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EDUC 201

Methods of Research



Proposed Title

Introduction At no time else in Philippine history does values education assume a

(Write the background/ most pivotal role in our national survival today. Widespread poverty,
overview of your increasing lawlessness, government bankruptcy, heightening moral
proposed study. decadence, and the proliferation of splinter groups lobbying for vested
Indicate what interest distort our national goal, arrest productivity, and blur our sense of
urges/triggers you to nationhood. Such maladies of Philippine society are direct outcomes of
conduct it. Explain the certain weaknesses in the Philippine psyche and character which have long
importance or the need been studied and publicized by sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists,
of conducting the study. and political scientists like Fr. Jaime Bulatao, Fr. Frank Lynch, Mary
Use other sheets of Holsteiner, Robert Fox, Lourdes Lapuz, and Remigio Agpalo: lack of self-
paper, if needed.) discipline, lack of national consciousness, lack of seriousness, and other
related imperfections (Malaya, 1988).
Yet, unless something is done to apply the results of these studies to
reorient our economic program, our social structures and institutions, our
educational system, and even our entire way of life, they will not be of much
benefit to the nation. It is, therefore, imperative that education respond to
the curricular demands of the present situation. It is urgent to inject through
systematic educational efforts countervailing forces that will offset such
elements that threaten our national tranquility and unity. The present
political educational leadership looks at values education as a most potent
force to ensure national survival at this time of moral decadence.
The school, in this respect, then assumes a crucial role in the cultivation
of virtues and values necessary for survival. This is why, shortly after the
peaceful revolution of February 1986, the Department of Education Culture
and Sports (DECS) then the MECS, made values education a primary thrust
(DECS, 1987). This thrust finds strong support in the Philippine Constitution
of 1987 (Preamble) in its vision of a “just and humane society” which calls for
a shared culture and commonly held values such as truth, justice, freedom,
love, equality, and peace.
Truly, there can be no social transformation and development unless the
values and attitudes of people change. Since the students of today are the
future architects of the country’s destiny, they must be thoroughly
educated, and equipped not only with knowledge and skills but also
importantly, desirable values that will help them become the kind of citizens
envisioned to be competent in effectively and efficiently managing the affairs
of the nation.
No other subjects in the secondary school, except Values education as a
separate academic subject to be included in the curriculum next school year,
offer a better opportunity for the inculcation and enhancement of desirable
values among students than social studies. Social studies deal with human
relationships. Values are constructed as a reaction to the world around us
and those other individuals who inhabit the world. It is obvious, therefore,
that there is fertile ground for the promotion of a value-oriented course of
study (Penant Educational Materials, 1974).
Necessarily, the Social Studies teacher must be constantly aware of the
influences that daily beset the mind of the high school students. The
researcher’s firm belief that an educator has an important role in helping
students fashion a socially envisioned bright future, motivated her to
undertake this study. Her role as a teacher of Social Studies places her in a
vantage of position to influence the student's internalization of value
through the curriculum. The values identified by this research as germane to
the subject may give her and her professional colleagues insight into
essential foci of attention in the teaching of values education in Social
Research Objective 1. To determine the values that are germane to the Social Studies I
(It should be stated in a Curriculum of the five Integrated University High School of Mariano
declarative statement.) Marcos State University, 1988-1989.
2. To Find a relationship between personal factors (such as age, sex,
I.Q., economic status) and educational attainment of family head
and values formation development.
Research Questions 1. What are the values formed and developed in the basic concepts of
(They should be specific the Social Studies Curriculum?
and are stated as 2. What values are developed and strengthened progressively?
interrogative 3. What factors affect values formation and development?

Significance of the The findings of the study may benefit the following:
Study a. Teachers- The study will provide teachers of social studies a clearer
(Determine the insight into the values orientation and development of students to
beneficiaries of the serve as bases for planning and carrying out improved remedial
study. Discuss how each measures to correct and minimize students’ character deficiencies
beneficiary will benefit as well as to inculcate values.
from the study.)
b. Parents- The study will give parents a deeper awareness of the
importance of inculcating the right values among their children.
They could also develop more sympathetic, understanding, concern,
and cooperation with teachers in the DECS Values Development

c. Administrators- The study will motivate administrators to look into

the guidance needs of the students and formulate, implement, and
evaluate a functional guidance program that underscores students'
values development and character-building needs.

d. Curriculum makers- To curriculum makers, the study will:

1. Present vital baseline information for possible revision or
enrichment of the secondary school Social Studies
curriculum content to make it more relevant and
responsive to student’s felt needs and problems
2. Give valuable data for determining the content of Values
Education as a separate subject in the Secondary
Education Development Program (SEDP) which will be
implemented in the school year 1989-1990.
3. Help them evolve curriculum materials for teaching Values
4. Formulate better guidelines in stressing moral values-
related courses.

Scope and Delimitation  This research is primarily concerned with values development
of the Study among first-year students in Social Studies at Mariano Marcos State
(Indicate the University Integrated High Schools (MSSU-IHS), school year 1988-
parameters of the study 1989.
– objectives, locale,  The research study will identify the values inherent in three of the
population and four substantive conceptual units in the Social Studies I curriculum
sampling procedure, namely; Social Organization, Heritage, and Change which are
instruments, data considered as Units I, II, and III. Environment, which is unit I is not
gathering procedure, included in the study due to scheduling constraints.
etc.)  It will use three seventy-five item tests which are formulated based
on three tables of specification.
 The study is limited to the identification of the values formed and
developed, which will be significantly strengthened or developed
through three units that will be studied in three grading periods.
 Pre-test and post-test will be chosen as the sole data gathering
instruments in favor of others like observation of class activities,
interaction, analysis, interview, case study, and the like.
 This research study is not primarily concerned with the formulation
and validation of a test instrument; it is more concerned with values
development in the classroom.

Key Terms Defined The following will be defined as follows:

(Operational)  Coding. The technical procedure by which data are categorized.
 Content analysis. A procedure that refers to the categorization of
values to be internalized through the basic concept in the social
studies curriculum.
 Human dignity. Values that help individuals develop a sense of
worth that will prevent them from being resigned to poverty, misery,
and hopelessness.
 Life sustenance. Values that help the ability to provide life-
sustaining needs- food, shelter, health, and sanitation.
 Nationalism. The love of country and people as a distinct political
unit bound by a common history, committed to a common cause,
and sharing a common destiny.
 Social responsibility. Terms of concern for the physical and socio-
cultural environment.
 Social studies education. The totality of the social studies program
places primary emphasis on the development and functional
application of knowledge and skills in human relationships and
man’s adjustment to the environment.
 Substantive concepts. Broad organizing themes or major organizing
ideas in social studies curriculum.
 Spirituality. Values that help one find peace in times of personal
difficulty and societal crisis.
 Values. Special kinds of beliefs are centrally located within one’s
total belief system.
 Values education. The development and formation of values that
provide students with standards of behavior deemed desirable or
even necessary by a group of people.
 Values development. It is the internalization of values that may be
achieved through integration in the different subject areas through
the teaching of values education as a separate subject.
 Values formation. Refers to the conceptualization of values
contained in the three basic units of the Social Studies I curriculum
namely: Social Organization, Heritage, and Change.
 Values inculcation. It is a strategy in values education geared
towards instilling and internalizing norms in the individual’s value

Review of Literature 1. Social Organization

and Studies  Role
(List down possible  Institutions
themes to be included  Societal control
in the study. Arrange  Interaction
them accordingly.) 2. Heritage
 Material
 Non-material
3. Change
 Political
 Social
 Economic

Theoretical and Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework  Man occupies the central portion of the values map as shown in
(Discuss them briefly.) the Values Development Framework of the DECS which will be
adopted by the study. It implies that man is the main concern of
 Education takes the role of helping the individual develop in him
the values that are needed for the building of a “just and humane
 To accomplish the task of helping build a human and just society,
DECS came up with a values framework. The framework has five
core values as follows: Life sustenance, social responsibility,
spirituality, and nationalism.

Conceptual Framework
 Social studies, being the major component of social science, plays a
very important role in achieving the objective of education.
 The aim of social studies teaching in the elementary grades is in no
way different from those of secondary schools, the purpose is to
help children and youth to become active, knowledgeable, adaptive,
human capable of functioning within the range of life-long roles that
they encounter throughout their lives.
 To accomplish this aim, certain specific objectives must be set up
and achieved. The student must be taught to realize the influences
that control his life, as well as those lives with which he comes in
 But all the best aims and ideals of education in general and social
studies teaching in particular, will not come true if there are no
efficient, effective, knowledgeable, value-oriented teachers to
implement educational endeavors.

Research Paradigm
(Illustrate and explain
the possible research
paradigm of the study.)
Research Hypothesis (if 1. There is a significant difference between the post-test and pre-test
any) mean scores of the students under each of the conceptual units;
social organization, heritage, and change.
2. There is a significant increase in the mean scores of students in the
core values throughout their study of the three conceptual units.
3. There is a significant correlation between the student's age, IQ,
economic status, and educational attainment of the family head, and
their post-test and pre-test scores in the three basic units of the
social studies curriculum.
4. There is a significant difference between the scores of the boys and
girls in the three basic units of study.
Research Design
(Determine the design
to be used in the study.
Justify and explain the
design you have

Locale of the Study

(Hypothetical but
include justification of
how the locale was

Population and
Sampling Technique
(Indicate the
hypothetical population
of your study. Explain
how samples shall be
taken. Explain too why
such sampling
technique shall be used,
if necessary.)

(Include all possible
research instruments to
be used in the study.
Indicate what these
instruments intend to
measure. Further,
describe in full detail
the instruments to be
used in the study.)
Data Collection
(Indicate procedures to
be followed in collecting
the data needed for the
study. Include ethical
considerations to be
observed too.)

(For studies that require
statistical treatment,
identify the statistical
tools to be used in the
study. Indicate how
each of the tools shall
be used in the study.)


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