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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 5


1. Identify verbs or action words in sentences.

2. Determine different types of verbs or action words.

3. Use the verbs or action words in sentences.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Identify action words in a scientific experiment procedure and use them
in sentences.

2) Social Studies - Identify action words in a historical event description and use
them in sentences.

3) Mathematics - Identify action words in word problems use them in sentences.

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Flashcards

1) Play a verb charades game where students act out different verbs and the class
guesses them.

2) Create a verb memory game using flashcards with verbs written on them.
Students take turns flipping cards and making sentences using the verbs they find.

3) Conduct a verb scavenger hunt where students search for verbs in a given text
and write them down.

Activity 1: Verb Sorting

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Verb cards, sorting mats, timer

Significance: Students will identify and categorize different types of verbs.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Give each group a set of verb cards and sorting mats.

3) Set a timer for a specific amount of time.

4) Students work together to sort the verb cards into categories such as action verbs,
verbs, and helping verbs.

5) After the time is up, groups compare their sorting and discuss any differences.


- Correct categorization: 5 pts

- Explanation of reasoning: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the difference between action verbs and linking verbs?

2) Give an of a helping verb.

3) Identify the verb in the sentence: "She is dancing."

Activity 2: Verb Sentence Creation

Teaching Strategy: Think-Pair-Share

Materials: Sentence strips, markers

Significance: Students will practice using verbs in sentences.


1) Give each student a sentence strip and a marker.

2) In pairs, students take turns writing a sentence using a given verb.

3) Students share their sentences with the class.


- Correct use of verb: 5 pts

- Sentence structure and grammar: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Write a sentence using the verb "run."

2) Identify the verb in sentence: "The bird flew high in the sky3) Rewrite the using a
different verb.

Activity 3: Verb Story

Teaching: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Story writing materials (, pencils, etc.)

Significance Students will apply their knowledge of in writing a creative story.


1) individually or in pairs, write a story incorporating a variety of verbs.

2) Encourage students to use different types of verbs and create engaging


3) Students share their stories with the class.


- Use of verbs: 5 pts

- Story structure and creativity: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify three action verbs used in your story.

2) Rewrite a sentence from your story using a different verb.

3) What type of verb did you use the most in your story?


Activity 1 - Students successfully identified and categorized different types of verbs,

demonstrating their understanding of verb types.

Activity 2 - Students effectively used verbs in sentences, showcasing their to apply

their knowledge.

Activity 3 - Students demonstrated their understanding of verbs by incorporating

them into a creative story.


Students have learned to identify verbs or action words in sentences, determine

different types of verbs, and use the verbs in sentences. They have also discovered
rules and patterns in verb usage that can deepen their understanding of the English


Teaching Strategy: Real-Life Scenario

Task 1 - Students observe a real-life situation and identify the action words involved.
They write sentences using these verbs.

Task 2 - Students create a dialogue between two characters, incorporating different

types of verbs to express actions and emotions.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Instructional Materials: Assessment sheets

Question 1 - Identify the verb in the sentence: "The dog barked loudly."

Question 2 - Determine the type of in the sentence: "She is a doctor."

Question 3 - Use the verb "swim" in a sentence.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

[Guiding Overview for the Teacher]

Assignment 1 - Students create a poster showcasing different types of verbs and

provide examples for each type.

Assignment 2 - Students write a short story using at least five different verbs,
highlighting their usage in the story.

I hope this lesson plan meets your requirements!

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