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Reg. Number: 1801020321







TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTODUCTION....................................................................1
1.1 Background ....................................................................................1
1.2 Research Problem...............................................................................3
1.3 Research Aims...................................................................................3
1.4 Benefits of Research..........................................................................3
1.5 Scope of Limitation ...........................................................................4
2.1 Definition of Songke 5
2.2 Motive................................................................................................6
2.3 Symbolic Meaning ............................................................................7
2.4 Educational Value..............................................................................9
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................13
3.1 Research Design ................................................................................13
3.2 Location and Time of Research ........................................................13
3.3 Research Subjects...............................................................................14
3.4 Data Source .......................................................................................14
3.5 Instrument of the Research ................................................................15
3.6 Data Collection Techniques...............................................................15
REFERENCES ............................................................................................16



1.1 Background
Songke is a woven cloth typical of the Manggarai region. Songke in language

Indonesia is songket. Songke in the Manggarai language is also often called Lipa

or Towe. Lipa or Towe worn by men and women at home is well used when there

are events or traditional rituals. In 1613-1640 the kingdom of Goa Makassar South

Sulawesi once ruled almost the entire Manggarai region. Meeting various cultural

interests that give birth to something new for culture Manggarai people include the

matter of dress so that the culture of Makassar partially brought to Manggarai

including one of them is a cloth that worn.

Makassar people call songke as Songket while people Manggarai often call it

songke without the ending (t). The basic color of the weave songke is a black base

color which for the Manggarai people is a black base color symbolizes the

meaning of greatness and majesty as well as a submission under human beings

when going back to the Creator or Mori Kraeng in the Manggarai language.

Motif is the main picture in a work and the main picture disseminated to

create a harmonious work. Motif in general are the distribution of lines and colors

in a certain shape that form a beautiful and meaningful motif. Behind these motifs,

there is a symbol that has a value according to the beliefs of each person.

(Soedarsono, 1976:7)

The motifs contained in Songke Jok woven are part of art a form in which

each motif has its meaning. Contained meaning it is to teach humans, in this case,

students to always be disciplined in doing everything on time. In addition, it has a

motif meaning Songke also has a message of value to be conveyed from the


The Ruteng Diocese Church (Manggarai) has its own way of educating the

younger generation so they can recognize the typical Songke Manggarai woven

motifs and is also a form of responsibility in preserving Manggarai culture with a

form of the Church's concern for preserving Manggarai culture contained in the

2012 Ruteng Diocese Synod decision concerning inculturation (mass) worship,

namely in the 3rd week the whole process of worship and all people must wear

Manggarai cultural clothing, namely Songke weaving which is very popular.

Today, most young people use woven fabrics or special fabrics based on their

respective regions, they only follow the trend, to see more slang. However, in

general, most do not understand the meaning of the motifs of the cloth that they


Based on the description of the background above, the researcher is interested



1.2 Research Problems
Based on the background of this study, the writer specified the topic in

some problem statements, as formulated in the following questions:

1. What is the Meaning of the Lipa Songke Motifs in the village of Torong Koe,

Manggarai Central District?

2. What is the Educational Value of the Lipa Songke Motifs in the Village of

Torong Koe, Manggarai Central District?

1.3 Research Aims

Based on the problems have been stated above the research aims of the

study are as formulated in the statements below :

1. to Identify the Meaning of the Lipa Songke Motifs in the Village of Torong

Koe, Manggarai Central District;

2. to Describe the Educational Value of the Lipa Songke Motifs in the Village

of Torong Koe, Manggarai Central District;

1.4 Benefits of Research

The benefits of the research are as follows :

1. For the Writer

Through this study, it is hoped that the writer can add insight, experience,
as well as information assistance regarding the process of making woven
fabrics, as an activity that can hone creativity, especially in Torong Koe
Village, Manggarai Central District.

2. For the Readers

As information material for researchers and for further researchers who

will do with the same problem so this research can be used as a comparison

and guide in thesis research at the level of College.

3. For the Society

Expected to enrich and broaden knowledge to be able to understand the

Meaning and Educational Value of messages Songke Manggarai Woven


1.5 Scope and Limitation

The writer focus of the study In-depth knowledge of the Meaning and

Educational Value of the Lipa Songke motifs in Torong Koe Village,

Manggarai Central District.



2.1 Definition of Lipa Songke

This study is viewed from the perspective of semiotics, a branch of science

which is concerned with the study of signs and their codes together with their uses

in a society as members of a social group (Piliang, 2005; Piliang, 2011). This

comes closest to the conception of Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2008) (Riera)

defining semiotics as a science that explores the relationships between signs and

their intended specific meanings. This implies that, in essence, semiotics is

concerned with the study of signs and of anything that stands for or represents

something else (Bowcher, 2018). In line with this, according to (Zoest and

Sudjiman, 1992), semiotics is the study of signs and all related things to signs like

the functions, the relationship, the sender, and the receiver of the signs which refer

everything that should be given meaning. As the study deals with meaning as its

main concern or interest, semiotics can also be used to study the cultural

phenomena of a people as members of a social group. As the term ‘meaning’ can

be defined differently, in this regard, meaning is referred to as cultural meaning or

symbolic meaning shared by a people as members of a social group (Geertz,

1973). However, as different people can define culture differently, in the

perspective of semiotics, culture is defined as a system of signs which are

interconnected by means of understanding meanings in the signs. The

interconnection of signs in a culture shared by a people as members of a social

group is based on social convention inherited from their ancestors. Parallel to this,

according to Piliang (2011), the in connection of signs, codes, and texts makes up

a culture. Therefore, culture in this light is defined as the amalgamation of signs,

codes, and texts.

Songke Manggarai is one of the most unique and famous Manggarai cultural

heritages. Lipa Songke Manggarai is one of the distinctive identities of Manggarai

which unites all of the Greater Manggrai as a cultural identity and is a hallmark of

Manggarai culture. lipa songke must be worn in every traditional ceremony. The

lipa songke motif is closely related to the history and philosophy of life of the

Manggarai people. Songke Manggarai reflects the noble values of the Manggarai


As for the way of making traditional woven fabrics, among others:

a. Additional weft weaving

Additional weft weaving is a way to get the planned decoration, namely by

inserting yarn that is larger in size, which has a different color towards the

weft. Thus forming a decorative motif.

b. Weaving

Ikat weaving is a way of weaving and being decorated with a term that is

known throughout the world, that is, before weaving the warp or weft

threads or both, they are first tied with a rope that is impermeable to the

color of the dye. Ikat is known mainly from the Nusa Tenggara region, one

of which is in the Flores area, Manggarai Central District, Reok Barat Sub-


Based on the opinion above, the researcher can conclude that woven fabrics

that are made in a complicated way before becoming a cloth require a fairly

complicated process. From how to insert the thread into the warp which is

horizontal and vertical. Woven cloth also has a motif that makes it attractive, and

behind this motif contains a meaning to be conveyed to all local people. Likewise,

the Ruis woven fabric has motifs that are so interesting and contain meaning

behind the cloth motifs which are related to the daily life of the people.

Songke is a woven cloth typical of the Manggarai region with black thread as

the base color. Where the black color for the Manggarai people symbolizes

greatness and majesty and submission that one day humans will return to those in

power, while the colors of thread for embroidery are generally red, white, yellow,

blue, green, orange. Songke is one of the handicraft products that has been passed

down from generation to generation to the people of Manggarai. Songke is a cloth

that has a very high sacred value because it is often used in traditional ceremonies.

2.2 Motif
Motif is ornament (decoration), ornament comes from the Greek word namely

from the word Ornare which means decoration or jewelry (Soeparto 1977: 11).

Motifs are designs made from parts of shapes, various kinds of lines or elements

that are sometimes so strongly influenced by natural forms, objects with their own

styles and characteristics. The motifs that are sometimes in woven fabrics in the

Indonesian archipelago are very diverse, this is because each region has its own

different background and characteristics that reveal the shape of the motifs on the

woven fabrics made. The differences in these motifs are not only derived from

different beliefs behind the creation of motifs, but due to tactical factors of the

creation of the local environment and the function of motifs in everyday life so

that the motifs that have by one area will be different motifs in other areas. Now,

ikat weaving motifs are not only limited to traditional motifs, but the times and

market demand are decisive in the management of motifs to be developed without

leaving their original form.

According to Soedarsono (1976: 7) Motif is the main image in a work and the

main image is disseminated so that a harmonious work is realized. Motifs in

general are the spread of lines and colors in a certain reshape. A motif is the

beginning of achieving a goal of a depiction or a work, and a motif is also a

picture that shows the nature and pattern of a manifestation. The role of motifs is

indeed very decisive whether or not a weaving result, in addition to coloring and

weaving processing skills, cannot be ascertained by theoretical measures. The

possibility of the arrangement of these motifs that are far apart, close together,

intersecting, and stacked, good or not will be determined by the success of

adjusting the position of the plane and color according to the use of color.

2.3 Symbolic Meaning

Humans are social creatures that are always in interaction with other fellow

humans and the surrounding environment. This interaction certainly aims to make

humans always survive because humans are essentially social creatures who

always need others and cannot live alone. Communication is something that is

very much needed in interacting. In communication, humans will present ideas to

the recipients of these ideas in various forms of media in order to understand each

other. Communication is the transmission of information, ideas, emotions, skills,

by using symbols such as pictures or figures (Mulyana 2006: 68).

According to Edgar (1991: 378) symbols contain meaning because symbols

represent something else, although there is no relationship between symbols and

the meaning they carry (because their usefulness and meaning are an agreement; a

concept used in Peirce's semiotics). Surrounding natural environment inspire

people to develop their potential through the search for meaning in their

experiences. Berger (2010: 28) explains that meaning is learned and can even be a

symbol that has an emotional influence on individuals and others.

Human beings have the uniqueness of the freedom to produce, change and

determine values for symbols. The freedom to create symbols with certain values

and create symbols for others is called a symbolic process. The symbolic process

is carried out by humans artbitrer to make certain things to represent other things.

Mulyana (1998: 96-97)

Based on what experts say, symbols thus have an important role in the

occurrence of communication. In the study of symbolic interactionalism, symbols

themselves are something that is created and manipulated by the individuals

concerned in order to gain understanding, both about themselves and about

society. A symbol is also a sign or symbol that can provide identification or a way

of conveying something to someone.

2.4 Educational Value

The word education comes from the English educate, which means nurturing or

educating, education means education.

a. Value assessment

According to Soelaeman (2005: 35)P Value is something about good or

bad, which is important to humans as subjects, concerning everything good or bad,

as an abstraction, view or intent of various experiences in strict behavioral

selection. Setiadi (2006: 117) Value is something that is useful for humans both

physically and spiritually. Meanwhile, according to Soekanto (1983: 161) values

are abstractions from one's personal experiences with others. Values are

longstanding general indicators that direct behavior and satisfaction in everyday

life.The opinions of experts above values can be concluded that values are

something positive and beneficial in human life and must be owned by every

human being to be seen in social life.

Definition of education

Etymologically, Education comes from the Greek "paedogogike", which

consists of the word "pais" which means "child" and the word "Ago" which means

"I guide" so, peaedagogike means I guide children (Hadi, 2003: 17).

Purwanto (1986: 11) stated that education means all the efforts of adults in their

association with children to lead their physical and spiritual development to

maturity. The nature of education is that to mature students, an educator must be

an adult person, because it is impossible to mature students if their own education

is immature. Rubiyanto (2004: 49) education as an art of teaching because by

teaching knowledge, people will do creative actions. Educating is not merely

technical, methodical and mechanical in passing skills (psychomotor) to children

but is a high-dimensional and artful activity that nuances dedication (cognition),

emotional, and compassion in an effort to build and shape personality (affective).

Tilaar (2002: 435) states that the essence of education is to humanize

humans. Humanizing man or the process of humanization sees man as a whole

within Its existence. The existence in question is to place the position of man in an

honorable and dignified place. That honor certainly cannot be separated from the

noble values that have always been held by mankind. Sukmadinata (2011 : 10)

Education is the interaction between educators and students to achieve educational

goals that take place in an educational environment. Educational interaction serves

to help develop all potentials, skills and characteristics of students, both related to

intellectual, social, affective and physical motor aspects.

Abdullah (2009: 139) education is practically inseparable from values,

especially those that include the quality of intelligence, scientific values, moral

values and religious values which are all summed up in the purpose of education,

namely fostering an ideal personality.

Education in essence also means educating the life of the nation. From this

statement there are three main principles in education, namely:

a. Intelligent, means having knowledge that can be used to solve real problems.

Smart means creative, innovative, and ready to apply their knowledge.

b. Life, having a philosophy to appreciate life and do things that are best for life

itself. Life means contemplating that one day we will die, and all our deeds

will be accountable to Him. This philosophy is very conditional on the

meaning of individualism which means uplifting one's life.

c. Nation, meaning that humans apart from being individuals are also social

creatures who need the existence of others. Every individual is obliged to

contribute his knowledge to society to improve the degree of glory of the

surrounding community with knowledge, in accordance with what religion and

education teach. The most important indicator of a nation's progress is

education and teaching (Ratna 2004: 449).

Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that the value of

education is everything that can be useful for one's life, which is obtained through

the process of changing attitudes, behavior in an effort to mature human beings

through teaching efforts.

Various Educational Values

a) Religious Education Values

Religious is a consciousness that manifests deeply in the depths of the

human heart as human nature. Religion is not only concerned with the outward

aspect of life but also concerns the whole person of man in total in relation to God.

Purposeful religious values to educate people to be better according to religious

guidance and always remember God (Rosyadi 1995: 90).

b) The Value of Moral

Education Moral values are a part of values, that is, values that deal with

good deeds or hunts from humans. Morals are always related to values, but not all

values are moral values. Morals relate to human conduct or actions. This moral

value is more related to the behavior of our daily lives (Uzey 2009: 2).

Morals are a person's ability to distinguish between good and bad. The

moral values contained in Songke's woven motif aim to educate humans to

recognize that ethical values are bad values of an action, what should be avoided

and what should be done so as to create human order relationships in society that

are considered good.

c) The Value of Social Education

The value of social Education is a mandate that can be taken from social

behavior and social way of life. Social behavior in the form of a person's attitude

towards events that occur around him that have something to do with others, and

social relations between individuals.



3.1 Research Design

In this research, the writer will use a descriptive qualitative method.

According to Kothari (2004), the research design is a plan, a roadmap, and a

blueprint strategy of investigation conceived to obtain answers to research

questions. It is the heart of any study. In addition, Arikunto (2010) says that

descriptive research is research intended to collect information about the

indication status that happens based on the real situation when the research is

being done. The descriptive qualitative method is designed to analyze a problem or

case that is happening at present. It involves accumulating, analyzing, and

classifying data with various techniques.

3.2 Location and Time of Research

The location in this research will carry out in Torong Koe Village, West Reok

District, Manggarai Regency. The reasons for determining the location of this

research are as follows:

a. The research location is one of the areas that produces the best woven fabrics

and is in demand by the people of Manggarai.

b.The researcher personally knows the people in Torong Koe Village and is one

of the regions that produces quality woven fabrics and is in great demand by

the Manggarai community in general, making it easier for researchers to build

to collect data easily.

3.3 Research Subjects
In this study, the main targets in this study research is weavers, traditional

leaders, and people who had knowledge of the symbolic meaning of the woven

fabrics chosen by the researchers.

3.4 Data Source

The data used in this study are:
1. Primary Data

The primary data obtained by researchers from the research location is the

Meaning and Educational Value of the Manggarai Lipa Songke Motif

contained in the Lipa Songke which was obtained through interviews and

written notes, as well as recordings of interview results.

2. Secondary Data Source

Secondary data is obtained from a second party or supporting data. Secondary

data sources obtained in this study were data of the research location,

population data, regional conditions, livelihoods, religious education, pictures

of songke motifs, photographs of research activities, village maps and

references related to this research.

3.5 Instrument of the Research

According to Ary et al (2010), there are some methods and instruments

commonly used to guide and help the researcher to generate the data such as

observation, interview, and document analysis. The instruments used in this

research is an interview.

3.6 Data Collection Techniques
The techniques used to collect data in this study is interviews

a. Interview

Interview is a conversation with a specific purpose. The conversation was

carried out by two parties, namely the interviewer who asked questions and

the interview or resource person who provided answers to the questions.

In this study the researchers conducted interviews with:

1. Weavers: weaver is a person who works as a weaver. Thus researchers

can obtain information about the meaning of the Lipa songke motif.

2. Traditional leaders as the oldest person and traditional head in the

Torong Koe Village community to obtain information about the

meaning of the Manggarai lipa songke motif.

3. The people of Torong Koe Village who have knowledge of symbolic

meanings, were selected by the researcher.


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