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Subject: English 7

Grade Level: Grade 7


1. Identify the relationships between ideas and words.

2. Use analogy to make or describe a point.

3. Appreciate the importance of using analogy to make or describe a point by writing

a motto.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Explore the relationship between different ecosystems and how they
can be compared to a community.

2) Math - Identify the analogy between numbers and patterns and how they can be
used to solve equations.

3) Social Studies - Analyze the similarities and differences between different forms of
government and how they can be compared to a family structure.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Visual Aids]

1) Show a series of pictures and ask students to identify the relationship between the
objects in each picture.

2) Play a game of "Analogies Jeopardy" where students have to match analogies

with their correct pairs.

3) Use real-life scenarios and ask students to come up with analogies to describe the

Activity 1: Finding Analogies in Literature

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Short stories or excerpts from books

Significance: Students will learn to identify analogies used in literature and

understand their purpose.


1) Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a short story or
excerpt from a book.

2) In their groups, students should read the text and identify any analogies used by
the author.

3) Each group will present their findings to the class, explaining the analogy and its
significance in the story.


- Identification of analogies: 5 pts

- Explanation of analogy: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify an analogy used in the text and explain its significance.

2) How does the analogy enhance the reader's understanding of the story?

3) Create your own analogy based on the theme of the text.

Activity 2: Creating Analogical Mottos

[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will apply their understanding of analogies to create

meaningful mottos.

1) Divide students into pairs or small groups.

2) Provide each group with a topic or theme (e.g., friendship, perseverance,


3) In their groups, students should brainstorm analogies related to the given topic
and create a motto using one of the analogies.

4) Each group will present their motto to the class, explaining the analogy behind it.


- Creativity of the motto: 5 pts

- Use of analogy: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Explain the analogy used in your group's motto.

2) How does the motto reflect the chosen topic or theme?

3) Create a new motto using a different analogy.

Activity 3: Analogy Artwork

[Teaching Strategy: Artistic Expression]

Materials: Art supplies (paper, colored pencils, markers, etc.)

Significance: Students will visually represent analogies through artwork.


1) Provide each student with a blank piece of paper and art supplies.

2) Instruct students to choose an analogy and create an artwork that represents the

3) Students should explain their artwork to the class, highlighting the analogy used
and its meaning.


- Visual representation of the analogy: 5 pts

- Explanation of the analogy: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe the analogy represented in your artwork.

2) How did you use colors, shapes, and other elements to convey the analogy?

3) How does the artwork reflect the meaning of the analogy?


Activity 1 - Students successfully identified analogies in the literature and explained

their significance. This activity helped them understand how analogies are used in
storytelling and how they contribute to the overall meaning of a text.

Activity 2 - Students demonstrated creativity in creating analogical mottos and

effectively used analogies to convey meaningful messages. This activity deepened
their appreciation for the importance of using analogy to make or describe a point.

Activity 3 - Students visually represented analogies through artwork, showing their

understanding of how analogies can be conveyed through different mediums. This
activity reinforced their ability to identify and appreciate analogies in various forms of


Through the activities, students learned to identify and understand the relationships
between ideas and words through the use of analogies. They also developed the
skill to use analogy to make or describe a point effectively. By creating mottos and
artwork based on analogies, students appreciated the importance of using analogy
to convey meaningful messages.

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Students will identify an everyday problem and create an analogy to

describe a possible solution.

Task 2 - Students will analyze a historical event and write a short essay using
analogies to describe its significance.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Visual Aids]

Question 1: Give an example of an analogy used in the literature and explain its

Question 2: How can analogy be used to make or describe a point effectively?

Question 3: Discuss the importance of using analogy in conveying meaningful

messages in different forms of expression.


1) Write a short story or poem that incorporates at least three analogies.

2) Find examples of analogies in everyday life (e.g., advertisements, speeches) and

explain their purpose and effectiveness.

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