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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Identify the correct subject-verb agreement

Learning across the curriculum:

- Mathematics: Students can practice subject-verb agreement by solving word

problems that involve ratios and proportions.

- Science: Students can identify subject-verb agreement in scientific explanations

and write sentences using appropriate verb forms.

- Social Studies: Students can analyze historical texts and identify subject-verb
agreement in the context of different time periods.


Access prior knowledge of students by asking them to give examples of sentences

with correct subject-verb agreement and sentences with incorrect subject-verb


1. Show a short video clip of a popular song with incorrect subject-verb agreement in
the lyrics. Ask students to identify the errors and correct them.

2. Display a set of sentences on the board, some with correct subject-verb

agreement and some with errors. Ask students to work in pairs and identify the
correct sentences.

3. Play a game of "Subject-Verb Agreement Challenge" where students compete to

find sentences with correct subject-verb agreement in a given text.


Activity 1 - Subject-Verb Agreement Sort

Materials: Sentence cards (prepared by the teacher), sorting mats (correct and


1. Distribute the sentence cards to the students.

2. In pairs or small groups, students will read each sentence and determine if the
subject-verb agreement is correct or incorrect.

3. Students will place the sentence cards on the corresponding sorting mats (correct
or incorrect).

4. After sorting, students will explain their choices and discuss any disagreements.

Rubric: Accuracy of sorting (5 points), explanation of choices (5 points)

Assessment questions:

1. Is the subject-verb agreement in the sentence "The dog barks loudly" correct?
Why or why not?

2. Rewrite the sentence "The students is studying for the exam" with correct subject-
verb agreement.

Activity 2 - Subject-Verb Agreement Relay Race

Materials: Flashcards with subject and verb pairs (prepared by the teacher),


1. Divide the class into teams.

2. Each team will have a set of flashcards with subject and verb pairs.

3. The first player from each team will pick a flashcard and quickly write a sentence
using the subject and verb pair correctly.

4. The player will pass the flashcard to the next player in line, who will do the same.

5. The relay race continues until all players have had a turn.

6. The team with the most correct sentences wins.

Rubric: Correctness of sentences (10 points), speed and accuracy in
completing the relay race (5 points)

Assessment questions:

1. Write a sentence using the subject "She" and the verb "plays" with correct subject-
verb agreement.

2. Identify the subject-verb agreement error in the sentence "The book have
interesting stories."

Activity 3 - Subject-Verb Agreement Kahoot!

Materials: Computer or projector, Kahoot! game platform


1. Create a Kahoot! quiz with questions related to subject-verb agreement.

2. Divide the class into teams or allow students to play individually.

3. Play the Kahoot! quiz, giving students a time limit to answer each question.

4. After each question, discuss the correct answer and explain any misconceptions.

Rubric: Number of correct answers (10 points), active participation in

discussions (5 points)

Assessment questions:

1. Select the correct subject-verb agreement in the sentence "The team is/are
practicing for the game."

2. Rewrite the sentence "The flowers smells sweet" with correct subject-verb

1. Teach the concept of subject-verb agreement by providing clear explanations and

examples. Use interactive strategies like think-pair-share or mini whiteboard
activities to engage students in the learning process.

2. Use guided practice activities where students correct sentences with subject-verb
agreement errors and provide explanations for their corrections.


1. Have students create their own sentences with correct subject-verb agreement
and share them with the class.

2. Assign a group activity where students analyze a passage and identify subject-
verb agreement errors. They can then discuss their findings and suggest corrections.


1. Conduct a written quiz or test that includes sentences with subject-verb

agreement errors for students to correct.

2. Observe students during class discussions and activities, assessing their ability to
identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors.


Provide additional practice exercises or worksheets for students to reinforce their

understanding of subject-verb agreement. Encourage them to read books or articles
and identify subject-verb agreement errors they encounter.


Ask students to write a short story or paragraph using at least five sentences with
correct subject-verb agreement. Provide feedback on their work and encourage
revisions if necessary.

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