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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 4

Objective: Use adjectives in a sentence

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: Topic - Animal Characteristics

English Connection: Students can use adjectives to describe the physical

features and behaviors of different animals.

MELC: Identify the characteristics and behaviors of animals

2) Mathematics: Topic - Shapes and Figures

English Connection: Students can use adjectives to describe the properties of

various shapes and figures.

MELC: Describe attributes of shapes and figures

3) Social Studies: Topic - Community Helpers

English Connection: Students can use adjectives to describe qualities and roles
of different community helpers.

MELC: Identify the roles and responsibilities of community helpers


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share an anecdote about a favorite food, describing its taste, texture,
and appearance using adjectives.

Anecdote 2: Share an anecdote about a memorable experience, describing the

emotions and atmosphere using adjectives.


Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers, flashcards

1) Idea: Play a game of "Adjective Charades" where students act out different
adjectives for their classmates to guess.

2) Idea: Divide the class into pairs and have them create a descriptive poster using
adjectives to describe a given object or person.


Activity 1: Adjective Hunt

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Adjective cards, sentence strips, timer

Significance: This activity allows students to identify and use adjectives in a


1) Distribute adjective cards to each group.

2) Set a timer for 5 minutes and have students search for objects or pictures that
match the adjectives on their cards.

3) Students write sentences using the adjectives and the objects/pictures they found.


- Correct use of adjectives in sentences: 5 pts

- Clear and descriptive sentences: 5 pts

- Neatness and presentation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is an adjective?

2) Give an example of an adjective used in a.

3) Describe an object or person using two adjectives.

Activity 2: Adjective Story

Teaching Strategy: Storytelling

Materials: Storybook, whiteboard, markers

Significance: This activity allows students to create their own stories using


1) Read a story to the class that highlights the use of adjectives.

2) Discuss the role of adjectives in making the story more interesting and descriptive.

3) Have students work in pairs to create their own stories using adjectives.

- Use of adjectives in the story: 5 pts

- Creativity and originality: 5 pts

- Grammar and sentence structure: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How do adjectives enhance a story?

2) Give an example of an adjective used in your story.

3) Describe a character from your story using two adjectives.

Activity 3: Adjective Gallery Walk

Teaching Strategy: Visual Aids

Materials: Index cards, art supplies, gallery walk space

Significance: This activity allows students to visually represent adjectives and their


1) Assign each student an adjective.

2) Students create visual representations of their assigned adjectives on index cards.

3) Arrange the index cards in a gallery walk format and have students walk around,
observing and discussing the different adjectives.


- Visual representation of the adjective: 5 pts

- Clear and accurate meaning of the adjective: 5 pts

- Presentation and organization: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What adjective did you represent in your index card?

2) Explain the meaning of your assigned adjective.

3) How did the gallery walk help you understand different adjectives?


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Explain the concept of adjectives, their function in a sentence, and provide

examples. Engage students in a discussion by asking questions related to the use of


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Design a Travel Brochure

Materials: Art supplies, magazines, travel brochures

Task 2: Create a Character Profile

Materials: Paper, markers, art supplies

These tasks allow students to apply their understanding of adjectives by describing

different places and characters.


Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Instructional Materials: Quiz cards, whiteboard, markers

Question 1: Identify the adjective in the sentence

Question 2: Write a sentence using the adjective "happy."

Question 3: Describe your favorite food using two adjectives.


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Real-life scenarios, discussion prompts

Provide students with real-life scenarios where they need use adjectives to describe
situations or objects. Engage them in discussions to apply their knowledge.


Assignment 1: Adjective Scavenger Hunt

Guiding Overview: Students will go on a scavenger hunt to find objects that match
given adjectives. They will take photos and write sentences using the adjectives and

Actual Assessment Question: Take a photo of an object that matches the

adjective "beautiful." Write a sentence using the adjective and the object.

Assignment 2: Adjective Storyboard

Guiding Overview: Students will create a storyboard for a short story using
adjectives to describe the characters, setting, and events.

Actual Assessment Question: Create a storyboard for a story using at least three
adjectives to describe the characters and setting.

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