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Subject: English 8

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Use parallel structures

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Describing the steps of a scientific experiment using parallel structures

to maintain consistency and clarity.

2) Math - Writing mathematical equations with parallel structures to enhance the

organization and readability of the equations.

3) History - Constructing parallel timelines to compare and contrast historical events


Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Interactive quiz platform]

1) Engage students in a fun quiz where they identify parallel structures in sentences.

2) Show a video clip with examples of parallel structures in speeches or songs.

3) Conduct a group discussion on the importance of parallel structures in effective


Activity 1: Parallel Structure Practice

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Worksheets with sentences for practice

Significance: Enhance students' understanding of parallel structures through hands-
on practice.


1) Identify the elements that need to be parallel in the given sentences.

2) Rewrite the sentences to ensure parallel structure.

3) Peer-check each other's work for accuracy.

Rubric - Correctness of parallel structure - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of using parallel structures in writing?

2) How does maintaining parallel structure improve the clarity of a sentence?

3) Rewrite the following sentence with parallel structure: "She enjoys reading,
swimming, and to hike."

Activity 2: Parallel Structure Role-Playing

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Materials: Role-playing scenarios

Significance: Apply parallel structures in real-life communication contexts.


1) Divide students into groups and assign role-playing scenarios with sentences
featuring parallel structures.

2) Practice the scenarios, ensuring parallelism in speech.

3) Perform the role-plays in front of the class.

Rubric - Role-play performance and parallelism - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did using parallel structures enhance the effectiveness of your role-play

2) Discuss a situation in real life where using parallel structures can make
communication more impactful.

3) Create a new role-playing scenario incorporating parallel structures.

Activity 3: Parallel Structure Concept Mapping

[Teaching Strategy: Concept Mapping]

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Significance: Visualize the connections between ideas using parallel structures.


1) Provide students with a concept map template related to a given topic.

2) Fill in the map with parallel structures to represent relationships between


3) Present and explain the concept maps to the class.

Rubric - Clarity of concept mapping and use of parallel structures - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does creating a concept map with parallel structures help in organizing

2) Discuss the impact of parallel structure on the coherence of your concept map.

3) Develop a new concept map using parallel structures on a topic of your choice.

Activity 4: Parallel Structure Editing

Materials: Sentences with errors, editing tools

Significance: Enhance proofreading skills and reinforce understanding of parallel


1) Provide students with sentences containing errors in parallel structure.

2) Edit the sentences to correct the parallel structure.

3) Discuss the changes made and explain the importance of parallelism.

Rubric: Accuracy of editing and parallel structure correction - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to maintain parallel structure in writing?

2) How does editing sentences for parallel structure errors improve writing skills?

3) Correct the following sentence for parallel structure: "He likes to run, swimming,
and biking."

Activity 5: Parallel Structure Presentation

Materials: Presentation software, research materials

Significance: Develop public speaking skills while incorporating parallel structures

in presentations.


1) Research a topic of interest and create a presentation using parallel structures.

2) Practice delivering the presentation with a focus on clear parallelism.

3) Present the topic to the class, highlighting the effective use of parallel structures.

Rubric: Presentation content, delivery, and parallel structure integration - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did using parallel structures enhance the organization of your presentation?

2) Discuss the impact of parallelism on audience engagement during your


3) Create a new slide with parallel structures to emphasize a key point in your

Activity 6: Parallel Structure Debate

Materials: Debate topics, timer

Significance: Encourage critical thinking and persuasive communication with

parallel structures.


1) Divide students into teams for a structured debate on a given topic.

2) Ensure that arguments presented maintain parallel structures for consistency.

3) Evaluate the debates based on content, delivery, and effective use of parallelism.

Rubric: Debate performance, argument coherence, and parallel structure application

- 30 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did using parallel structures in your debate arguments strengthen your

2) Discuss the role of parallel structures in making persuasive arguments more


3) Develop a counterargument using parallel structures to challenge an opposing

viewpoint in the debate.

Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of parallel structures

through sentence rewriting.

Activity 2 - Role-playing allowed students to apply parallel structures effectively in

spoken language.

Activity 3 - Concept mapping showcased students' ability to visually represent ideas

with parallel structures.


Using parallel structures in writing and speech involves maintaining consistent

grammatical patterns to improve clarity and coherence. Recognizing and applying
parallel structures can enhance the impact of communication.


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Write a dialogue between two characters using parallel structures to convey
their thoughts effectively.

Task 2 - Create a presentation on a topic of your choice, incorporating parallel

structures for emphasis.


[Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification]

[Instructional Materials: Quiz game app]

Question 1 - How can parallel structures improve the flow of a written piece?

Question 2 - Provide an example of a famous speech that effectively uses parallel


Question 3 - Rewrite the following sentence with parallel structure: "The chef
prepared the meal quickly, skillful, and with care."

1) Watch a movie or TV show and identify instances of parallel structures in the


2) Write a short story using parallel structures to emphasize key points in

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