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Subject: Employ communicative style for various situations

Grade Level: Grade 9

: Identify the speech styles in various contexts, create short conversations out of the
given communication situations appropriate communication styles, value the
importance of communication style in real-life situations

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) English - Analyzing different speech styles in literature

2) Social Studies - Understanding how communication styles influence historical


3) Science - Exploring how effective communication leads to scientific advancements

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: None]

Engaging Activity 1: Role-Playing Scenarios

Engaging Activity 2: Brainstorming Communication Styles

Engaging Activity 3: Debates on Effective Communication

Activity 1: Role-Playing Communication Styles

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Materials: None

Significance: Enhances students' understanding of communication styles through

practical application


1) Assign different communication scenarios to small groups

2) Students act out the scenarios using appropriate speech styles

3) Encourage feedback and discussion after each role-play


- Accuracy of speech style portrayal - 15 pts

- Creativity in adapting to the scenario - 10 pts

- Engagement and collaboration with group members - 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you decide which communication style to use in each scenario?

2) What challenges did you face in portraying a specific speech style?

3) How did your group ensure effective communication during the role-play?

Activity 2: Analyzing Speech Styles in Media

[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

Materials: Various media clips with different speech styles

Significance: Develops critical thinking skills in analyzing real-world communication


1) Watch different media clips and identify the speech styles used

2) Discuss how the speech styles affect the message conveyed

3) Present findings to the class and engage in a group discussion


- Accuracy in identifying speech styles - 15 pts

- Depth of analysis in connecting speech styles to message - 10 pts

- Participation in group discussion - 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did the speech style influence the effectiveness of the message in the media

2) Can you think of a real-life situation where a similar speech style would be

3) What impact can using the wrong speech style have on communication?

Inclusive Activity 3: Real-Life Communication Scenarios

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: None

Significance: Encourages students to apply communication styles in everyday


1) Provide students with common communication scenarios (e.g., ordering food,

asking for directions)

2) Students role-play these scenarios using appropriate speech styles

3) Reflect on the effectiveness of the chosen communication style


- Appropriateness of speech style to the scenario - 15 pts

- Clarity and effectiveness of communication - 10 pts

- Reflection on the chosen speech style - 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you adapt your communication style in different scenarios?

2) What was the impact of using the appropriate speech style on the outcome of the

3) How can understanding communication styles improve everyday interactions?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of various speech styles

through role-playing, with a focus on accuracy and creativity.

Activity 2 - Students effectively analyzed speech styles in media, showcasing critical

thinking skills in connecting speech styles to message effectiveness.

Activity 3 - Students applied communication styles in real-life scenarios, reflecting on

the importance of choosing the right speech style for effective communication.


Understanding speech styles allows individuals to tailor their communication for

different contexts, enhancing clarity and effectiveness. By recognizing the nuances
of communication styles, students can navigate various situations with confidence
and convey their messages appropriately.

Supporting Material 1: "The Power of Communication Styles in Leadership"

Supporting Material 2: "Effective Communication Strategies for Success"


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1: Create a short skit showcasing different speech styles in a specific setting

Task 2: Write a reflective essay on the importance of communication styles in

personal relationships


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Rubric, Sample Media Clips]

Question 1: Identify and explain three different speech styles commonly used in
formal settings.

Question 2: Create a dialogue between two characters using contrasting speech

styles and explain the impact on the conversation.

Question 3: Why is it important to adapt communication styles based on the context

and audience?


Question 1: How might the use of humor in a speech impact the audience's
perception of the speaker?

Answer 1: Humor can create a more engaging and relatable communication style,
fostering a positive connection with the audience and enhancing message retention.
Question 2: Compare and contrast the communication styles used in a political
speech and a marketing pitch.

Answer 2: While a political speech may focus on persuasion and authority, a

marketing pitch typically emphasizes relatability and consumer appeal, showcasing
different speech styles tailored to distinct objectives.

Question 3: Analyze the role of body language in non-verbal communication and its
influence on speech style adaptation.

Answer 3: Body language can convey confidence, empathy, or assertiveness,

complementing the chosen speech style and enhancing the overall effectiveness of


1) Interview a family member or friend about their preferred communication style in

different situations and reflect on how it aligns with the lesson.

2) Observe a public speaker or media personality and analyze their speech style,
noting its impact on the audience's engagement and understanding.

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