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Participants will learn the basics of crochet and create a simple project.

Participants will take on the role of beginners in crochet.

This activity is suitable for individuals who have little to no experience in crochet.

You are attending a beginner’s crochet workshop where you’ll learn the fundamentals of this craft.

At the end of the workshop, participants will have created a small crochet project, such as a coaster
or a simple washcloth.

Materials needed for the workshop include:

Crochet hooks (size H/8 or 5.0mm is recommended for beginners)

Yarn (medium weight yarn in a light color for better visibility)
Yarn needle
Stitch markers (optional)
Activity Steps:

Introduction (Greet and Relate):

Welcome participants and introduce yourself as the instructor.

Briefly explain what crochet is and its versatility in creating various items.
Share a personal anecdote or example of something you’ve made through crochet to engage
Demonstration (Show and Tell):

Display the materials needed for the workshop.

Demonstrate how to hold the crochet hook and yarn correctly.
Show basic crochet stitches such as chain stitch, single crochet, and double crochet.
Explain the purpose of stitch markers and how to use them (if applicable).
Guided Practice (Activity):

Provide each participant with a crochet hook and yarn.

Lead participants through practicing the basic stitches, starting with the chain stitch.
Walk around to provide individual assistance and feedback as needed.
Encourage participants to ask questions and seek clarification.
Reflection (Ask and Answer):

Pause periodically to ask participants about their progress and any challenges they may be facing.
Address common mistakes and provide tips for improvement.
Share troubleshooting techniques for fixing errors, such as frogging (undoing stitches) and counting
Application (Hands-On):

Once participants feel comfortable with the basic stitches, guide them to start their simple crochet
project (e.g., coaster or washcloth).
Assist participants in reading and interpreting simple crochet patterns if applicable.
Encourage creativity and experimentation with yarn colors and stitch combinations.
Summary (Summarize and Conclude):

Review the key concepts covered in the workshop, including basic crochet stitches and techniques.
Invite participants to share their completed projects or progress with the group.
Provide resources for further learning, such as online tutorials or recommended books.
Through this workshop, participants have gained a foundational understanding of crochet and
created their first handmade item. With continued practice and exploration, they can further
develop their skills and tackle more complex crochet projects in the future.

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