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Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Distinguishes types of speeches and Uses principles of effective

speech delivery in different situations.

Learning across curriculum:

1) English Literature - Students will analyze speeches from famous literary works
and discuss the different types of speeches used, such as persuasive speeches in
Shakespeare's plays or informative speeches in novels. This connects to the
objective by allowing students to distinguish the types of speeches and understand
how they are used in different contexts.

2) Social Studies - Students will study historical speeches, like Martin Luther King
Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, and analyze the effective speech delivery techniques
used. This connects to the objective by allowing students to understand the
principles of effective speech delivery in different situations.

3) Science - Students will research and present informative speeches on scientific

topics, using effective speech delivery techniques to engage their audience. This
connects to the objective by allowing students to apply the principles of effective
speech delivery in a specific subject area.

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials:

1) PowerPoint presentation with quiz questions about different types of speeches

and effective speech delivery techniques.

2) Mystery Box containing speech prompts for students to discuss in small groups.

3) Picture Analysis activity where students analyze images related to speeches and
discuss their significance.
Activity 1: Identifying Types of Speeches

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning


- Handouts with examples of different types of speeches (persuasive, informative,

entertaining, etc.)

- Markers and flipchart paper

Significance: Students will work in groups to analyze the given examples and
categorize them into different types of speeches. This activity helps students
distinguish the types of speeches.


1) Divide students into small groups.

2) Distribute the handouts with examples of speeches.

3) In their groups, students discuss and categorize the speeches into different types.

4) Each group presents their categorization on the flipchart paper.


- Correct categorization: 10 pts.

- Clear explanation of each type: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the different types of speeches?

2) Give an example of a persuasive speech.

3) Explain the characteristics of an entertaining speech.

Activity 4: Speech Delivery Techniques

Materials: Video clips of speeches, projector, whiteboard

Significance: Students will analyze different speeches to identify and discuss the
principles of effective speech delivery used in each.


1) Divide students into small groups.

2) Show video clips of different speeches.

3) In their groups, students identify and discuss the effective speech delivery
techniques used in each speech.

4) Each group presents their findings to the class, explaining the principles of
effective speech delivery they observed.


- Identification of speech delivery techniques: 10 pts.

- Explanation of principles of effective speech delivery: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are some examples of effective speech delivery techniques?

2) Explain how body language contributes to effective speech delivery.

3) How can vocal variety enhance a speech?

Activity 5: Impromptu Speaking

Materials: Topic cards, timer

Significance: Students will practice delivering impromptu speeches, applying the

principles of effective speech delivery in a spontaneous setting.

1) Prepare topic cards with different prompts or topics.

2) Randomly select a student to choose a topic card.

3) The student has 2 minutes to prepare a short impromptu speech on the given

4) The student delivers their speech to the class, focusing on using effective speech
delivery techniques.

5) After each speech, the class provides constructive feedback on the speaker's


- Organization and coherence of the impromptu speech: 10 pts.

- Use of effective speech delivery techniques: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did the speaker demonstrate effective speech delivery techniques during
their impromptu speech?

2) Explain the importance of maintaining eye contact while delivering an impromptu


3) What strategies can be used to overcome nervousness when delivering an

impromptu speech?

Activity 6: Persuasive Speech Analysis

Materials: Persuasive speeches (e.g., TED Talks, political speeches), graphic


Significance: Students will analyze persuasive speeches to identify the techniques

used and evaluate their effectiveness in achieving the speaker's goal.

1) Provide students with persuasive speeches to analyze.

2) In pairs or small groups, students use graphic organizers to identify and analyze
the persuasive techniques used in each speech.

3) Students discuss the effectiveness of the techniques in achieving the speaker's


4) Each group presents their analysis to the class, highlighting the principles of
effective speech delivery utilized.


- Identification and analysis of persuasive techniques: 10 pts.

- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the techniques: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are some common persuasive techniques used in speeches?

2) How does the use of storytelling enhance the effectiveness of a persuasive


3) Explain the role of emotional appeal in persuasive speech delivery.


Activity 1 - Students successfully categorized the speeches into different types and
provided clear explanations for each type. This activity helped them distinguish the
types of speeches, fulfilling the objective.


Students have learned to distinguish the different types of speeches and understand
their characteristics. They have also learned the principles of effective speech
delivery in different situations.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Task 1 - Students will prepare and deliver persuasive speeches on a topic of their
choice, applying the principles of effective speech delivery. They will present their
speeches to the class.

Task 2 - Students will research and present informative speeches on a scientific

topic, incorporating effective speech delivery techniques. They can use visual aids or
technology integration to enhance their presentations.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Instructional Materials: Assessment Rubric

Question 1: What are the key principles of effective speech delivery?

Question 2: How can you adapt your speech delivery for different situations?

Question 3: Explain the importance of using visual aids in a speech presentation.


1) Write a reflection paper on the impact of a famous speech on society, analyzing

the speaker's use of effective speech delivery techniques. (Guiding Overview for the
teacher: Provide examples of famous speeches for students to choose from.)

2) Interview a public speaker and create a podcast episode discussing their

strategies for delivering effective speeches. (Guiding Overview for the teacher:
Provide interview questions and guidelines for creating a

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