a Grashof neutral linkage or a change point mechanism if r4 +r1 = r2 +r3 . In a
change point mechanism, it is not possible to uniquely determine all instantaneous centres of
the mechanism [6], and then the output behaviour of the mechanism will not be determined.
A Grashof linkage belongs to one of the following three different categories [4]: First,
the linkage is a crank-rocker mechanism when the shortest link is ground-adjacent. In this
case, the shortest link can make a full rotation and the other ground-adjacent link will be
a rocker making oscillating motion. Second, the linkage is a double-crank mechanism when
the shortest link is fixed. In this case, both ground-adjacent links can make full rotations.
And third, the linkage is a double-rocker mechanism when the shortest link is the coupler.
In this case, both ground-adjacent links will have oscillating motion, and the coupler can
make a full rotation.
If a four-bar linkage is a non-Grashof linkage, then its three moving links can have
oscillating motions and it is called a triple-rocker mechanism. Table 1.1 indicates a summary
of Grashof’s criterion.
Much research has been devoted to the investigation of four-bar mechanisms in general
and quick-return mechanisms in particular. To briefly mention a few, Freudenstein expressed
the classical problem of function generation and introduced a vector of dimensionless design

Table 1.1: Sorting planar four-bar linkages according to Grashof’s criterion [4], [5]
Case r1 + r4 Vers. r2 + r3 Shortest Link Class
1 < Ground-Adjacent Crank-Rocker
2 < Frame Double-Crank
3 < Coupler Double-Rocker
4 = Any Change Point
5 > Any Triple-Rocker

variables, called the Freudenstein parameters, to synthesize a four-bar linkage for a prescribed
relation between the input and output angles [7]. The Whitworth mechanism was employed
by Dwivedi [8] to implement a high velocity impacting press. Suareo and Gupta [9] designed
a spatial RSSR quick-return mechanism. Galerkin’s technique was used by Beale [10] to
study the stability and dynamics of a flexible link employed in a quick-return mechanism.
Fung [11], [12], [13], [14] and Lin [15], [16] used different control methods to examine the
response of a quick-return mechanism in the presence or absence of a flexible link. To
estimate the numerical solutions of a flexible quick-return mechanism, Ha [17] outlined a
finite difference technique using fixed and variable grids. The coupling influence of a geared
rotor on a quick-return mechanism experiencing three-dimensional vibration was examined
by Chang [18]. Chiang [19] studied double-rocker mechanisms as function generators and
considers the design of double-rocker mechanisms as a special case of creating a function
generator to match two determined velocity ratios. Khare and Dave [20] presented a method
for the synthesis of the planar four-bar double-rocker mechanism for determined extreme
positions with optimum transmission characteristics. Al-Dwairi investigated the relationships
among space occupation, extreme transmission angle, and the generated maximum delay in
double-crank mechanisms in [21], which constitutes the basis of the design method provided
for double-crank in this thesis.
Notwithstanding current activity in advanced dynamics of four-bar mechanisms, there
still remain some simple kinematic issues to be resolved. For example, in a recent text by
Uicker et al. (2011) [22], the method to design crank-rockers for a specified crank angle ratio
depends on a construction involving an arbitrary choice of direction. Thus, the length of

the rocker arm, hence the angle through which it rotates depends on this arbitrarily chosen
In the method outlined in [22], to determine the parameters of a crank-rocker mechanism
for specified rocker length p, rocker swing angle δ, and time ratio Q = (π + φ)/(π − φ), first
the rocker p is drawn to a suitable scale in its extreme positions indicating the desired swing
angle of δ. As shown in Fig. 1.1, a line of arbitrary direction, λ, is constructed through C.
Then, a line parallel to λ is drawn through C ′ . Next, the angle φ, from line λ through point
C, is measured off. The intersection of this line with the line parallel to line λ indicates the
location of point A. The crank link length and the coupler length can be obtained from the
following equations: AC = q + s and AC ′ = q − s. Then the values of s and q will be: s =
(AC − AC ′ )/2 and q = (AC + AC ′ )/2.

C C’

φ q




Figure 1.1: Crank-rocker four-bar mechanism design according to [22]

The arbitrary direction of this line affects the final linkage design of the mechanism

obtained, and the link lengths of the linkage would differ for a different choice of direction
of this line. Furthermore, the underlying geometry, obscured by recipe-like instructions, is
thus unavailable for calculation in, say, a CAD algorithm.

1.3 Objectives

The objective of this research is to propose a systematic design method for each of the
four types of planar four-bar mechanisms. A unique mechanism is produced for any given
design specification. The method relies on the algebra of line and circle intersections and
reflects the procedure of well conceived procedures of constructive geometry. There are four
length parameters, six assembly modes and four frame selection criteria to be considered in
any design of a planar four-bar mechanism. Design equations, pertaining to link angular
displacement ratios in a motion cycle, will be derived. Although planar four-bar mechanisms
have been extensively studied, it is contended that the aspects to be dealt with herein are
essentially novel and original.

1.4 Thesis Outline

This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 proposes a new and unified way to design
the quick-return cycle of either a crank-rocker or a slider-crank mechanism. Two design
equations are introduced which result in a unique mechanism configuration for two different
design parameter set selections. It is believed that Chapter 2 is indeed an improvement on
Uicker and Pennock’s design method. The new method is compared to that presented in [22]
in order to demonstrate the improvement that has been achieved.
In Chapter 3, a novel design method for double-rocker mechanisms is investigated. In a
planar four-bar double-rocker mechanism, the oscillation intervals of two links adjacent to the

fixed frame are identified in terms of usual “elbow folded” and “elbow extended” singularities
which occur when three revolute joints are in a line. These singular positions for a double-
rocker mechanism decompose into three cases depending on whether each rocker link is
in “elbow folded” or “elbow extended” singularity configuration at the limits of oscillating
intervals. Three cases “elbow extended-elbow folded”, “elbow extended-elbow extended”,
and “elbow folded-elbow folded” of the mechanism configuration are completely studied.
Moreover, each case is divided into two different sections when two rockers rotate in unison
and when two rockers counter-rotate. Each part contains a numerical example to illustrate
the design procedure.
Chapter 4 is about designing double-crank mechanisms. This chapter is built upon the
work of Al-Dwairi [21] so as to develop a novel design process to obtain a unique double-
crank mechanism for two specified angles at which the chosen maximum and minimum
angular leads of input angle to output angle occur. A numerical example is also provided to
illustrate the design process.
Finally, a summary of findings with respect to the project’s objectives and their im-
provements on previous design methods is provided in Chapter 5 as conclusions.

Chapter 2

Crank-Rocker and Slider-Crank1

A novel design method to determine parameters of a planar crank-rocker mechanism

is revealed. For a given crank angle ratio, which defines the ratio of rocker working stroke
to rocker return stroke, there is a one-parameter solution set. E.g., to design for a chosen
ratio of coupler length to crank-throw radius, one may use the implicit quartic function
that is revealed for the first time in this thesis to determine a unique planar crank-rocker
mechanism. This quartic function is described in terms of the ratio of coupler length to
crank-throw radius, the angular difference between forward and return stroke crank arcs,
and a polar angle which is measured from the centre of the unit circle that contains the end
points of the oscillating rocker tip arc and all possible crank centres. Due to the symmetry
of this geometric formulation, it is easy to find a unique mechanism for a defined crank angle
ratio and the ratio of coupler length to crank-throw radius.

2.1 Design Process

The time ratio, or crank angle ratio, of a mechanism is defined by Q = α/β where α is
the working stroke crank angle, and β is the return stroke angle. The time ratio angles are
defined by two singularities, where the crank and coupler are collinear. These singularities,
ADC and D′ AC ′ , define the oscillation limit of rocker indicated with C and C ′ . Since
This chapter is largely adapted directly from [26]

C C’



R φ
2 φ




C O’ C’


C O’ C’

φ D’
O k2 k3

φ CNCM11h

Figure 2.1: a) Pivot A remains on its circumscribing circle subtended on chord CC ′ b)
Designing a crank-rocker with a geometric approach based on intersection of three circles:
k1 , k2 , and k3

α + β = 2π, then α = π + φ and β = π − φ, and consequently Q = (π + φ)/(π − φ).
The design parameters are ρ2 = q/s, where q = coupler length of the mechanism and s
= crank-throw radius of the mechanism, and angle φ. As indicated in Figs. 2.1(a) and 2.1(b),
φ is the angle between ADC and D′ AC ′ . A constant angle φ, at vertex A of triangle ACC ′ ,
is maintained if A remains on the circumscribing circle of this triangle which is subtended
on chord CC ′ . A must lie on this circle centred at O. When designing a slider-crank, CC ′ is
the gamut of the piston or wrist pin centre.
Consider the configurations elbow folded and elbow extended pattern of D′ AC ′ and
ADC which respectively define lengths s and q in terms of the long AC = q + s and short
AC ′ = q − s rays which are subtended from chord CC ′ . Consider s → 0; then, AC = AC ′
and the triangle ACC ′ becomes isosceles. Concerning Fig. 2.1(b), to find yO , the distance
OO′ from the centre of the chord CC ′ to the circumscribing circle centre O, one may invoke
the following chain of logic applied to another isosceles triangle AOC ′ , whose equal sides of
length R are the segments AO and C ′ O.

∠C ′ OO′ + ∠AOC ′ = π, ∠OAC ′ = ∠OC ′ A = φ/2 (2.1)

∠OAC ′ + ∠OC ′ A + ∠AOC ′ = π, ∴ ∠C ′ OO′ = φ

We may also normalize all distance parameters by setting R = 1 which helps find the unique
mechanism configuration, given designer chosen values of φ and ρ2 ; thus, yO = cos φ and
c = sin φ. Choosing the origin at O, all points A, a one-parameter set, can be represented
on the intersection of any pair of the three following circles k1 , the circle centred at C ′ of
radius q − s, k2 , the circle centred at C of radius q + s ,and k3 , the circle centred at O of
radius R = 1, shown on the left of Fig. 2.1(b).

k1 : (x − c)2 + (y − yO )2 − (q − s)2 = 0 (2.2)

k2 : (x + c)2 + (y − yO )2 − (q + s)2 = 0 (2.3)

k3 : x 2 + y 2 − 1 = 0 (2.4)

Now, parameters x, y, and q will be eliminated from k1 , k2 , and k3 . By proper substi-

tutions two implicit quartic equations will be obtained; the first in parameters φ, θ, and s2
and the second in parameters φ, θ, and ρ2 , where θ is the polar angle measured from the
centre of the unit circle.
To eliminate x2 and y 2 we form the subtractions k1 − k3 and k2 − k3 . Next, q is removed
from these two differences. Then, the substitutions x = cos θ, y = sin θ, c = sin φ, and
yO = cos φ are made in the resultant term. After some algebraic simplification, a quadratic
in s2 is obtained.

s4 + 2(sin θ cos φ − 1)s2 + cos2 θ sin2 φ = 0 (2.5)

This first design equation expresses s2 as a quadratic in φ and θ.

One may prefer to select ρ2 instead and use the following relation. By forming the
difference k1 − k2 and substitution for s2 in terms of ρ2 , obtained from the previous quartic
equation in s2 , we obtain a design equation that expresses the parameter ρ2 as a function of
φ and θ.

cos2 θ sin2 φρ22 + 2(sin θ cos φ − 1)ρ2 + cos2 θ sin2 φ = 0 (2.6)

For a chosen value of rocker swing angle δ, the rocker link length can be obtained as

c sin φ
p= δ
= (2.7)
sin 2 sin 2δ

Eqs.(2.5) and (2.6) may also be used to design a slider-crank mechanism. In a slider-
crank mechanism the wrist pin that connects the coupler to the sliding block moves on a
straight line between C and C ′ of length 2c = 2 sin φ. The designer is thus able to obtain a

desired stroke η by multiplying link lengths s and q, obtained through Eqs.(2.5) and (2.6),
by ǫ = η/2 sin φ.

2.2 Design Examples

Here we establish the parameters of a planar four-bar crank-rocker mechanism with

given rocker length and rocker swing angle using the method suggested in [22]. Then we
solve a similar problem with the design method introduced in this thesis, which is to de-
termine the parameters of a planar four-bar crank-rocker mechanism with determined ratio
of coupler length to crank-throw radius and crank angle ratio. For brevity, the units of
length-parameters, e.g., inches, are not shown.

2.2.1 Design Example Using Text Book Method

It is desired to determine the parameters of a crank-rocker mechanism with rocker length

p = 4 and rocker swing angle δ = π/4. Also, a time ratio Q = 1.5 is selected [22].
To solve the problem, first one calculates φ = π/5 with the aid of equation Q = (π +
φ)/(π − φ). Then, by applying a suitable scaling, the rocker link with length p = 4 is
drawn in its extreme positions indicating the desired swing angle of δ = π/4 between these
two extreme positions. As shown in Fig. 2.2, a line λ on C is constructed in an arbitrary
direction. Then, a line parallel to λ is drawn through C ′ . Next, another line on C is laid off
at an angle φ from λ whose intersection with the line on C ′ and parallel to λ locates A.
The crank link length and the coupler length can be obtained by measuring the lengths
of segments AC ′ = q − s and AC = q + s in Fig. 2.2.

q + s = 5.23, q − s = 3.93 ⇒ s = 0.65, q = 4.58

C C’ C C’
C C’

δ δ δ
λ λ

C C’ C C’
φ p
δ δ
B B s A

Figure 2.2: Crank-rocker four-bar mechanism design according to [22]

The resulting mechanism is not unique because of the arbitrary direction of λ. This
produces a different link length set for every choice of this direction. Automating the process
would require choosing a fixed direction for no good reason or, similarly, using random
number generation for this purpose. The step by step design procedure is indicated in
Fig. 2.2.

2.2.2 Design Example Using Three Circle Method

Consider that it is desired to determine the parameters of a planar four-bar crank-rocker

mechanism with the ratio of coupler length to crank-throw radius ρ2 = q/s = 4 and crank
angle ratio Q = 1.5.
To solve the problem, first one calculates φ = π/5 with the aid of equation Q = (π +
φ)/(π − φ). Then, the differences k1 − k3 and k2 − k3 are formed incorporating ρ2 = q/s.

2cx + c2 − 2yO y + yO
− (ρ2 + 1)2 s2 + 1 = 0

−2cx + c2 − 2yO y + yO
− (ρ2 − 1)2 s2 + 1 = 0

Then, by inserting the numerical values we obtain

2 + 1.175570505x − 1.618033989y − 25s2 = 0

2 − 1.175570505x − 1.618033989y − 9s2 = 0

Eliminating x between these two equations and between the first and k3 yields a linear
and a quadric equation in y and s2 .

4.70228202 − 3.804226068y − 39.96939716s2 = 0

2.618033988 − 6.472135956y − 100s2 + 4y 2

+80.90169944s2 y + 625s4 = 0

Solving these two equations simultaneously for s2 results in four real roots.

s2 = ±0.1420388931, ±0.02371638781

Only the positive ones are acceptable, thus

s = ±0.3768804759, ±0.154

Since s represents a length, the negative values obtained are discarded; moreover, between

two positive values obtained only one is acceptable because for s = 0.154, the segments AC ′ ,
C ′ C, and CA cannot make a triangle in Fig. 2.1(b), and consequently a crank radius of 0.154
cannot achieve the rocker stroke implied by Q. Thus,

s = 0.3768804759 ⇒ q = 4s = 1.507521904

Substituting the value of s = 0.3768804759 into the linear equation in y and s2 results
in a unique value of y; by substituting the value obtained for y and s into either one of
equations k1 − k3 or k2 − k3 , a unique value for x will be obtained.

y = −0.2562747041, x = 0.9666039945

The swing angle of the rocker may also be important to the designer. If the desired
swing angle of the rocker is δ = π/4, then according to Figs. 2.1(a) and 2.1(b) the proper
corresponding rocker length will be

c sin φ
p= δ
= = 1.53596
sin 2 sin 2δ

To validate the result by Grashof’s criterion, the fixed link length should also be calcu-
lated. The fixed link length is equal to the distance between points A and B. According to
Fig. 2.1(a), the coordinates of point B are

B : (0, cos φ − p cos ) = (0, −0.6100250127)
Since l = (xA − xB )2 + (yA − yB )2 , then

l = 1.029301979

According to Table 1.1, since the sum of the longest and the shortest link lengths, p+s =
1.912840476, is smaller than the sum of the other two link lengths, q + l = 2.536823883, and

C C’ C C’

φ φ
y y

x x

C C’ C C’


B B D’

Figure 2.3: Crank-rocker four-bar mechanism design verification for three circle method

the shortest link is ground-adjacent, so the obtained mechanism is a Grashof crank-rocker

with a crank link of length s.
Constructing this mechanism configuration is outlined in Fig. 2.3. First, the unit circle
is sketched to an appropriate scale, and the location of points C and C ′ are identified by
measuring angles −φ and φ from the y-axis of a coordinate system centred at point O, the
centre of the unit circle. Next, the points A and B are located; the coordinates of point A
are obtained above and the location of point B is the intersection of y-axis and two circles
centred at points C and C ′ of radius p. Finally, by connecting points A and B to points C and
C ′ and verifying the coupler link and crank link on the figure, the mechanism configuration
is obtained in its extreme postures.

Plotting all this on the unit radius circle shown in Fig. 2.3 verifies the design, and
obviously, the design is unique based on conscious choice of the designer.

Chapter 3


A novel design method to determine the parameters of a planar double-rocker mechanism

is proposed. For given oscillating angles of the links adjacent to the fixed link, there is a
one-parameter solution set. E.g., to design for a chosen ratio of the rocker link lengths, one
may use the quadratic equation that is revealed for the first time in this thesis to determine
a unique double-rocker mechanism configuration, given oscillating angles of two rockers, the
ratio of two rocker link lengths, and by considering the relative direction of rotation of rocker

3.1 Design Process

In a planar four-bar double-rocker mechanism, the oscillation interval limits α and β

of two links adjacent to the fixed link, called rockers, are identified in terms of usual elbow
folded and elbow extended singularities which occur when three revolute joints are in a
line. These singular positions for a double-rocker mechanism decompose into three different
cases depending on whether each rocker link is in elbow folded or elbow extended singularity
configuration at the limits of the intervals of oscillation.
The first case happens when the mechanism oscillates between two singularity conditions
elbow folded and elbow extended. This case is indicated in Fig. 3.1(a).
The second case happens when the mechanism oscillates between two elbow extended

D1 D2

s C2

A l B



q D2

s p

A l B





A l B

Figure 3.1: Three individual cases embedded within extreme excursions a) “elbow extended-
elbow folded” case b) “elbow extended-elbow extended” case c) “elbow folded-elbow folded”

singularities. This case is indicated in Fig. 3.1(b).
The third case happens when the mechanism oscillates between two elbow folded singu-
larities. This case is indicated in Fig. 3.1(c).
Any of these three cases is divided into two different subsets depending on whether the
two rockers counter-rotate or turn in unison. In what follows, the geometric design algorithm
of these six cases will be introduced.

3.1.1 The Design Process of “Elbow Extended-Elbow Folded” Case

Here, we establish the parameters of a planar four-bar double-rocker mechanism oscil-

lating between singularity conditions “elbow extended” and “elbow folded” for determined
values of angles α, β, and the ratio of two rocker link lengths, p/s, first for the case when
the rockers rotate in unison and second for the case when the rockers counter-rotate.

A: Rotation in Unison

Consider the design of a double-rocker mechanism with determined values of α, β, and

the ratio of two rocker link lengths p/s.
Considering Fig. 3.2, angle α is subtended on two rays of length s and s − q while the
other angle β is subtended on rays of length p and p + q, where s and p are two rocker
link lengths and q is the coupler link length. Angle α sweeps to an elbow folded limit
while β sweeps to an elbow extended limit. The angles are subtended on a common chord
represented by the segment D1 C2 in both cases. The length of segment D1 C2 is indicated
by 2c. Applying trigonometric relationships to triangle AD1 C2 and BD1 C2 , two following
equations are obtained.

(p + q)2 + p2 − 2(p + q)p cos β − (2c)2 = 0 (3.1)



p+q p

M s

D1 O
C2 D1 C2

Figure 3.2: Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow folded” case with
rockers rotating in unison

(s − q)2 + s2 − 2(s − q)s cos α − (2c)2 = 0 (3.2)

Subtracting Eq.(3.2) from Eq.(3.1) and applying algebraic simplifications produce

(a1 s + a2 p)q − a1 s2 + a2 p2 = 0 (3.3)

which is a linear equation in q, and where a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.

Next, dividing Eq.(3.3) by s2 produces a normalized linear equation of ρ2 in terms of ρ1 ,
α and β as

(a1 + a2 ρ1 )ρ2 + a2 ρ21 − a1 = 0 (3.4)

a1 − a2 ρ21
⇒ ρ2 =
a1 + a2 ρ1

where ρ2 = q/s, ρ1 = p/s, a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.
Obviously, via Eq.(3.4), for certain values of ρ1 , α, and β, a unique value for ρ2 will be
obtained. It is still important to note that any combination of the values of ρ1 , α, and β do
not necessarily result in a proper coupler link length of a double-rocker mechanism, and in
order to have a feasible double-rocker mechanism, the resulting value for ρ2 should be a real
positive number.
According to Eq.(3.4), since ρ1 is considered to have a positive value, ρ2 is always a real
number unless the angles α and β are zero simultaneously, which for sure is not a desired
design case. For ρ1 < (1 − cos α)/(1 − cos β), ρ2 always assumes a positive real value and
consequently the mechanism is feasible.
In the next step, to find the locations of the revolutes at A and B, consider a frame with
origin O at half chord D1 C2 of length c. Positive x-axis is horizontal to the right, and y-axis
is vertical upward. Considering Fig. 3.2 again, the centre of the circle subtending angle α
on the circumference is centred at M (xM , yM ) = (0, c cot α) and has radius rM = c csc α.
The centre of the circle subtending angle β on the circumference is centred at N (xN , yN ) =
(0, c cot β) and has radius rN = c csc β. The equations of the two above mentioned circles
are respectively given by

x2A + (yA − c cot α)2 − =0 (3.5)
sin2 α
x2B + (yB − c cot β)2 − =0 (3.6)
sin2 β

The next step is to express the locations of points A and B in terms of p, q, and s. A
can be represented by the intersection of two circles k1 , a circle centred at D1 of radius s,
and k2 , a circle centred at C2 of radius s − q.

k1 : (xA + c)2 + yA2 − s2 = 0 (3.7)

k2 : (xA − c)2 + yA2 − (s − q)2 = 0 (3.8)

Subtracting Eq.(3.7) from Eq.(3.5) and Eq.(3.8) from Eq.(3.5) produce a pair of linear
equations in xA and yA . The sum of these two equations yields an equation of yA in terms
of s and q.

− 2yA c cot α − 2xA c − 2c2 + s2 = 0 (3.9)

− 2yA c cot α + 2xA c − 2c2 + (s − q)2 = 0 (3.10)

− 4yA c cot α − 4c2 + s2 + (s − q)2 = 0 (3.11)

Solving Eq.(3.11) yields yA . Substituting this value into Eq.(3.9) gives xA .

sin α(4c2 − 2s2 + 2sq − q 2 ) q(−2s + q)

yA = − , xA = − (3.12)
4c cos α 4c

Similarly, B can be represented by the intersection of two circles k3 , a circle centred at

C2 of radius p, and k4 , a circle centred at D1 of radius p + q.

k3 : (xB − c)2 + yB2 − p2 = 0 (3.13)

k4 : (xB + c)2 + yB2 − (p + q)2 = 0 (3.14)

Subtracting Eq.(3.13) from Eq.(3.6) and Eq.(3.14) from Eq.(3.6) produce a pair of linear
equations in xB and yB . Their sum yields an equation of yB in terms of p and q.

− 2yB c cot β + 2xB c − 2c2 + p2 = 0 (3.15)

− 2yB c cot β − 2xB c − 2c2 + (p + q)2 = 0 (3.16)

− 4yB c cot α − 4c2 + p2 + (p + q)2 = 0 (3.17)

Solving Eq.(3.17) yields yB . Substituting this value into Eq.(3.15) gives xB .

sin β(4c2 − 2p2 − 2pq − q 2 ) q(2p + q)

yB = − , xB = (3.18)
4c cos β 4c

Recall from Eq.(3.1) and Eq.(3.2), c can be represented with one of the following equa-
tions respectively.

c= (p + q)2 + p2 − 2(p + q)p cos β (3.19)

c= (s − q)2 + s2 − 2(s − q)s cos α (3.20)

By substituting either value of c of Eq.(3.19) and Eq.(3.20), here Eq.(3.20), in the equa-
tions obtained for xA , yA , xB , and yB , and then dividing them by s, normalized coordinates
of A = f (ρ2 , α) and B = g(ρ1 , ρ2 , β) are obtained as

ρ2 (2 − ρ2 ) sin α(1 − ρ2 )
(xA , y A ) = ( , ) (3.21)
2t t

ρ2 (2ρ1 + ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 + ρ2 ρ1 + (ρ2 − 1)(1 − cos α))

(xB , y B ) = ( , ) (3.22)
2t t

(xA , y A ) and (xB , y B ) are normalized coordinates of A and B respectively, xA = xA /s, y A =

yA /s, xB = xB /s, y B = yB /s, ρ1 = p/s, ρ2 = q/s, and t = ρ22 − 2ρ2 (1 − cos α) + 2(1 − cos α).

B: Counter-Rotation

This case is very similar to the case when two rockers rotate in unison, except that the
centres of two subtending circles lie on opposite sides of segment D1 C2 . Compare Fig. 3.3
with Fig. 3.2.


p+q p

D1 C2 D1 C2



Figure 3.3: Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow folded” case with
rockers counter-rotating

Now, consider the design of a double-rocker mechanism with determined values of α, β,

and the ratio of rocker link length, p/s, and when rockers counter-rotate. Here, Eqs.(3.1),
(3.2), (3.3) and (3.4) can be used without modification. So,

(a1 + a2 ρ1 )ρ2 + a2 ρ21 − a1 = 0 (3.23)

a1 − a2 ρ21
⇒ ρ2 =
a1 + a2 ρ1

where ρ1 = p/s, ρ2 = q/s, a1 = 1 − cos α, a2 = 1 − cos β, and ρ1 < (1 − cos α)/(1 − cos β).1
In the next step, to find the locations of revolutes A and B, consider a frame with origin
O at half chord D1 C2 of length c. Positive x-axis is horizontal to the right, and y-axis is
vertical upward. Considering Fig. 3.3, the centre of the circle subtending angle α on the
circumference is centred at M (xM , yM ) = (0, −c cot α) and has radius rM = c csc α. The
centre of the circle subtending β on the circumference is centred at N (xN , yN ) = (0, c cot β)
and has radius rN = c csc β. The equations of the above mentioned circles are respectively
given by

x2A + (yA + c cot α)2 − =0 (3.24)
sin2 α
x2B + (yB − c cot β)2 − =0 (3.25)
sin2 β

The next step is to express the locations of points A and B in terms of p, q, and s. A
can be represented by the intersection of two circles k1 , a circle centred at D1 of radius s,
and k2 , a circle centred at C2 of radius s − q.

k1 : (xA + c)2 + yA2 − s2 = 0 (3.26)

k2 : (xA − c)2 + yA2 − (s − q)2 = 0 (3.27)

Subtracting Eq.(3.26) from Eq.(3.24) and Eq.(3.27) from Eq.(3.24) produce a pair of
linear equations in xA and yA . The sum of these two equations yields an equation of yA in
terms of s and q.

2yA c cot α − 2xA c − 2c2 + s2 = 0 (3.28)

Refer to section 3.1.1.A

2yA c cot α + 2xA c − 2c2 + (s − q)2 = 0 (3.29)

4yA c cot α − 4c2 + s2 + (s − q)2 = 0 (3.30)

Solving Eq.(3.30) yields yA . Substituting this value into Eq.(3.28) gives xA .

sin α(4c2 − 2s2 + 2sq − q 2 ) q(−2s + q)

yA = , xA = − (3.31)
4c cos α 4c

Similarly, B can be represented by the intersection of two circles k3 , a circle centred at

C2 of radius p, and k4 , a circle centred at D1 of radius p + q.

k3 : (xB − c)2 + yB2 − p2 = 0 (3.32)

k4 : (xB + c)2 + yB2 − (p + q)2 = 0 (3.33)

Subtracting Eq.(3.32) from Eq.(3.25) and Eq.(3.33) from Eq.(3.25) produce a pair of
linear equations in xB and yB . The sum of these two equations yields an equation of yB in
terms of p and q.

− 2yB c cot β + 2xB c − 2c2 + p2 = 0 (3.34)

− 2yB c cot β − 2xB c − 2c2 + (p + q)2 = 0 (3.35)

− 4yB c cot α − 4c2 + p2 + (p + q)2 = 0 (3.36)

Solving Eq.(3.36) yields yB . Substituting this value into Eq.(3.34) gives xB .

sin β(4c2 − 2p2 − 2pq − q 2 ) q(2p + q)
yB = − , xB = (3.37)
4c cos β 4c

Recall from Eq.(3.1) and Eq.(3.2), c can be represented with one of the following equa-
tions respectively.

c= (p + q)2 + p2 − 2(p + q)p cos β (3.38)

c= (s − q)2 + s2 − 2(s − q)s cos α (3.39)

By substituting either value of c of Eq.(3.38) and Eq.(3.39), here Eq.(3.39), in the equa-
tions obtained for xA , yA , xB , and yB , and then dividing them by s, normalized coordinates
of A = f (ρ2 , α) and B = g(ρ1 , ρ2 , β) are obtained as

ρ2 (2 − ρ2 ) sin α(1 − ρ2 )
(xA , y A ) = ( ,− ) (3.40)
2t t

ρ2 (2ρ1 + ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 + ρ2 ρ1 + (ρ2 − 1)(1 − cos α))

(xB , y B ) = ( , ) (3.41)
2t t

(xA , y A ) and (xB , y B ) are normalized coordinates of A and B respectively, xA = xA /s, y A =

yA /s, xB = xB /s, y B = yB /s, ρ1 = p/s, ρ2 = q/s, and t = ρ22 − 2ρ2 (1 − cos α) + 2(1 − cos α).
Obviously, the coordinates of B here are the same as when two rockers rotate in unison,
and the coordinates of A are the mirror image of the coordinates of A in previous section,
when rockers rotate in unison, with respect to y-axis.

3.1.2 The Design Process of “Elbow Extended-Elbow Extended” Case

Here, we establish the parameters of a planar four-bar double-rocker mechanism oscillat-

ing between the singularity conditions “elbow extended” and “elbow extended” for determined

values of α, β, and the ratio of two rocker link length p/s, first for the case when two rockers
rotate in unison and second for the case when two rockers counter-rotate.

A: Rotation in Unison



p+q p
s s+q

D1 C2 D1 C2

Figure 3.4: Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow extended” case with
rockers rotating in unison

Considering Fig. 3.4, angle α is subtended on two rays of length s and s + q while the
other angle β is subtended on rays of length p and p + q, where s and p are two rocker link
lengths and q is the coupler link length. Angle α and β both sweep to an elbow extended
limit. The angles are subtended on a common chord represented by the segment D1 C2 in both
cases. The length of segment D1 C2 is indicated by 2c. Applying trigonometric relationships
in triangles AD1 C2 and BD1 C2 , the two following equations are obtained.

(p + q)2 + p2 − 2(p + q)p cos β − (2c)2 = 0 (3.42)

(s + q)2 + s2 − 2(s + q)s cos α − (2c)2 = 0 (3.43)

Subtracting Eq.(3.43) from Eq.(3.42) and applying algebraic simplifications produce a

linear equation in q as

(−a1 s + a2 p)q − a1 s2 + a2 p2 = 0 (3.44)

where a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.

Next, dividing Eq.(3.44) by s2 produces a normalized linear equation of ρ2 in terms of
ρ1 , α and β as

(−a1 + a2 ρ1 )ρ2 + a2 ρ21 − a1 = 0 (3.45)

a1 − a2 ρ21
⇒ ρ2 = −
a1 − a2 ρ1

where ρ2 = q/s, ρ1 = p/s, a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.

Obviously, by means of Eq.(3.45), for chosen values of ρ1 , α, and β, a unique value for
ρ2 will be obtained. It is still important to note that any combination of the values of ρ1 , α,
and β do not necessarily result in a proper coupler link length of a double-rocker mechanism,
and the resulting value for ρ2 must be a real positive number.
With the aid of simple algebraic operations, the value obtained for ρ2 is always feasible
p p
but only if ρ1 ∈ (min{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }, max{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }), where a1 = 1 − cos α and
a2 = 1 − cos β.
In the next step, to find the locations of revolutes A and B, consider a frame with
origin O at half chord D1 C2 of length c. Positive x-axis is horizontal to the right, and y-axis
is vertical upward. Considering Fig. 3.4, the centre of the circle subtending angle α on the
circumference is centred at M (xM , yM ) = (0, c cot α) and has radius rM = c csc α. The centre
of the circle subtending angle β on the circumference is centred at N (xN , yN ) = (0, c cot β)

and has radius rN = c csc β. The circle equations are given by

x2A + (yA − c cot α)2 − =0 (3.46)
sin2 α
x2B + (yB − c cot β)2 − =0 (3.47)
sin2 β

The next step is to express the points A and B in terms of p, q, and s. A can be
represented by the intersection of two circles k1 , a circle centred at D1 of radius s, and k2 , a
circle centred at C2 of radius s + q.

k1 : (xA + c)2 + yA2 − s2 = 0 (3.48)

k2 : (xA − c)2 + yA2 − (s + q)2 = 0 (3.49)

Subtracting Eq.(3.48) from Eq.(3.46) and Eq.(3.49) from Eq.(3.46) produce a pair of
linear equations in xA and yA . The sum of these two equations yields an equation of yA in
terms of s and q.

− 2yA c cot α − 2xA c − 2c2 + s2 = 0 (3.50)

− 2yA c cot α + 2xA c − 2c2 + (s + q)2 = 0 (3.51)

− 4yA c cot α − 4c2 + s2 + (s + q)2 = 0 (3.52)

Solving Eq.(3.52) yields yA . Substituting this value into Eq.(3.50) gives xA .

sin α(4c2 − 2s2 − 2sq − q 2 ) q(2s + q)

yA = − , xA = (3.53)
4c cos α 4c

Similarly, B can be represented by the intersection of two circles k3 , a circle centred at
C2 of radius p, and k4 , a circle centred at D1 of radius p + q.

k3 : (xB − c)2 + yB2 − p2 = 0 (3.54)

k4 : (xB + c)2 + yB2 − (p + q)2 = 0 (3.55)

Subtracting Eq.(3.54) from Eq.(3.47) and Eq.(3.55) from Eq.(3.47) produce a pair of
linear equations in xB and yB . The sum of these two equations yields an equation of yB in
terms of p and q.

− 2yB c cot β + 2xB c − 2c2 + p2 = 0 (3.56)

− 2yB c cot β − 2xB c − 2c2 + (p + q)2 = 0 (3.57)

− 4yB c cot α − 4c2 + p2 + (p + q)2 = 0 (3.58)

Solving Eq.(3.58) yields yB , and then substituting this value into Eq.(3.56) gives xB .

sin β(4c2 − 2p2 − 2pq − q 2 ) q(2p + q)

yB = − , xB = − (3.59)
4c cos β 4c

Recall from Eq.(3.42) and Eq.(3.43), c can be represented with one of the following
equations respectively.

c= (p + q)2 + p2 − 2(p + q)p cos β (3.60)

c= (s + q)2 + s2 − 2(s + q)s cos α (3.61)

By substituting either value of c of Eq.(3.60) and Eq.(3.61), here Eq.(3.61), in equations
obtained for xA , yA , xB , and yB , and then dividing by s, normalized coordinates of A =
f (ρ2 , α) and B = g(ρ1 , ρ2 , β) are obtained as

ρ2 (2 + ρ2 ) sin α(1 + ρ2 )
(xA , y A ) = ( , ) (3.62)
2t t

ρ2 (2ρ1 + ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 + ρ2 ρ1 − (ρ2 + 1)(1 − cos α))

(xB , y B ) = (− , ) (3.63)
2t t

(xA , y A ) and (xB , y B ) are normalized coordinates of A and B respectively, xA = xA /s, y A =

yA /s, xB = xB /s, y B = yB /s, ρ1 = p/s, ρ2 = q/s, and t = ρ22 − 2ρ2 (1 − cos α) + 2(1 − cos α).

B: Counter-Rotation

Considering Fig. 3.5, for the case that the two rockers counter-rotate, the coordinates of
one of the revolutes at A or B —choose B— will remain the same as its coordinates in the
case “elbow extended-elbow extended with rockers rotating in unison”, and the coordinates
of the other revolute, i.e., A, will be the mirror image of its coordinates in the case “elbow
extended-elbow extended under rotation in unison” in respect to y-axis.2 So,

ρ2 (2 + ρ2 ) sin α(1 + ρ2 )
(xA , y A ) = ( ,− ) (3.64)
2t t

ρ2 (2ρ1 + ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 + ρ2 ρ1 − (ρ2 + 1)(1 − cos α))

(xB , y B ) = (− , ) (3.65)
2t t

3.1.3 The Design Process of “Elbow Folded-Elbow Folded” Case

Here, we establish the parameters of a planar four-bar double-rocker mechanism oscil-

lating in the singularity condition “elbow folded-elbow folded” for chosen values of α, β, and
Refer to section 3.1.1.B


p+q p

D1 C2 D1 C2




Figure 3.5: Two circles and a common chord in “elbow extended-elbow extended” case with
rockers counter-rotating

the ratio of two rocker link lengths p/s, first for the case when two rockers rotate in unison
and second for the case when two rockers counter-rotate.

A: Rotation in Unison

Considering Fig. 3.6, angle α is subtended on two rays of length s and s − q while the
other angle β is subtended on rays of length p and p − q, where s and p are two rocker link
lengths and q is the coupler link length. Angles α and β both sweep to an elbow folded
limit. The angles α and β are subtended on a common chord represented by the segment
D1 C2 in both cases. The length of segment D1 C2 is indicated by 2c. Applying trigonometric
relationships in triangles AD1 C2 and BD1 C2 , the two following equations are obtained.

(p − q)2 + p2 − 2(p − q)p cos β − (2c)2 = 0 (3.66)




p-q p

M s

D1 C2 D1 C2

Figure 3.6: Two circles and a common chord in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case with rockers
rotating in unison

(s − q)2 + s2 − 2(s − q)s cos α − (2c)2 = 0 (3.67)

Subtracting Eq.(3.67) from Eq.(3.66) and applying algebraic simplifications produce a

linear equation in q as

(a1 s − a2 p)q − a1 s2 + a2 p2 = 0 (3.68)

where a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.

Next, dividing Eq.(3.68) by s2 produces a normalized linear equation of ρ2 in terms of
ρ1 , α and β as

(a1 − a2 ρ1 )ρ2 + a2 ρ21 − a1 = 0 (3.69)

a1 − a2 ρ21
⇒ ρ2 =
a1 − a2 ρ1

where ρ2 = q/s, ρ1 = p/s, a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.

Obviously, by means of Eq.(3.69), for chosen values of ρ1 , α, and β, a unique value for
ρ2 will be obtained. It is still important to note that any combination of the values of ρ1 , α,
and β do not necessarily result in a proper coupler link length of a double-rocker mechanism,
and in order to have a feasible double-rocker mechanism, the resulting value for ρ2 should
be a real positive number.
With simple algebraic operations, the value obtained for ρ2 is always feasible but only if
p p
ρ1 ∈
/ (min{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }, max{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }), where a1 = 1 − cos α and a2 = 1 − cos β.
In the next step, to find the locations of revolutes A and B, consider a frame with
origin O at half chord D1 C2 of length c. Positive x-axis is horizontal to the right, and y-axis
is vertical upward. Considering Fig. 3.6 again, the centre of the circle subtending angle α
on the circumference is centred at M (xM , yM ) = (0, c cot α) and has radius rM = c csc α.
The centre of the circle subtending angle β on the circumference is centred at N (xN , yN ) =
(0, c cot β) and has radius rN = c csc β. The equations of these two above mentioned circles
are respectively given by

x2A + (yA − c cot α)2 − =0 (3.70)
sin2 α
x2B + (yB − c cot β)2 − =0 (3.71)
sin2 β

The next step is to express the locations of points A and B in terms of p, q, and s. A
can be represented by the intersection of two circles k1 , a circle centred at D1 of radius s,
and k2 , a circle centred at C2 of radius s − q.

k1 : (xA + c)2 + yA2 − s2 = 0 (3.72)

k2 : (xA − c)2 + yA2 − (s − q)2 = 0 (3.73)

Subtracting Eq.(3.72) from Eq.(3.70) and Eq.(3.73) from Eq.(3.70) produce a pair of
linear equations in xA and yA . The sum of these two equations yields an equation of yA in
terms of s and q.

− 2yA c cot α − 2xA c − 2c2 + s2 = 0 (3.74)

− 2yA c cot α + 2xA c − 2c2 + (s − q)2 = 0 (3.75)

− 4yA c cot α − 4c2 + s2 + (s − q)2 = 0 (3.76)

Solving Eq.(3.76) yields yA . Substituting this value into Eq.(3.74) gives xA .

sin α(4c2 − 2s2 + 2sq − q 2 ) q(−2s + q)

yA = − , xA = − (3.77)
4c cos α 4c

Similarly, B can be represented by the intersection of two circles k3 , a circle centred at

C2 of radius p, and k4 , a circle centred at D1 of radius p − q.

k3 : (xB − c)2 + yB2 − p2 = 0 (3.78)

k4 : (xB + c)2 + yB2 − (p − q)2 = 0 (3.79)

Subtracting Eq.(3.78) from Eq.(3.71) and Eq.(3.79) from Eq.(3.71) produce a pair of
linear equations in xB and yB . Their sum yields an equation of yB in terms of p and q.

− 2yB c cot β + 2xB c − 2c2 + p2 = 0 (3.80)

− 2yB c cot β − 2xB c − 2c2 + (p − q)2 = 0 (3.81)

− 4yB c cot α − 4c2 + p2 + (p − q)2 = 0 (3.82)

Solving Eq.(3.82) yields yB , and then substituting this value into Eq.(3.80) gives xB .

sin β(4c2 − 2p2 + 2pq − q 2 ) q(2p − q)

yB = − , xB = − (3.83)
4c cos β 4c

Recall from Eq.(3.66) and Eq.(3.67), c can be represented with one of the following
equations respectively.

c= (p − q)2 + p2 − 2(p − q)p cos β (3.84)

c= (s − q)2 + s2 − 2(s − q)s cos α (3.85)

By substituting either value of c of Eq.(3.84) and Eq.(3.85), here Eq.(3.85), in the

equations obtained for xA , yA , xB , and yB , and then dividing by s, normalized coordinates
of A = f (ρ2 , α) and B = g(ρ1 , ρ2 , β) are obtained as

ρ2 (2 − ρ2 ) sin α(1 − ρ2 )
(xA , y A ) = ( , ) (3.86)
2t t

ρ2 (2ρ1 − ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 − ρ2 ρ1 + (ρ2 − 1)(1 − cos α))

(xB , y B ) = (− , ) (3.87)
2t t

(xA , y A ) and (xB , y B ) are normalized coordinates of A and B respectively, xA = xA /s, y A =

yA /s, xB = xB /s, y B = yB /s, ρ1 = p/s, ρ2 = q/s, and t = ρ22 − 2ρ2 (1 − cos α) + 2(1 − cos α).

B: Counter-Rotation

Considering Fig. 3.7, for the case that the rockers counter-rotate, the coordinates of one
of the revolutes A and B —take B— will remain the same as its coordinates in the case
“elbow folded-elbow folded with rockers rotating in unison”, and the coordinates of the other
revolute, i.e., A, will be the mirror image of its coordinates in the case “elbow folded-elbow
folded with rockers rotating in unison” with respect to y-axis as follows,3



p-q p

D1 C2
D1 C2

M s



Figure 3.7: Two circles and a common chord in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case with rockers

ρ2 (2 − ρ2 ) sin α(1 − ρ2 )
(xA , y A ) = ( ,− ) (3.88)
2t t

ρ2 (2ρ1 − ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 − ρ2 ρ1 + (ρ2 − 1)(1 − cos α))

(xB , y B ) = (− , ) (3.89)
2t t
Refer to section 3.1.1.B

3.1.4 Summary

All design equations derived for six different cases are summarized in Table 3.1.4. Note
that for two rockers rotating in unison k = 1, and for two rockers counter-rotating k = −1,
while a1 = 1 − cos α, a2 = 1 − cos β, and t = ρ22 − 2ρ2 (1 − cos α) + 2(1 − cos α).

Table 3.1: The parameters of double-rocker mechanism in terms of specified design parame-
ters for three different oscillatory motion configurations
Individual Cases ρ2 (xA , y A ) (xB , y B )

a1 −a2 ρ21 tan β(ρ21 +ρ2 ρ1 +(ρ2 −1)(1−cos α))
Extended-Folded a1 +a2 ρ1 ( ρ2 (2−ρ
, k sin α(1−ρ
) ( ρ2 (2ρ2t1 +ρ2 ) , t )
a −a ρ2 ρ2 (2+ρ2 ) sin α(1+ρ2 ) ρ2 (2ρ1 +ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 +ρ2 ρ1 −(ρ2 +1)(1−cos α))
Extended-Extended − a11 −a22 ρ11 ( 2t , k t ) (− 2t , t )
a1 −a2 ρ21 ρ2 (2−ρ2 ) sin α(1−ρ2 ) ρ2 (2ρ1 −ρ2 ) tan β(ρ21 −ρ2 ρ1 +(ρ2 −1)(1−cos α))
Folded-Folded a1 −a2 ρ1 ( 2t , k t ) (− 2t , t )

ρ1 < (1 − cos α)/(1p− cos β) p
ρ1 ∈ (min{a1 /a2 , pa1 /a2 }, max{a1 /a2 , pa1 /a2 })
ρ1 ∈
/ (min{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }, max{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 })

3.2 Design Examples

Here, the procedure of obtaining the parameters of a planar four-bar double-rocker which
result in a unique mechanism design will be illustrated with numerical examples. The ratio
of link length ρ2 = q/s and ρ3 = l/s, and the locations of revolute joints A and B will be
obtained for specified values of ρ1 = p/s, and oscillating angles of rocker links α and β for
six different cases.



D1 D1
A A k2
D1 k1


C2 C1 C2

D1 D1 D2

Figure 3.8: The steps to draw a double-rocker mechanism in its extreme excursions “elbow
extended-elbow folded” with rockers rotating in unison

First, consider the case when the mechanism is desired to oscillate between the sin-
gularity conditions “elbow extended” and “elbow folded” under rotation in unison. The
design parameter α = 20◦ and β = 30◦ . Thus, a1 = 1 − cos α = 0.0603073792 and a2 =
1 − cos β = 0.1339745960. Since ρ1 < (1 − cos α)/(1 − cos β) = 0.6709250384, then any
value ρ1 < 0.6709250384 can be used. Let ρ1 = 0.4 for this example. Therefore, with the
aid of Table 3.1.4,
ρ2 = 0.3412852800
(xA , y A ) = (0.6394591798, 0.5089822290)
(xB , y B ) = (0.4399824397, 0.3349414824)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 0.2647284483

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, s + l = 1.2647284483, is greater than the sum of the other two link
lengths, p + q = 0.7412852800, so the obtained mechanism is a non-Grashof double-rocker
(or triple-rocker).




C2 q



s D2




Figure 3.9: Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions “elbow extended-elbow
folded” with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.4 a) under rotation in unison b) under counter-

In order to construct the mechanism configuration in its extreme excursions, first draw
BD1 of length p + q to a suitable scale. Then measure angle β from segment BD1 at point
B and draw the line BC2 of length p. The location of point A will be the intersection of
three circles; the first circle, k1 , is centred at D1 of radius s, the second one, k2 is centred at
point C2 of radius s − q, and the third one, k3 , is centred at point B of radius l. The steps
of drawing the mechanism in its extreme excursions is illustrated in Fig. 3.8. The drawing
steps for other cases are similar.
If it is desired that the rockers counter-rotate for α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.4 , then
k = −1

ρ2 = 0.3412852800
(xA , y A ) = (0.6394591798, −0.5089822290)
(xB , y B ) = (0.4399824397, 0.3349414824)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 0.8671782980

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, s + q = 1.3412852800, is greater than the sum of the other two link
lengths, p + l = 1.267178298, so the mechanism obtained is a non-Grashof double-rocker (or
Now, consider it is desired that the mechanism be bounded between two elbow extended
singularity configurations and the rockers rotate in unison. The design parameters α = 20◦
and β = 30◦ . Thus, a1 = 1 − cos α = 0.0603073792 and a2 = 1 − cos β = 0.1339745960. Since
p p
ρ1 ∈ (min{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }, max{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }) , then it can assume any value between
0.4501404072 and 0.6709250384. Let ρ1 = 0.55 for this example. Therefore, with the aid of
Table 3.1.4,
ρ2 = 1.478479964
(xA , y A ) = (1.762664372, 0.5810744359)
(xB , y B ) = (−1.306603693, 0.3823825710)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 3.075692591

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, l + p = 3.625692591, is greater than the sum of the other two link
lengths, s + q = 2.478479964, so the mechanism obtained is a non-Grashof double-rocker (or
For the case “elbow extended-elbow extended”, under counter-rotation with α = 20◦ , β
= 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.55, with the aid of Table 3.1.4,

q C2

D2 C1



s C1


Figure 3.10: Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions “elbow extended-elbow
extended” with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.55 a) under rotation in unison b) under

k = −1
ρ2 = 1.478479964
(xA , y A ) = (1.762664372, −0.5810744359)
(xB , y B ) = (−1.306603693, 0.3823825710)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 3.216932679

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, l + p = 3.766932679, is greater than the sum of the other two link

lengths, s + q = 2.478479964, so the mechanism obtained is a non-Grashof double-rocker (or
Finally, for the case “elbow folded-elbow folded” when the rockers rotate in unison with
angles α = 20◦ and β = 30◦ . Thus, a1 = 1 − cos α = 0.0603073792 and a2 = 1 − cos β =
p p
/ (min{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }, max{a1 /a2 , a1 /a2 }), it may not obtain
0.1339745960 . Since ρ1 ∈
any values between 0.4501404072 and 0.6709250384. Let ρ1 = 0.7 for this example. There-
fore, with the aid of Table 3.1.4,
ρ2 = 0.1595279655
(xA , y A ) = (0.4122283856, 0.8071918940)
(xB , y B ) = (−0.2778405617, 0.5311817093)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 0.7432205420

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, s + q = 1.1595279655, is smaller than the sum of the other two link
lengths, p + l = 1.443220542, and the coupler is the shortest link, so the obtained mechanism
is a Grashof double-rocker.
For the case “elbow folded-elbow folded”, if the rockers counter-rotate with α = 20◦ , β
= 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.7, according to Table 3.1.4,
k = −1
ρ2 = 0.1595279655
(xA , y A ) = (0.4122283856, −0.8071918940)
(xB , y B ) = (−0.2778405617, 0.5311817093)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 1.505801797

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, l + q = 1.6653297625, is smaller than the sum of the other two link

lengths, p + s = 1.7, and the coupler is the shortest link, so the obtained mechanism is a
Grashof double-rocker.



p p-q



C1 q D1

s-q p

C2 q

Figure 3.11: Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions “elbow folded-elbow
folded” with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.7 a) under rotation in unison b) under counter-

In such cases where at least there is one elbow folded singularity limit, such as “elbow
extended-elbow folded” and “elbow folded-elbow folded” cases, for some chosen values of ρ1 ,
the value obtained of ρ2 may be greater than ρ1 and/or greater than unity; equivalently
q might be greater than p and/or s. The mechanism configuration “elbow folded-elbow
folded” is illustrated in Fig. 3.12 when q > s > p and rockers rotate in unison. The only
difference between these two cases, the first one with at least one elbow folded singularity and

q greater than p and/or s and the second one with at least one elbow folded singularity with
q smaller than p and s, is that in the first case, the rockers do not oscillate in angles facing
the common chord D1 C2 but rotate through angles α = ∠D1 AD2 and β = ∠C1 BC2 ; this
difference does not affect the design formulas for ordinary “elbow folded-elbow folded” and
“elbow extended-elbow folded” cases. This will be explained for the case “elbow folded-elbow
folded” in the following and it would be similar for the case “elbow extended-elbow folded”.
Consider Eqs.(3.66) and (3.67); as indicated in Eqs.(3.90) and (3.91), if we change the terms
p − q to q − p, s − q to q − s, α to α′ , and β to β ′ , the two obtained equations describe
the relations among the sides of the triangles in Fig. 3.12 but still are equal to Eqs.(3.66)
and (3.67). Note that the angles α = π − α′ and β = π − β ′ .

C1 p B q-s α
α’ s
β q-p
C2 D1

Figure 3.12: Common chord and oscillatory angles in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case with
rockers rotating in unison when q > p and q > s

(q −p)2 +p2 −2(q −p)p cos(π −β)−(2c)2 = (p−q)2 +p2 −2(p−q)p cos(β)−(2c)2 = 0 (3.90)

(q − s)2 + s2 − 2(q − s)s cos(π − α) − (2c)2 = (s − q)2 + s2 − 2(s − q)s cos(α) − (2c)2 = 0 (3.91)

To obtain equations similar to Eqs.(3.70) to (3.89), it is sufficient to select the coordinate

system, in Fig. 3.12, centred at half chord D1 C2 of length c while positive x-axis is horizontal
to the left and y-axis is vertical downward. Fig. 3.13 indicates an example of a double-rocker
mechanism in “elbow folded-elbow folded” case for α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.3. With
the aid of Table 3.1.4 for the case of rotation in unison,
ρ2 = 2.398690758
(xA , y A ) = (−0.2023337253, −0.2024236414)
(xB , y B ) = (0.9128272845, −0.1332071549)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 1.117307030

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, q + p = 2.698690758, is greater than the sum of the other two link
lengths, l + s = 2.117307030, so the obtained mechanism is a non-Grashof double-rocker (or
triple-rocker). And for the case when two rockers counter-rotate,
k = −1
ρ2 = 2.398690758
(xA , y A ) = (−0.2023337253, 0.2024236414)
(xB , y B ) = (0.9128272845, −0.1332071549)
ρ3 = (xA − xB )2 + (y A − y B )2 = l/s = 1.164573789

According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, q + p = 2.698690758, is greater than the sum of the other two link
lengths, l + s = 2.164573789, so the obtained mechanism is a non-Grashof double-rocker (or

q-p C2
s q-s
A B C1




p C1

Figure 3.13: Double-rocker mechanism within extreme excursions “elbow folded-elbow
folded” with α = 20◦ , β = 30◦ , and ρ1 = 0.3 a) under rotation in unison b) under counter-

Chapter 4


A novel design method to determine parameters of a planar double-crank mechanism is

revealed. A unique double-crank mechanism parameter set is obtained for specified minimum
lead = Lmin , maximum lead = Lmax , and chosen angles α1 and α2 at which the driver link
has respectively its minimum lead and maximum lead relative to the driven link.

4.1 Design Process

Fig. 4.1 shows a double-crank mechanism in two configurations ABCD and ABC ′ D′ ,
where the segments AB, BC (′ ) , C (′ ) D(′ ) , and D(′ ) A indicate the fixed link, the driven crank,
the coupler link, and the driver crank of the mechanism respectively. In both configurations
ABCD and ABC ′ D′ , the coupler link, is parallel to the fixed link. The angles α and β
indicate the counter-clockwise angles of the driving crank and the driven crank from the
fixed link respectively.
In a double-crank mechanism, the driver link rotates at a constant speed while it is
followed by the driven link with a variable speed. Specifically, the angular difference, that
shall be called L, between the driver and driven cranks varies continuously from minimum
to maximum value. These occur, respectively, when the drag link, or coupler, achieves a
parallel or antiparallel configuration with respect to the fixed link [21], [27], [28].
According to Grashof’s criterion, in a planar four-bar linkage, both ground-adjacent

D µ


α2 A B


N C’ D’


Figure 4.1: Double-crank mechanism in its parallel and antiparallel configurations

links are fully rotatable if and only if the sum of the longest link length and the shortest link
length is smaller than the sum of two other link lengths and the fixed link is the shortest [4].
Thus, the coupler link length CD must be greater than the fixed link length AB. Considering
Fig. 4.1, it is concluded that because CD > AB, then the angle α is always greater than the
angle β; therefore, the driver crank AD always leads the driven crank BC [21].

L=α−β (4.1)

In the parallel configuration of the mechanism, the lead has its minimum value Lmin =
α1 − β1 , and in antiparallel configuration of the mechanism, the lead has its maximum value
Lmax = α2 − β2 .
In order to find a unique mechanism configuration for chosen design parameters, it is
desired to find the ratios between the driver crank length and the other three link lengths of
the mechanism, i.e., the driven crank length to the driver crank length ρ1 = p/s, the coupler
link length to the driver crank length ρ2 = q/s, and the fixed link length to the driver crank
length ρ3 = l/s. In order to find these ratios, the geometric relations among links in parallel
and antiparallel configurations are utilized.

In the parallel configuration of the mechanism, M is the intersection point of coupler
link CD with I1 which is a line constructed parallel to BC through A. Consider a coordinate
frame centred at A with x-axis horizontal to the right and with y-axis vertical upward; since
DC k AB, then the y coordinates of D and M are the same. yD = s sin α1 , and yM =
p sin(α1 − Lmin ). Therefore,

s sin α1 p sin α1
p= ⇒ ρ1 = = (4.2)
sin(α1 − Lmin ) s sin(α1 − Lmin )

Similarly, in antiparallel configuration of the mechanism, N is the intersection point

of the line parallel to AB passing through D′ with I2 , the line constructed parallel to BC ′
through A; since C ′ D′ k AB, then the y coordinates of D′ and N are the same. yD′ =s sin α2 ,
and yN = p sin(α2 − Lmax ). Therefore,

s sin α2 p sin α2
p= ⇒ ρ1 = = (4.3)
sin(α2 − Lmax ) s sin(α2 − Lmax )

Consequently, by equating Eqs.(4.2) and (4.3),

sin α1 sin(α1 − Lmin )

= (4.4)
sin α2 sin(α2 − Lmax )

Applying the cosine law to triangle ADM , the value of µ, which is the length of segment
DM , can be obtained.

p q
µ= p2 + s2 − 2ps cos Lmin ⇒ = ρ21 + 1 − 2ρ1 cos Lmin (4.5)

In the triangle AD′ N , the length of segment N D′ , ζ, can be expressed, again using the
cosine law, as follows.

p q
ζ= p2 + s2 − 2ps cos Lmax ⇒ = ρ21 + 1 − 2ρ1 cos Lmax (4.6)

Now, according to Fig. 4.1, q = ζ − l and q = µ + l. Therefore,

ζ +µ q ζ +µ
q= ⇒ ρ2 = = (4.7)
2 s 2s


ζ −µ l ζ −µ
l= ⇒ ρ3 = = (4.8)
2 s 2s

Thus, the values of the ratios ρ1 , ρ2 , and ρ3 are obtained which are sufficient to obtain a
unique mechanism configuration for specified minimum lead = Lmin , maximum lead = Lmax ,
and chosen angles α1 and α2 at which the driver link has respectively its minimum lead and
maximum lead relative to the driven link.

4.2 Parameters α1 , α2 , Lmin , and Lmax

It is important to note some conditions and geometric relations among parameters α1 ,

α2 , Lmin , and Lmax . This means that any combination of these four parameters may not
necessarily result in a double-crank mechanism. Eq.(4.4), indicates the dependency among
the values of the parameters α1 , α2 , Lmin , and Lmax , i.e., the designer is free to choose the
desired values for three parameters, and the fourth one will be obtained. Furthermore, as
indicated in Fig. 4.2 the angle α1 should always be smaller than π; otherwise for angles α1 >
π, the length of the fixed link will be greater than the length of coupler link which, according
to Grashof’s criterion, does not result in a double-crank mechanism. Moreover, because the
parallel and the antiparallel configurations of the mechanism should occur on opposite sides
of the fixed link and α1 < π, hence α2 > π.
Finally, according to Eq.(4.2), since ρ1 > 0 and α1 < π, then α1 − Lmin < π. Similarly,
according to Eq.(4.3), since ρ1 > 0 and α2 > π, then α2 − Lmax > π.




Figure 4.2: Coupler link length of BC > AB fixed link length for α1 > π

4.3 Design Example

In the following example, the parameters ρ1 , ρ2 , and ρ3 will be obtained for a double-
crank mechanism with Lmin = 30◦ , Lmax = 80◦ , and α1 = 120◦ .

D q

s p


C’ D’

Figure 4.3: Parallel and antiparallel poses for Lmin = 30◦ , Lmax = 80◦ , and α1 = 120◦

With the aid of Eq.(4.2), ρ1 = cos π/6 is obtained. Then, by substituting the value
obtained for ρ1 in Eq.(4.5) and (4.6), the values of parameters µ/s and ζ/s are obtained as
0.5 and 1.203840743 respectively. Thus, according to Eqs.(4.7) and (4.8), ρ2 = 0.8519203715

and ρ3 = 0.3519203715. By choosing a suitable value for parameter s, the lengths of other
links will be obtained.
According to Table 1.1 and considering s = 1, since the sum of the longest and the
shortest link lengths, s + l = 1.3519203715, is smaller than the sum of the other two link
lengths, p+q = 1.71794577, and the fixed link is the shortest link, so the obtained mechanism
is a Grashof double-crank.
To construct the mechanism in its parallel and antiparallel configurations, first draw AB
of length l. Then, measure angle α1 from AB through point A of length s. Since Lmin = α1
- β1 , then β1 =90◦ . Measure angle β1 from AB through point B of length p. Similarly, for
antiparallel configuration, first measure angle α2 from AB through point A. The value of
angle α2 is obtained from Eq.(4.4) equal to 134.9◦ . Since Lmax = α2 − β2 , then β2 =54.9◦ .
Measure angle β2 from AB through point B of length p. Fig. 4.3 shows the mechanism
configuration for the obtained design parameters.

Chapter 5


It is believed that we have developed novel geometric design methods for planar four-bar
mechanisms and substantially improved on the procedure for motion cycle design that could
be found in [22], especially by unifying the methods used to arrive at the desired mechanism
properties. A fairly careful search of some of the less well-known German and Austrian
literature failed to reveal anything on motion cycle design pertaining to double-rocker and
double-crank four-bar mechanisms.
The introduced design procedures are based on the geometric properties of mechanisms,
and the symmetry of these geometric formulations makes it easy to find a unique mechanism
configuration for defined design parameters. Another important achievement of this thesis is
to provide procedures that go beyond graphical constructions. The relations derived can be
conveniently programmed and implemented in “Computer Aided Design (CAD)” algorithms.
It is also important to note that any combination of design parameter values which are
chosen by the designer does not necessarily result in a feasible mechanism configuration. To
obtain a feasible mechanism configuration, the designer must chose a proper set of values
for design parameters. Automatic input pre-checks are easily incorporated to omit spurious
solutions due to improper values or improper combinations of design parameters which would
produce meaningless results.
Moreover, the notion of expressing all parameters as dimensionless ratios confines the
process to that of choosing proportion, not size, and is therefore consistent with a very im-

portant principle of engineering design. This principle is implicit in many fields of mechanical
engineering: Consider the fundamental design correlations wherever one encounters, in vari-
ous technical fields, the numbers of Sommerfeld, Reynolds, Froude, Grashof, Prandtl, Mach,
and Freudenstein parameters.
Each different type of planar four-bar mechanisms is studied separately in one chapter.
The design parameters are introduced, then the design process and design equations are
provided and clarified with proper figures and plots. Finally numerical examples are provided
to illustrate each procedure, and the results are validated by Grashof’s criterion. Explanation
of the step-by-step process to obtain each mechanism configuration is clearly illustrated with
appropriate diagrams.
In addition to the strictly angular design parameters that were addressed in this thesis,
there remains the issue of design optimization in the light of these. Design optimization
might include aspects such as transmission angle and mechanism compactness. The designer
might prefer to apply rigorous optimization in this regard rather than to make a somewhat
arbitrary choice based, at least partially, on experience and whim. The implementation of
mechanism optimization methodology, after primary angular performance specifications are
met, would seem to be a natural sequel to the line of investigation that has been taken in
this work.


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