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Here's your Lesson Plan!


Grade Level: Grade 8


a. Identify the types of embroidery stitches;

b. Perform embroidery stitches; and

c. Reflect their understanding about the types of embroidery stitches

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Understanding the properties of different fabric materials can help in selecting the
appropriate fabric for embroidery.

2) Mathematics - Calculating measurements and dimensions accurately is crucial in embroidery design

and layout.

3) Art - Enhancing creativity and design skills through the use of various embroidery stitches in creating
visual artworks.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Embroidery samples, quiz questions]

1) Conduct a fun quiz on basic embroidery stitches to pique students' interest.

2) Show a video tutorial on basic embroidery techniques to engage visual learners.

3) Organize a mini embroidery competition to encourage hands-on participation.

Activity 1: Introduction to Basic Embroidery Stitches

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: Embroidery hoops, needles, threads, fabric

Significance: Introducing students to various basic stitches and their applications.


1) Demonstrate running stitch, backstitch, and satin stitch.

2) Practice each stitch on a fabric sampler.

3) Evaluate students based on stitch accuracy and neatness.

Rubric: Stitch Accuracy - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the purpose of a running stitch in embroidery?

2. How is a backstitch different from a running stitch?

3. Explain the technique of creating a satin stitch.

Activity 2: Advanced Embroidery Techniques

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials: Embroidery patterns, beads, sequins, specialty threads

Significance: Enhancing students' skills with more intricate embroidery techniques.


1) Select an advanced embroidery pattern to work on.

2) Incorporate beads, sequins, or specialty threads into the design.

3) Present finished projects to the class for feedback.

Rubric: Creativity - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you incorporate beads into your embroidery design?

2. Why is it important to practice precision when using specialty threads?

3. What challenges did you face when working on the advanced pattern?

Activity 3: Reflective Journal on Embroidery Experience

[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

Materials: Journals, pens

Significance: Encouraging students to reflect on their learning and growth in embroidery.


1) Write a journal entry reflecting on your experience with embroidery.

2) Discuss the challenges faced and improvements made.

3) Share your reflections with a partner for feedback.

Rubric: Reflection Depth - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. What was the most challenging aspect of learning embroidery for you?

2. How did you overcome any difficulties in mastering specific stitches?

3. In what ways has your understanding of embroidery stitches evolved throughout the activities?

Activity 4: Exploring Specialty Embroidery Stitches

Materials: Specialty embroidery threads, embellishments, fabric

Significance: Introducing students to unique and decorative embroidery stitches.


1) Demonstrate bullion stitch, French knot, and feather stitch.

2) Practice each specialty stitch on a designated fabric sample.

3) Evaluate students based on stitch complexity and creativity.

Rubric: Stitch Complexity - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. How is a bullion stitch different from a regular embroidery stitch?

2. What is the purpose of using a French knot in embroidery design?

3. Explain the technique for creating a feather stitch and its applications in embroidery.
Activity 5: Designing Personalized Embroidery Projects

Materials: Embroidery patterns, colored threads, fabric hoops

Significance: Encouraging students to apply their knowledge of embroidery stitches creatively.


1) Choose a personalized design or pattern to embroider.

2) Incorporate a variety of stitches learned in previous activities.

3) Present finished projects to peers for critique and feedback.

Rubric: Design Originality - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you select the design for your personalized embroidery project?

2. What was the most challenging stitch to incorporate into your design, and how did you overcome it?

3. Discuss the significance of adding personal touches to your embroidery projects.

Activity 6: Peer Critique and Improvement Session

Materials: Completed embroidery projects, assessment rubrics

Significance: Fostering a collaborative learning environment through peer feedback.


1) Pair up with a classmate to review each other's embroidery projects.

2) Use the assessment rubric to provide constructive feedback on stitches and design.

3) Discuss areas for improvement and set goals for future embroidery projects.

Rubric: Peer Feedback - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. What feedback did you receive from your peer on your embroidery project?

2. How did the peer critique help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your work?
3. What improvements do you plan to make based on the feedback received from your classmate?

These additional activities aim to deepen students' understanding of embroidery stitches, enhance their
creative skills, and promote self-reflection on their progress in mastering different techniques.


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated proficiency in basic embroidery stitches, meeting the performance
standard for identification and execution.

2 - Students applied advanced techniques creatively, exceeding the performance standard by

incorporating embellishments effectively.

Activity 3 - Students showcased reflective thinking, meeting the performance standard by articulating
personal growth in embroidery skills.


Understanding the types of embroidery stitches, practicing them effectively, and reflecting on personal
progress enhances overall mastery of embroidery techniques and fosters creativity in design.


[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Task 1 - Design and present an embroidery project proposal to a "client" using the stitches learned.

Task 2 - Create an instructional video demonstrating a specific embroidery stitch for beginners.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, assessment questions]

Question 1 - How does the choice of fabric affect the outcome of an embroidery project?
Question 2 - Describe a scenario where a specific embroidery stitch would be most suitable.

Question 3 - Evaluate the importance of precision in embroidery work.


1) Research and write a short essay on the history of embroidery in different cultures.

2) Create an embroidered piece showcasing a combination of at least three

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