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Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Engages in a communicative situation using acceptable, polite and

meaningful communicative strategies

Learning across curriculum:

1) English Literature - Students will engage in a communicative situation by

analyzing and discussing a literary text, using acceptable and polite communicative
strategies to express their opinions and interpretations.

2) Social Sciences - Students will engage in a communicative situation by

participating in a debate or discussion about a social issue, using acceptable and
meaningful communicative strategies to present their arguments and listen to others'

3) Business Studies - Students will engage in a communicative situation by

participating in a role-play scenario where they negotiate a business deal, using
acceptable and polite communicative strategies to communicate their interests and
reach a mutually beneficial agreement.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials:

1) Idea - Divide the class into pairs and provide them with a scenario where they
need to resolve a conflict using polite and acceptable communicative strategies. For
example, a situation where two friends have a disagreement and need to find a

2) Idea - Conduct a class discussion on the importance of using polite and

meaningful communicative strategies in different situations, such as in the
workplace, with friends, or in public settings.

Activity 1: Interactive Quizzes - "Communicative Strategies"

Teaching Strategy: Technology Integration

Materials: Computers or mobile devices with internet access

Significance: This activity will allow students to test their knowledge and
understanding of different communicative strategies.


1) Provide students with a link to an online quiz about communicative strategies.

2) Instruct students to complete the quiz individually.

3) Discuss the correct answers as a class.


- Correct answers: 5 pts each

- Assessment Questions:

1) What is an example of a polite communicative strategy?

2) How can meaningful communicative strategies enhance communication?

3) Why is it important to use acceptable communicative strategies in different


Activity 2: Picture Analysis - "Non-Verbal Communication"

Teaching Strategy: Visual Aids

Materials: Pictures depicting various non-verbal cues and gestures

Significance: This activity will help students understand the importance of non-
verbal communication in a communicative situation.

1) Show students a series of pictures depicting different non-verbal cues and


2) Ask students to analyze and discuss the meaning behind each non-verbal cue or

3) Engage students in a class discussion on how non-verbal communication can

affect the overall message being conveyed.


- Participation in the discussion: 10 pts

- Assessment Questions:

1) Give an example of a non-verbal cue that can convey politeness.

2) How can non-verbal communication enhance or hinder effective communication?

3) Why is it important to be aware of non-verbal cues in a communicative situation?

Activity 3: Real-Life Scenario - "Job Interview"

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Materials: Job interview scenario cards

Significance: This activity will provide students with a practical situation where they
can apply their communicative strategies in a professional setting.


1) Provide each student with a job interview scenario card.

2) Instruct students to role-play the job interview, using acceptable and meaningful
communicative strategies to present themselves and answer interview questions.

3) After the role-plays, facilitate a class discussion on the importance of effective

communication in a job interview.

- Use of acceptable and polite communicative strategies: 10 pts

- Assessment Questions:

1) How did you apply acceptable communicative strategies during the role-play?

2) What are some examples of meaningful communicative strategies you used

during the job interview?

3) Why is it important to use acceptable and meaningful communicative strategies in

a professional setting?


In this section, the teacher will provide examples and explanations of different
communicative strategies, such as active listening, using appropriate language, and
adapting communication style to the context.


Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Task 1: Group Discussion - "Cultural Differences in Communication"

Task 2: Inquiry-Based Learning - "Interviewing a Family Member"

These tasks will allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life
situations, promoting meaningful and polite communicative strategies.


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: Assessment Rubric

Question 1: How did you demonstrate acceptable and polite communicative

strategies during the role-play activity?
Question 2: Identify one situation where you used a meaningful communicative
strategy and explain its impact.

Question 3: How can you further improve your communicative strategies to engage
in more effective and polite communication?


Assignment 1: Conduct an interview with a family member or friend and write a

reflection on the communicative strategies used. (Guiding Overview

Assignment 2: Create a presentation on a cultural aspect that influences

communication styles and discuss how it can impact intercultural communication.
(Guiding Overview

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