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Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Use parallel structure

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - In math, students use parallel lines and angles to solve geometric
problems. Understanding parallel structure in language can help reinforce the
concept of parallelism in mathematics.

2) Science - Scientific experiments often require parallel procedures to ensure

accurate results. Learning to use parallel structure in writing can enhance students'
ability to follow step-by-step procedures in science.

3) History - Historical events can be compared and contrasted using parallel

structure in writing. By understanding parallelism, students can effectively
communicate similarities and differences in historical narratives.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Visual Aids]

1) Engage students with a quick quiz on identifying parallel structures in sentences.

2) Show visual examples of parallel structure in famous speeches or literature.

3) Challenge students to create their own parallel sentences and share them with the

Activity 1: Parallel Sentence Construction

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Paper, pens

Significance - Reinforces understanding of parallel structure through hands-on


Instructions -

1) In groups, create three sentences using parallel structure.

2) Exchange sentences with another group for peer review.

3) Revise sentences based on feedback.

Rubric - Correctness of parallel structure - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of using parallel structure in writing?

2) How can parallel structure improve the clarity of a sentence?

3) Identify the parallel elements in the following sentence: "She likes to read, write,
and paint."

Activity 4: Parallel Structure Practice

Materials: Worksheets with sentences, pens

Significance: Reinforces understanding of parallel structure through guided



1) Complete the sentences by adding parallel elements.

2) Review and correct any errors in parallel structure.

3) Discuss with a partner and explain your choices.

Rubric: Accuracy of parallel structure - 30 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to maintain parallel structure in writing?

2) How does parallel structure impact the overall flow of a sentence?

3) Identify the parallel elements in the following sentence: "She not only enjoys
reading books but also watching movies."

Activity 5: Parallel Structure Editing Task

Materials: Text passages with errors in parallel structure, highlighters

Significance: Develops editing skills and reinforces the importance of parallel



1) Identify and highlight the errors in parallel structure within the text.

2) Rewrite the sentences with correct parallel elements.

3) Share your revisions with a partner for feedback.

Rubric: Correctness of parallel structure revisions - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are common mistakes students make when attempting to use parallel

2) How can recognizing parallel structure errors improve one's writing skills?

3) Revise the following sentence to ensure parallel structure: "He enjoys playing
basketball, swimming, and to run."

Activity 6: Parallel Structure Presentation

Materials: Presentation software, prepared slides with examples of parallel structure

Significance: Encourages students to analyze and explain parallel structure in a
visual format.


1) Create a presentation highlighting examples of parallel structure in different


2) Explain the significance of parallel structure in enhancing writing clarity.

3) Deliver the presentation to the class and engage in a discussion.

Rubric: Clarity of presentation content and understanding of parallel structure - 35


Assessment Questions:

1) How can visual aids enhance the understanding of parallel structure for both the
presenter and the audience?

2) In what ways does parallel structure contribute to effective communication?

3) Identify and explain the parallel elements in the following sentence: "The company
aims to innovate, grow, and provide exceptional customer service."


Activity 1 - Assess students' ability to apply parallel structure in sentence

construction and collaboration skills.


Using parallel structure in writing involves maintaining consistency in the form of

words, phrases or clauses within a sentence, enhancing readability and emphasizing
relationships between ideas.

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - a poster illustrating examples parallel structure in everyday language.

Task 2 - Write a short story using parallel structure to highlight character traits and


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning[Instructional Materials

Question - How can parallel structure be used to organize information effectively in

a report?

Question 2 - Provide an example of parallel structure in a famous speech or literary


Question 3 - Rewrite the following sentence using parallel structure: "She

enjoys swimming, hiking, and to run."


1) Assignment Overview: Students will analyze a news article and identify instances
of parallel structure.

Assessment Question: Identify three sentences in the article that demonstrate

the use of parallel structure.

2) Assignment Overview: Students will create a dialogue between two characters

using parallel structure.

Assessment Question: Rewrite the dialogue without parallel structure and explain
the impact on clarity and

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