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Self-Learning Activity (SLA) w/ RBI for English 10

Teacher: Kay F. Belga


Name: _______________________________________ Graphic Organizers that organize information into

Year and Section: _____________Score: _______
1. Concept Maps: Used to brainstorm concepts and identify how
MELCs – EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2: Determine the effect of
they relate to each other with the use of labeled cells/bubbles.
textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear
2. Know-Wonder-Learn (KWL): Students can use KWL to identify
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text
their background knowledge on a topic or issue (in the beginning
I. Specific Objective for the Day: of class), what they would like to learn (throughout the class)
and what they have learned (at the end of the class).
1. Identify the kind of textual aids 3. Mind Mapping: Students can use mind mapping to organize
2. Create a textual aid appropriate with the given data. information in categories and make problem solving decisions.
Graphic Organizers that compare and contrast:
II. References: English 10 SELF-LEARNING
MODULES, English 10 Book & Internet 1. Compare & Contrast: Students can use it to compare and
contrast the attributes of two or more ideas/concepts
III. Development of the Lesson:
2. Venn Diagram: To identify the differences and similarities
Activity: Study the graph below. between two or three ideas/concepts. It consists two or three
overlapping circles.
3. T-Charts: To list the prow and the cons of an idea/concept.
Graphic Organizers that show sequence, order or the
1. Flow Chart: Visual display of the sequence of a list of ideas.
Various symbols can be used to illustrate things such as direction
of the flow or central points.
2. Ladder: Shows the order of a list of ideas or events.
3. Chain: It depicts a chain of events, timeline.
Guide Questions: 4. Picture Web: A visual representation of a list of ideas or
1. What is the graph all about? concepts.
2. What is the average case of July 29 – August 4? 5. Story Board: Provides the scenes of a story.
3. What week has the highest case of Covid-19? 6. Story Map: Maps out the elements of a story.
7. Cycle: Used to indicate how concepts relate to each other
Textual aids are educational instruments, could be when there is no beginning or end (for example, lifecycle of
written texts, or printed texts and other ways of caterpillar, butterfly, etc.)
emphasizing the essential phrases, thoughts, graphs,
and /or images. Textual aids are tools or materials that IV. Exercises
provide support and facilitate understanding of texts.
These aids are, most of the time, graphical outlines or 1. Which example would help the students compare and
images that gives a general idea of a certain topic. contrast?
Examples are: a. venn diagram b. KWL Chart
c. Flow Chart d. Mind Mapping
Non –linear text- Unlike linear text wherein we need to 2. A ___________ can help teach sequence of events.
read from beginning to the end, a nonlinear text refers to a. flow chart b. fishbone
a text that does not need to be read from beginning till c. t-charts d. Mind mapping
the end. Examples are bar, line or pie graph, flow charts, 3. Which graphic organizers can be used for
etc. This tests your ability to describe and compare data, informational text?
identify significance and trends in factual information, or a. venn diagram b. flow chart
to describe a process. c. KWL-Chart d. Cycle
4. Graphic organizers can be used to...
A graphic organizer is a visual and graphic display that a. Organized Writing
b. Make information more accessible to students
depicts the relationship between facts, terms, and or
c. brainstorm
ideas within a learning task. Graphic organizers are also
d. all of the above
sometimes referred to as knowledge maps, concept 5. The first step to implementing a graphic organizer is
maps, story maps, cognitive organizers, advance to...
organizers, or concept diagrams. a. Explaining the purpose b. Identifying the teaching purpose
c. Planning d. Giving students homework
Examples of Graphic Organizers that show relationships: V. Evaluation
Create a Venn Diagram of your 2 favorite persons.
1. Cause & Effect: This type of Graphic Organizer is used to help
students identify the problem and come up with possible Person 1 Person 2
solutions. It illustrates the problem solving process.

2. Fishbone: Analyzing the ways in which different aspects of a

problem or issue are related. Can be used to organize the main
topics to subtopics, or to analyze the causes of something.
Self-Learning Activity (SLA) w/ RBI for English 10
Teacher: Kay F. Belga

Name: _______________________________________
f. Proxemics – refers to the amount of space that individuals
Year and Section: _____________Score: _______ naturally maintain between each other which communicates
MELCs – EN10VC-IVc-29: Appraise the unity of plot,
setting and characterization in a material viewed to g. Voice – The way in which a message is spoken is as
achieve the writer’s purpose
In public speaking, a speaker must be able to effectively use
I. Specific Objective for the Day: both verbal and nonverbal cues in delivering the speech in
order to engage the interest and sustain the attention of the
1. Determine the implicit and explicit signals as well as audience.
verbal and non-verbal cues used by the speaker to
highlight points. Verbal cues refer to the spoken text itself and to the spoken
words, including the use of powerful or leading statements,
II. References: English 10 SELF-LEARNING questions, interjections, repetition, contrast, narration,
MODULES, English 10 Book & Internet anecdote, examples, humor, idioms, quotations, or figurative
III. Development of the Lesson:
Nonverbal signals include eye contact, facial expressions,
Activity1: Directions: Below are illustrations that
hand gestures, posture, movement, and other forms of body
symbolize certain levels of your life at the moment. language.
Write everything that you know about yourself, along
with the corresponding symbols indicated. IV. Exercises

Read and analyze the following statement and then identify it

My Strengths:
as explicit or implicit.
My Weaknesses:
1. Sam and his cousin walked to the store. Sam bought a bag
My Ambition: of chips while his cousin bought a bottle of water. If I asked
the question, "What did Sam buy?" Would that question be
My Inspirations: implicit or explicit?

Process Questions: 2. When something is implied (not clearly stated) in a piece of

1. How do you gain full advantage of your strength? writing, it is often referred to as what sort of information?
2. How do you manage your weaknesses in order to
ensure survival and success? 3. Amanda needed to finish her science project by the 5th of
3. In what way can you achieve the best quality of life? March. She had everything she needed except her typed
report. She knew that her typed report was worth 50% of her
Explicit communication or verbal communication refers to grade. She was going to fail. What explicit information can
specific information conveyed in written or spoken words. you pull from this story?
Implicit communication or non-verbal communication is a a. Amanda is lazy.
communication without words, only visual cues. You "give b. Amanda ran out of time.
off" messages through gestures, body language, facial c. Amanda already has a high enough grade is Science.
expressions, tone and vocal qualities, and eye contact. d. Amanda didn’t do the typed report.
There are many different types of implicit or non-verbal
V. Evaluation

a. Facial expressions – The principal source of feedback. Facial Complete the graphic organizer by filling out the information
expressions are universal such as expressions for happiness, asked for as told by the story “Orpheus”. The story can be
sadness, anger, and fear are the same across culture. found in your book pages 55-57.

b. Eye contact – The most expressive element in face -to-face

communication. The way you look at someone can
communicate many things including interest, affection,
hostility or attraction.

c. Body movements & posture – The way you stand, your

posture and bearing also send messages.

d. Gestures – The movement that you make with a part of

your body, especially your hands such as waving or pointing
and etc.

e. Haptics – also known as “touching”. Examples such as

handshake, tap on a shoulder, a hug, pat on the head or grip
on your arm convey different messages.
Self-Learning Activity (SLA) w/ RBI for English 10
Teacher: Kay F. Belga

Name: _______________________________________

Year and Section: _____________Score: _______ 1. ACCESSIBILITY – quality of being easy to find, obtain and
MELCs – EN10VC-IVa-15: Compare and contrast the
contents of the materials viewed with outside sources a. Text accessibility – arrangement of words for easy access.
of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness b. Audio Accessibility - provides additional info through
listening skills.
I. Specific Objective for the Day: c. Video Accessibility – provides additional info through
listening skills
1. Identify sources of information d. Image Accessibility – provides additional info about the
2. Compare and contrast the three sources of information text or concept.
II. References: English 10 SELF-LEARNING
MODULES, English 10 Book & Internet 2. EFFECTIVENESS – degree to which something is successful
in producing a desired result.
III. Development of the Lesson:
An information is effective if:
Activity1: Study the following picture.
• It satisfies the expectations of the academic
community and the readers.
• It is simple enough to become attainable readers/
audience whom you exhibit the information.

IV. Exercises

Identify the following examples as primary, secondary or

tertiary sources.

1. I was watching ESPN and one of the reporters said he had

heard good reviews about a new sports movie. When he talks
about the movie, what is he?
Process Questions:
1. What information can be provided by the said 2. I found a letter to one of my friends in the locker room
pictures? after school the other day. I know it’s private, but I want to
2. Which sources or references can you use to find other read it! What is the letter?
information about the issue or topic presented?
3. Will you easily believe in the information presented? 3. My friends and I found an old wedding dress in our attic.
My father said it belonged to my grandmother. What is the
SOURCES OF INFORMATION is a source of information for
4. I am writing an essay on George Washington for my U.S.
somebody, i.e. anything that might informs a person about
something or provide knowledge for somebody. History class. I used articles from Wikipedia and another
encyclopedia. What am I using?
V. Evaluation
1. PRIMARY SOURCES - provides a firsthand account of
events recorded during or shortly after the events described Complete the following Venn Diagram.
Examples: artifacts photos, audio recordings, diaries,
journals, video recordings, speeches, interviews, original PRIMARY SOURCES SECONDARY SOURCES
documents, letters and manuals
2. SECONDARY SOURCES - is one that was created later by
someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in
the events
Examples: biographical work, evaluation, history books, news
(not by eyewitness) criticisms, commentaries, interpretations
and discussions.
3. TERTIARY SOURCES – collection of info from primary and
Examples: dictionary, encyclopedia, dictionary, almanacs,
bibliography, database, indexes and abstract.

How to verify the content of an information?

Self-Learning Activity (SLA) w/ RBI for English 10
Teacher: Kay F. Belga

Name: _______________________________________ IV. Exercises

Year and Section: _____________Score: _______ Study the following poem then answer the questions that
MELCs – Evaluate and make judgements about a range Ballad of A Mother's Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra
of texts using a set of criteria e.g. comparing arguments
The night was dark, for the moon was young
on the same topic, critiquing a short story And the stars were asleep and rare;
The clouds were thick, yet Youth went out
I. Specific Objective for the Day: To see his Maiden fair.
1. Establish a sense of objectivity in evaluating a picture, text,
"Dear One," he pleaded as he knelt
and or/ performance using a set of criteria.
Before her feet, in tears,
"My love is true; why have you kept
II. References: English 10 SELF-LEARNING Me waiting all these years?"
MODULES, English 10 Book & Internet
The maiden looked at him unmoved,
III. Development of the Lesson: It seemed, and whispered low:
"Persistent Youth, you have to prove
Activity1: Study the following picture.
By deeds your love is true."

"There's not a thing I would not do

For you, Beloved," said he.
"Then go," said she, "to your mother dear
And bring her heart to me."

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.
And opened her breast and took her heart.
He did not shed a tear!

Then back to his Maiden fair he ran,

Unmindful of the rain;
But his feet slipped and he fell down
And loud he groaned with pain!
Process Questions:
Still in his hand he held the prize
1. What do you think is the painter’s inspiration in his/her That would win his Maiden's hand;
masterpiece? And he thought of his mother dear
2. What message is portrayed by the picture? So kind, so sweet, so fond.
3. How can the painter still improves this picture/
painting? And then he heard a voice,
Not from his lips but all apart:
"Get up," it said; "Were you hurt, Child?"
It was his mother's heart.
OBJECTIVITY – being fair, not bias (neutral) and detached
with respect to a certain set of attribute or criteria.
CRITERIA - set of standards and/ or principles considered in MECHANICS
judging a particular work, output or performance. WORD CHOICE
Write a different ending of the story Orpheus based on your
1. CONTENT – idea, concept, focus or details of the subject objectivity as a reader. The story is in the book on page 55 -
matter as discussed in the text. 57. Please take note of the following rubrics.
2. COHESION – connection and organization of words, phrase,
ideas and concepts presented in the text.
3. GRAMMAR – fluency and accuracy in terms of language
structure and facility.
4. MECHANICS – accuracy in punctuations and capitalization.
5. WORD CHOICE – appropriateness of words especially in
terms of depth and level of maturity and formality.
6. TONE – emotion or feelings attached as expressed by the

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