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Instructions: Draw a large circle on a blank sheet of paper. Divide the circle
into 8 segments. In each segment, write some descriptions of the different
aspects of yourself as follows:

1. Physical Self. Describe yourself. Try not to censor any thoughts which come to
your mind. Include descriptions of your height, weight, facial appearance, and quality of
skin, hair and descriptions of body areas such as your neck, chest, waist, legs.

2. Intellectual Self. Include here an assessment of how well you reason and solve
problems, your capacity to learn and create, your general amount of knowledge, your
specific areas of knowledge, wisdom you have acquired, and insights you have.

3. Emotional Self. Write as many words or phrase about typical feelings you have,
feelings you seldom have, feelings you try to avoid, feelings you especially enjoy, feelings
from your past and present, and feelings which are associated with each other.

4. Sensual Self. Write how you feel as a sensual person. What sense do you use most
– sight, hearing, speaking, smelling, touching? How do you feel about the different ways
you take in information - through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, pores, and skin. In what
ways do you let information in and out of your body?

5. Interactional Self. Include descriptions of your strengths and weaknesses in

intimate relationships and relationships to friends, family, co-students and strangers in
social settings. Describe the strengths and weaknesses which your friends and family have
noticed. Describe what kind of son or daughter, brother or sister you are.

6. Nutritional Self. How do you nourish yourself? What foods do you like and dislike?
What do you like and dislike about these?

7. Contextual Self. Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance of your living

environment: reaction to light, temperature, space, weather, colors, sound and seasons and
your impact on the environment.

8. Spiritual Self or Life Force. Write words or phrases which tell about how you feel
in this area. This could include your feelings about yourself and organized religion,
reactions about your spiritual connections to others, feelings about your spiritual
development and history, and thought about your metaphysical self. Think about your
inner peace and joy. Think about your spiritual regimen or routine.

1. I am 5'8 tall, around 70 kilograms. My hair is wavy, long, and black. My eyes
are light brown as well.

2.It involves the ability to reflect on an idea or problem, apply reason, and make logical
connections between ideas. Life skills website skills You Need point out that critical
thinking“is about being an active learner rather than a passive recipient of

3. Typical feeling I have          Feelings I try to avoid

stress                                    anger

frustration                             melancholy

pressure                               envy


Feelings I enjoy                   Feelings from your past and present

happiness                            fear

amusement                          insecurity

contentment                        annoyance

satisfaction                           enthusiastic

pride                                     elated

Feelings associated with each other

Rage and irritation Doubt and jealousy Satisfaction and guilt

4. used all senses when making activities, try to observe and understand
people, listening to your favorite music

5. Strengths:


I am a reliable friend.


I help out in everything.


Whenever there are things that they don’t understand, I explain those to them.


I keep my distance since I cannot trust anyone



I tend to be too trustworthy.


I tend to give them what they want to the point of neglecting myself.


I let them copy my assignments which led them to become lazy and dependent.

Strangers I am not too cautious.

6. I nourish myself by eating and drinking healthy foods and drinks... I like all the fruits
because of their benefits to our bodies and it's a sweet taste. I dislike most of the Crispy
Mustard because of its bitterness even though I know that it can help us to make our body even

7. Habitual physical activity is an important determinant of health, yet many people are
considered to be inactive. Identification of the obstacles to greater participation is necessary for
the development of strategies to overcome those obstacles. The weather has been identified as
a perceived barrier to participation in physical activity, but exactly which adverse weather
conditions are most important, and the extent to which they contribute to decreases in physical
activity has rarely been quantified in populations. In the past decade, a small number of studies
have used publicly available databases to examine the quantitative effects of weather (e.g.,
temperature, precipitation, wind) on physical activity in children, adolescents, and adults. This
review examines our historical, qualitative versus emerging, quantitative understanding of how
specific weather conditions affect a population’s activity.

8. Being a religious person.

As a part of a religion or a religious person, it detects how you believe in God, I am a Christian
and a servant of Born Again and also God. I'm not good at communicating or expressing my
feelings to other people but I'm very thankful that there are also people like me who
serve God well. God is my peace and joy also my strength. Always remember this that.
If you are sad pray for God
If you are happy pray for God
If you are depressed pray for God
God is everything. Always remember God and God will also remember you.
My routine is I pray every night at about 8:00 PM.

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