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Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education-ICT

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: To be able to know how to perform tools under inserting shapes

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Understanding geometric shapes and their properties can aid in the
precise insertion of shapes in ICT applications.

2) Art - Utilizing artistic principles such as symmetry and proportion can enhance the
aesthetic appeal of shape insertion in digital designs.

3) Science - Exploring the concept of symmetry and patterns in nature can inspire
creative shape placement in ICT projects.

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials:

1) Examples of real-life objects with various shapes

2) ICT software for shape insertion demonstration

3) Rubric for assessing role-playing performance

Activity 1: Shape Scavenger Hunt

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: List of shapes to find, smartphones for photo documentation

Significance: Enhances shape recognition skills for effective insertion


1) Form groups and assign roles

2) Search for real-life objects matching given shapes

3) Document findings and present to class

Rubric - Accuracy of shape identification - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did your group effectively communicate during the scavenger hunt?

2) Can you describe the process of identifying each shape?

3) What challenges did you encounter during the activity?

Activity 2: Digital Shape Collage Creation

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: ICT devices, design software

Significance: Encourages creativity in shape manipulation within a digital platform


1) Select shapes to insert in a digital collage

2) Arrange shapes to create a visually appealing design

3) Present the final product to the class

Rubric - Creativity in shape arrangement - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What was your inspiration behind the design of your digital collage?

2) How did you decide on the placement of each shape within the collage?

3) What challenges did you face while creating the digital shape collage?
Activity 3: Shape Puzzle Challenge

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Shape puzzles, timer

Significance: Enhances critical thinking and spatial reasoning skills


1) Solve shape puzzles within a time limit

2) Discuss strategies with peers

3) Reflect on problem-solving approaches

Rubric - Time efficiency in solving puzzles - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did your group collaborate to solve the shape puzzles?

2) What strategies did you find most effective in completing the challenge?

3) How did this activity improve your understanding of shape insertion tools?


Activity 1 - Students improved shape recognition skills through real-world application.

Activity 2 - Students demonstrated creativity and digital design skills in shape


Activity 3 - Students enhanced problem-solving abilities and critical thinking in

shape-related challenges.


Understanding how to perform tools under inserting shapes involves recognizing

patterns and utilizing spatial reasoning to create visually appealing designs.

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1 - Design a logo for a fictional company using shape insertion tools.

Task 2 - Create a digital poster for a school event incorporating various shapes.

AssessmentTeaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Rubric for each question

Question 1 - How can you apply the knowledge of shape insertion tools in a real-
world design project?

Question 2 - Describe a scenario where precise shape placement is crucial in an ICT


Question 3 - Explain the importance of symmetry in shape manipulation for design



1) Research and write a short essay on the impact of geometric shapes in modern

2) Create a presentation demonstrating practical applications of shape insertion tools

in different industries.

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