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”The lifestyle and welfare of the student” – Comenius project

Prof. Daniela Buia

Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Auto

This work delivers to you some information about the activities carried out during a Comenius project
and its benefic impact upon different educational levels. The title of the project which is going to be described is
”The lifestyle and welfare of the student”. It had six partners: schols from Italy, England, Sweden, Spain and
Pupils were involved in some activities within the project as follows: presenting the
school/city/region/country in a poster swapped between the institutions by post, answering a questionaire about
their life style, writing a diary page about a typical day (at school and on holiday); confectioning a recipes
booklet with traditional dishes, for the first year; making a leaflet/brochure entitled “My region is special”,
reflecting the social, environmental advantages of living here, writing stories/compositions about a visit in their
home town together with a new friend, who may be an animal, a disabled person or belong to an ethnic minority,
for the second year; writing a book, (using the materials from previous years) entitled “Sokrates and Comenia,
travelling through Europe“ with two characters who had a journey through their friends’ country, discovering
new places and learning interesting things.
The project implementation and carrying out was not an easy task, but the results of the partnership and
its impact upon pupils, teachers and local community was noticeable. Beginning a cultural and informational
exchange, increasing awareness of being a good European citizen, improving the teaching style, acquiring new
modern methods, approaching an empathic relation between teachers and students, making parents more
sensitive regarding the negative effects of the unhygienic living conditions, bad food habits, disorganised
lifestyle upon menthal and phisical health of the family and trying to change the situation are just some
examples to ilustrate this matter.

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