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Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Plantel ̈Isidro Fabela Alfaro ̈ de la Escuela Preparatoria


Members of the team :

Chávez Perez Azubely Elani

Cisneros Villegas Guadalupe

Salazar Labra Fernanda

Group: 303
Fer: Hello, my team and I are going to explain you how to be a Healthy and Responsible
Teenager in all ways

Fer: Personal hygiene is much more than just washing our hands. It is a set of habits that
influence our health and well-being in general. Next we will explore the importance of
personal hygiene, learn essential tips and discover how to stay clean and healthy in our
day to day. Let's start this journey towards a healthier and fresher life!

- Fer: "Hey guys, the first step to personal hygiene is taking a daily shower to stay clean
and fresh."

- Fer: Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly to keep your smile

- Fer: Wash your hands before meals and after using the restroom to prevent the spread
of germs."

- Lupita: "Taking care of your skin by washing your face and using sunscreen is essential
for good hygiene."

- Azubely: "Wearing clean clothes and changing your underwear daily is a simple yet
crucial aspect of personal hygiene."

Fer: Food is not just fuel for our body; it is the basis of our health and well-being. We will
go deeper into the world of healthy eating, we will discover how our food choices affect
our quality of life and we will learn practical tips to nourish our body in the best possible
way. Join us on this journey to a healthier life through what we put on our plate.

- Fer: "Make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet for essential
vitamins and minerals."

- Fer: "Proteins from sources like lean meat, fish, and beans help with growth and repair."

- Fer: "Choose whole grains over refined ones for sustained energy and better digestion."

- Lupita: "Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, which is essential
for overall health."

- Azubely: "Cut down on sugary snacks and drinks to maintain a healthy weight and avoid
dental issues."

Azubely: Mental health is a fundamental aspect of our lives that often goes unnoticed. In
this video, we will explore the importance of taking care of our mental health, understand
how it affects our daily life and discover practical tips to maintain an emotional balance.
Join us on this journey towards a healthier and happier mind!

- Fer: "Practice self-care by setting aside time for activities you enjoy and relaxation."

- Fer: "Don't be afraid to talk to someone you trust about your feelings; it's okay not to be
okay sometimes."

- Fer: “Learn stress management techniques like deep breathing or meditation to handle
challenges better."

- Lupita: "If you're struggling with your mental health, seek help from a counselor or
therapist; it's a sign of strength."

- Azubely: "Stay connected with friends and family; social interactions can boost your
mood and mental well-being."

Lupita: Be teenagers is an exciting stage in life, full of new experiences and challenges.
Here we will consider the concept of responsibility in adolescence, how it can shape our
future and how making responsible decisions can make a difference in our lives. Join us as
we discover how adolescents can take responsibility and grow significantly in this crucial
- Fer: "Learn to manage your time effectively to balance school, chores, and leisure."

- Fer: "Show respect for parents, teachers, and elders; it sets a positive example."
- Fer: Think before you act; making informed decisions about drugs, alcohol, and risky
behavior is crucial."

- Lupita: "Set personal goals and work towards them; it gives you a sense of purpose."

- Azubely: "Get involved in your community through volunteering or activities that

promote positive change."
- Fer: well this is all of our team, we wish that you could learn some tips and that you liked
our video, so see you in the next time

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